Looking for friends to motivate you?!



  • kirstoxx
    kirstoxx Posts: 6
    hi very new to this and quite excited by the looks of peoples success stories! constantly battling with weight and would really appreciate any friends to help motivate! xx
  • shanwak
    shanwak Posts: 13
    I'm in if anyone wants to add me! :happy: I really need someone to keep me motivated and work with.:flowerforyou:
  • lumpy56lump
    lumpy56lump Posts: 31 Member
    sure...anyone can feel free to add me!
  • TheVevina
    TheVevina Posts: 46 Member
    Fairly new to forums bu I log everyday and it'd be absolutely AMAZING to motivate eachother!! :D
  • Cool lets be friends! I can always use more motivation!
  • GohanJKA
    GohanJKA Posts: 66
    I log in everyday so anyone can feel free to add me.
  • Hey everyone! Like others here have mentioned, I've been on and off MFP for years. I've come back and working really hard to stick with it. I have a SERIOUS lack-of-motivation with exercising/working out. I'll find ANY excuse to not put on a sports bra and tennis shoes. I just need someone to more-or-less tell me what to do and NAG me, essentially. So feel free to add me, I log in daily and could use some motivation!
  • can use all the friends i need to help me get there:)
  • shannons_08
    shannons_08 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm always up for more MFP friends! Anyone can feel free to add me! :-)
  • Kekemia
    Kekemia Posts: 3
    Looking for friends to motivate me in my weightless journey!!!
    Whenever I am hungry I will look at this forum to keep my minds off temptations...lol

  • chubbymama2013
    chubbymama2013 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello my name is lucy and ive been trying to lose weight for sometime nowbi need as juch motivation I can get I need friend who always log in and keep up with this becausevim just tiredbof living tjis life style I wake up everyday wanting to changevmy body but for some reason I can not stay motivated imwanna feel good about my self as I get older not feel like im be at a even bigger health risk in the future plz feel free to add me.
  • alleycat41
    alleycat41 Posts: 19 Member
    hi I'm Alley..I'm new here just started on Friday ..I think..staying motivated,avoiding temptation, and having willpower are not my strong points..i tend to turn to food when life gets me stressed or emotional and I'm a mother so stress seems to be a constant in my life..I live in an area where I don't know anyone and have found myself becoming isolated and depressed...i could really use friends to help me stay motivated and help keep me on track.I don't really have a support system here at home so the support and encouragement would be appreciated.
  • scooter_23
    scooter_23 Posts: 7 Member
    I would love to have some motivation! Count me in
  • The more the better , count me in any feel free to add me
  • rideontechnology
    rideontechnology Posts: 54 Member
    Hi all! I am only a week in and have a lot to go. I would love the encouragement of some friends to keep up the steam! I also try to comment and like often. I'm on every day, so far. Let's motivate each other!
  • dreamlyes
    dreamlyes Posts: 8 Member
    Would love to make some new friends on here have been with myfitnesspal for over a year. I wasn't great at logging the past few months but back here trying to get past what I think is a plateau. I have been up and down within ten pounds for almost 9 months now.. I have more to lose and would love to have more friends.
  • kimcs08
    kimcs08 Posts: 1
    I just started and I hope to get a lot of motivation from people :) count me in too
  • Hi Everyone,

    I added this app quite a while ago but dabbled in it rather than actually being focused on it. I did lose over 14lbs with weightwatchers but put it all back on and I was planning on joining ww tomorrow but have decided to actually do this properly and throw in some exercise - I just need the support and it's nice knowing there are so many other's like myself trying to lose weight and/or eat healthy food.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Anyone can add me! Very active!
  • Hi I'm new to this and would love some friends for support!