Heavy lifting and uplifted mood

I've done three days of heavy lifting over the past week and holy hell I feel AWESOME! Not only physically but emotionally. My mood has noticeably improved. Is this maybe entirely mental, like I'm doing something new and different and am just excited about getting stronger? Or does lifting heavy (5x5 and struggling at the last rep heavy) trigger something chemically/hormonally that would be causing this?

I've been lifting weights for years but either Bodypump (super high rep) or on my own with dumbbells doing anywhere from 12-20 reps and with more of a cardio/endurance component. I've felt great after those workouts but also a lot more drained as opposed to energized if that makes nah sense. Right now I just feel good but also energetic. Will that change maybe when I start getting heavier and heavier? Like I said I'm already struggling by the fifth rep, so that to me is right on for "lifting heavy."


  • jmslewis
    jmslewis Posts: 52 Member
    I don't have an answer for you since I just started heavy lifting myself this past week. I've done a total of 4 sessions of StrongLifts 5x5. I was actually wondering the same thing. I feel like I have more energy already. I find myself getting up earlier. Usually my husband lets me sleep in on weekends and he is up with the kids. Today, I told him to sleep him. He look confused and happy. lol I don't know if it's because I found something new I'm excited about, or if it's actually something mentally/physically occurring because of the heavy lifting. Something has definitely changed. Did you change your caloric intake? I've wondered about that being a possibility for me. I went from MyFitnessPal's 1200 calorie recommendation to TDEE-20%. That's about a 550 calorie difference, although I haven't been taking full advantage of it yet. Maybe eating +300-400 calories. Perhaps my body has more fuel so I have more energy. Could that be a possibility for you?
  • KateRVA
    KateRVA Posts: 13
    It could be that also, I have increased my calories since I started lifting heavy. I've also noticed a lot less binge cravings in the evening now that I'm eating more throughout the day. On Saturday I didn't eat much and let myself get too hungry and I ended up on a HUGE binge.
  • craigheon
    craigheon Posts: 167 Member
    I don't know for sure, but I think you could be on to something with the hormones in your body. It could be an increase in endorphins, which make us feel good!
  • Lifting is the best anti-depressant out there.....and it's free! It's supposedly the endorphins that are released while working out? I don't care, I know I feel better physically and mentally!