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1200 calorie myth



  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Then I believe you have received the answer to your question. Since you've been here almost 2 years, I'm pretty sure you knew exactly what you would get when you posted this. If you don't want ALL the answers/opinions/facts - then just post this to your newsfeed and let your friends answer for you.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Does anyone really know where the "you have to eat 1200 calories a day or you are going to seriously harm yourself" come from? Because if you look at the RDA requirement for nutrients, and look at the caloric value for each, then it comes out to about 800 calories for women and about 900 calories for men. So even according to the RDA, you can eat well below 1200 calories and get your nutritional needs. That it is, of course, if you think the RDAs are valid. They are set by the Institute of Medicine, a part of the National Academy of Sciences.

    No being snarky here, I'm not suggesting everyone do this. People need to figure out for themselves what works. I just wonder why everyone screams that you MUST get 1200 calories a day or you are doing serious harm. Not necessarily.
    Huh? Where are you getting your DRIs from? Considering there isn't a stated DRI for fat, only percentage of calories, it would be impossible to calculate just using the DRI. Besides, Carbs = 520 calories just on its own, before you even factor in fat and protein.

    DRI are done based on body weight. You can't make blanket statements based on them.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Does anyone really know where the "you have to eat 1200 calories a day or you are going to seriously harm yourself" come from?
    I thought OP was asking about scientific sources that show 1200 as the minimum threshhold. Lots of people are jumping in on the "debate," some are reporting this to moderators, but no one has cited a study or journal article.

    Is there a scientific basis for this number? Or is this just bro-science? I'd like to know, since the 1200 figure is thrown around a lot on this site.
    It's the recommendation for women by the World Health Organization. 1500 is the minimum for men. The ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) recommends a minimum of 1200 for women, and 1800 for men.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    Since I am relatively new to MyFitnessPal, I thought that the 1200 calories suggested was personalized for me, taking into account my height, activity level, and weight? So am I to understand that 1200 is the suggest calories for everyone?
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Since I am relatively new to MyFitnessPal, I thought that the 1200 calories suggested was personalized for me, taking into account my height, activity level, and weight? So am I to understand that 1200 is the suggest calories for everyone?

    No. On MFP they use the information you input to calculate your calorie goal. However, MFP will not give anyone a calorie goal below 1200 - no matter how much you say you want to lose a week - because that is the recommended minimum, as stated above.
  • Ann1334
    Ann1334 Posts: 1
    This is an interesting topic i also wonder where the 1200 calories intake comes from. However base on my personal experience if I consume less than 1200 or even that figure and work out as well, my body feels very weak, my head and eyes hurt like hell. so I have to consume a little more to be active and well to do my work out. I guess for some persons like myself I need the 1200 calories anything less is suicide.

    Maybe we can do our own assessment and see the outcome then tell us what it is.........
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    Running Amok, that article http:///www.huffingtonpost.com/sophia-herbst/1200-calories_b_4816597.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000046 IS really good! Thanks for posting the link.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    And then there's the fact that people here act like it's always exactly1200. For everyone. A 6' man can eat 1200 calories even if it's not *advisable*, but if you're a 5' woman and you eat 1000 you're going to DIE OF MALNUTRITION RIGHT NOW BUT ALSO GET FAT BECAUSE YOUR BODY WILL GO INTO STARVATION MODE.
    I think it's all sort of personal and you just need to figure out what works for yourself and your body. The numbers are guidelines, but everyone's different and you have to do what feels best.



    She won't get fat, she'll get skinny BUT she can also die because that's way too low to get enough nutrients into her body.
    Yeah, I know. I was saying that people on here tend to throw around the "starvation mode" thing a lot. Thanks for the link :3
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    And then there's the fact that people here act like it's always exactly1200. For everyone. A 6' man can eat 1200 calories even if it's not *advisable*, but if you're a 5' woman and you eat 1000 you're going to DIE OF MALNUTRITION RIGHT NOW BUT ALSO GET FAT BECAUSE YOUR BODY WILL GO INTO STARVATION MODE.
    I think it's all sort of personal and you just need to figure out what works for yourself and your body. The numbers are guidelines, but everyone's different and you have to do what feels best.

    You're 19 years old. You should be eating to fuel your body - not to do what feels best. Read this link - I really hope it will help you to understand what you can do to get the healthy body you want.

  • Papaepic
    Papaepic Posts: 12 Member
    I believe RDA was developed in the 1950, pre WW2 as a rationing minimum for a 120 lb female. Which, to me means you can survive (probably short term) on 1200, but can't LIVE an 1200. I'll have to research to be sure though.
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    it's all in what you eat. my wife had gastric sleeve surgery and her doctor had her on a 600 calorie diet following which consisted of mostly protein. they wanted her on that for the first year. if i had elected for the surgery it wouldve been the same thing.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I started about 4 days using Myfitnesspa and since I want to lose weight, it told me I have to eat 1200 calories per day. Only yesterday I ate these 1200 calories and that's because I had chocolate too. Since I started the program I exercise daily. Usually 20-30 mins per day so supposedly I can eat more calories if I want. The 1200 program doesn't allow me to eat many fat foods but I can have a full breakfast and lunch and then a light dinner, plus fruits in between. So, I guess it's not that bad, right?

    try a month...or longer...4 days...I agree it isn't hard especially when you are on your willpower...

    I would also add that dietary fat is an essential macronutrient and when people don't get enough they jack their hormones up and then they're all like, "HALP....eating 900 calories per day and not losing....HALP!"
  • I think what would be helpful is seeing a registered nutritionist and find out what your BMI is and what is your current weight and height, they calculate what your calorie in-take should be. I agree with some of posts from the other members that you have to put into account that if your calorie in-take is too low it will affect your muscle, hair and energy.:huh: :
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    And then there's the fact that people here act like it's always exactly1200. For everyone. A 6' man can eat 1200 calories even if it's not *advisable*, but if you're a 5' woman and you eat 1000 you're going to DIE OF MALNUTRITION RIGHT NOW BUT ALSO GET FAT BECAUSE YOUR BODY WILL GO INTO STARVATION MODE.
    I think it's all sort of personal and you just need to figure out what works for yourself and your body. The numbers are guidelines, but everyone's different and you have to do what feels best.



    She won't get fat, she'll get skinny BUT she can also die because that's way too low to get enough nutrients into her body.

    No one has ever died of a diet of 1200 calories a day. I have worked since 1976 in the Nutrition field of Humanitarian Aid and the people who die ( starve to death ) usually do so because they eat 600 ( even 800 calories will maintain a body, marginally, but it is not too little to starve to death ) calories or less a day over a long period of time. Usually that starts at around 4.5 month for people with a normal starting weight and takes longer for people who are a bit heavier. Once the phase of organ failure starts, it still takes several weeks of great suffering for adults to succumb to this very low calorie diet
    WHO, UNICEF, The Hunger Project and many more aim to feed people in emergency or long term critical situations about 1000 calories a day of high nutrition food paste. This is a specially formulated paste full of nutrients that will not cause any adaptation problems ( because most people who have eaten so few calories over a long time cannot just start eating again ) and will fully nourish people. One must also keep in mind that in many cultures people just don't eat as much as people do in the US and often a standard diet in let's say Africa or India is around 1400 calories for women......and those are women who often do hard physical labor, like crushing rocks for construction, carrying water, fire wood or work in the fields.
    I agree that 1200 calories if not well planned and administered can lead to deficiencies ( especially in developed countries ), because there is not much space for empty calories. However in comparison with populations let's say in Africa or India those people are often better nourished on less calories than the average American, because their culture does not include processed foods, added sugar, soft drinks, alcohol.....all calories that while providing energy to run a body do not provide nutrition for health.
  • Yes, I agree. I run/jog/spin or powerwalk for an hour a day then walk at lunch. I would starve to death on 800 calories, not to mention your metabolism goes into starvation mode. My Doctor who is a real "granola" who is Vegan and doesn't eat wheat told me that 1200 calories for me is low enough.
  • not bad at all....the only thing i have been cautioned about from my doctor is that after logging in my daily exercise i should not eat the extra calories that mfp credits me for...i am also not tired lethargic depressed and my nails are growing and my hair isn't falling out....the best thing to do is find out what works for you and stick to it....for me,,, i have been on this 1200 calorie daily diet for 2 and 1/2 months... the weight is coming off slowly which is good for me because i am not getting the side effects mentioned above... i have lost a total of 15 pounds...20 more to meet my goal....so good luck...
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I believe RDA was developed in the 1950, pre WW2 as a rationing minimum for a 120 lb female. Which, to me means you can survive (probably short term) on 1200, but can't LIVE an 1200. I'll have to research to be sure though.

    The war stopped in 1945......so 1950 was not " pre-war "......
  • JenLakersFan
    JenLakersFan Posts: 26 Member

    So glad I came across your post here. Just read through that link, and I'm sure happy I did.
  • CrystalQ222
    CrystalQ222 Posts: 63 Member
    Anorexics eat about 800 calories a day and that seems to work out for them...

    But seriously, 2 year olds need 1,000-1,400 calories a day. I think a fully grown adult needs more food than a toddler in order to function.

    Actually a toddler needs more as they are more active than the average adult. They are constantly running, moving, playing and jumping. Most adults are stuck at a desk all day, traveling in their car or just running errands which doesn't burn as many calories. That's why kids need a lot of calories, they are crazy haha.
  • ...ever heard of BMR?
    The amount you burn resting doing absolutely nothing is around 1200. Therefore, if you eat less than this a day, you're just gonna have no energy at all, and risk having an eating disorder, becoming anorexic, etc.