Back on the Wagon - Insanity Fit Test

I'm back. I have been in the pre-contemplative state of change for far too long. Six ish months hiatus from the gym and all things healthy. But I'm BACK. Daily tracking starts now, Insanity day one- fit test starts now!! Anyone with me?


  • meowzers007
    meowzers007 Posts: 11 Member
    I just completed week 2 of Insanity! You got this :)

    I'm not sure how to post pictures of my results so far but I can tell a difference already!
  • shazzer26
    shazzer26 Posts: 7 Member
    Well, my numbers for the fit test were shameful. But I'm so stoked I did it. I even went to the gym after and worked on legs. I'll feel that tomorrow. Goal for tomorrow, day 2 before the kids get up!
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    Oh the pain of the fit test. lol

    I did Insanity a couple of winters ago. I think the first fit test was the worst of the worst. Hang in there!

    I can still be hatin' on Shaun T when he yells...ALRIGHT PEOPLE - LEVEL 1 DRILLS!
  • brieskie
    brieskie Posts: 33
    Hey I've just started insanity- on day three! Would love to connect with anyone going through it cause I can see it getting pretty intense!
    Hope day 2 was ok for you :)
  • shazzer26
    shazzer26 Posts: 7 Member
    Haha I did it about 3 years ago now. It was hell. But a good hell. The difference in 30 days alone was crazy. Here's hoping I can stick with it without making a bunch of excuses about being too busy!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome back to it!!!!

    I'm going with P90X3 Fit test tomorrow! eeek.

    You can do it!
  • fashi0nkilla
    fashi0nkilla Posts: 82 Member
    Tomorrow will be Day 8 for me.
  • shazzer26
    shazzer26 Posts: 7 Member
    Let's rock this guys!
  • meowzers007
    meowzers007 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm starting week 3 now! I weighed myself yesterday (rest day) and I've lost weight since I started! I can definitely see a change already in my body. I love the burn and I hate it! During week 2 I took off an extra day - cardio recovery. I was too sore! Hope everyone is staying on track!!
  • fashi0nkilla
    fashi0nkilla Posts: 82 Member
    ^^That is awesome that you've lost weight and able to see results.

    I my shoulders are little sore, but I feel good. I am so glad that I was able to do more walking pushups then last week.
  • shazzer26
    shazzer26 Posts: 7 Member
    Day 3 DONE. I love the feeling of being done. I can't help but weigh myself often, I need to break the habit but for me it helps to keep me accountable. I'm down a couple pounds, but I was sick as a dog before starting this new gym/insanity routine so I bet that helped ;)
  • ET1888
    ET1888 Posts: 2
    Hi, I've been the same joined this ages ago and that was about it, but now I'm back and determined as ever. I started insanity yesterday skipped fitness test as I've already done the insanity programme before with great results, but then I did barely anything apart from run for 6months.
    Are you also doing the shakeology? I won't be can't afford it.
    Well good luck with it, hoping I get some awesome results this time!