Your thoughts on "Cheat" days

Hello everyone. This post is to get your thoughts and opinions on "Cheat days"
Lets say I workout 5 days a week and eat as clean as possible, would it be fine to have one hell of a cheat day once every 2 weeks and eat whatever I feel like eating ? Or do you think there's no point and it will make the process of loosing weight slower?
Any thoughts or ideas? Please share :D


  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    I haven't been super on track recently, but when I'm trucking along on my deficit and doing well with it, I normally take a cheat day at least once a week. I don't go super crazy with cheat days & usually still track them just because I like to know how much I actually ate, and because it keeps me from going too overboard with it. I personally don't like the idea of just eating whatever I want to eat without holding myself accountable because depending on what I'm eating, that could easily add up to thousands of calories and destroy the progress I had made the rest of the week.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Depends on how you do it. If you just eat tons of calories, it'll definitely make weight loss slower. It's all about your weekly average of calories, so if you're doing, say, a 400 calorie deficit for six days, and then eat an extra 2400 calories on your cheat day, you've eaten at maintenance for the week.

    Still, I'll do a cheat day every once in awhile even if I'm dropping weight- but I stay inside my calorie goal. I just ignore macros completely that day, and eat whatever I want within that caloric limit.
  • conquertheself
    conquertheself Posts: 91 Member
    Depends on how you do it. If you just eat tons of calories, it'll definitely make weight loss slower. It's all about your weekly average of calories, so if you're doing, say, a 400 calorie deficit for six days, and then eat an extra 2400 calories on your cheat day, you've eaten at maintenance for the week.

    Still, I'll do a cheat day every once in awhile even if I'm dropping weight- but I stay inside my calorie goal. I just ignore macros completely that day, and eat whatever I want within that caloric limit.

    Makes sense. I`d agree with you on this. I guess once in a while won`t hurt :) Or maybe going over the caloric limit by 500 - 700 calories shouldnt be so bad on that day.
  • conquertheself
    conquertheself Posts: 91 Member
    I haven't been super on track recently, but when I'm trucking along on my deficit and doing well with it, I normally take a cheat day at least once a week. I don't go super crazy with cheat days & usually still track them just because I like to know how much I actually ate, and because it keeps me from going too overboard with it. I personally don't like the idea of just eating whatever I want to eat without holding myself accountable because depending on what I'm eating, that could easily add up to thousands of calories and destroy the progress I had made the rest of the week.

    Yes definitely a good idea to still count what you eat but once a week is too much for a cheat day in my opinion well unless your not going way over your calorie goals in the day.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Sounds good to me the way you are talking about. Would pick the weekend to do that.. probably either Friday or Saturday and just get back to eating good things for the rest of the days. I do think things should be in moderation though. Guess it also depends on what YOU are going to eat on the cheat days too.
  • edisonsbulb
    edisonsbulb Posts: 93 Member
    I don't believe in cheat days. I believe in having a small serving of whatever it is that I'm craving on any given day, working out a little more before big splurges, and making up for any huge overages the next day by working harder at the gym. I can't allow myself to spiral out for an entire day because it triggers all my major cravings (sugar, fried food, etc.) and it makes me feel awful afterward. Too extreme for me.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    When I was trying to lose weight I took a break every ten pounds, not every week. I would eat at my maintenance for the weight I was at at that point for a few days to a week. Then I was ready to tackle the next ten pounds. It kept my sanity and resolution from going haywire.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    I don't really understand the reasoning behind a planned cheat day. Find an eating plan that you can sustain every day for the rest of your life. If you need to "cheat" then you haven't found a practical way to eat.

    What you're essentially describing is some sort of vaguely controlled binge/restrict cycle. I don't know why anyone would try and establish that sort of eating pattern if they could avoid it. Eat moderately and increase your exercise. No need to overcomplicate things.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I don't see anything wrong with it, but I personally don't "cheat." I don't like the negative connotations of the term. I'm not the kind of personality that needs rewards, punishments or the excitement of feeling like I'm "getting away with something," as a friend of mine describes treats and cheat meals.

    I eat what I want every day, so I don't have any forbidden foods to binge on or obsess about. I guess I don't feel the need to cheat. I prefer to think of days where I don't log (usually holidays or other events that make logging inconvenient) not as cheats, but rather as strategic choices. There's nothing wrong with taking a day off now and then, so why call it a cheat? But that's just me. I'm kinda literal. :flowerforyou:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I don't really understand the reasoning behind a planned cheat day. Find an eating plan that you can sustain every day for the rest of your life. If you need to "cheat" then you haven't found a practical way to eat.

    What you're essentially describing is some sort of vaguely controlled binge/restrict cycle. I don't know why anyone would try and establish that sort of eating pattern if they could avoid it. Eat moderately and increase your exercise. No need to overcomplicate things.

    Yes, I would have to agree with this.
  • DJtrvl
    DJtrvl Posts: 14 Member
    If I am feeling deprived of something or going out with friends, I try to plan a maintenance day not a cheat day. ie instead of eating at a deficit, eat at maintenance. This will not help you lose, but at least it won't sabotage your progress.
  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    I found out recently that cheat days, for me, turn into binge days. I can't be trusted! So no cheat days for me.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    Depends on the definition of cheat day, your current stats and your goals.

    Eating like crap because you forbid yourself from eating it the rest of the time and elimination your deficit from the rest of the week while you still have a lot to lose... maybe not the best idea. Try to find a better balance.

    Going over your calories, while still watching your macros and not eliminating you deficit while you are pretty lean and need to budge that little bit of fat sitting on top of your hard earned muscle... might be a good idea (but studies didn't proof it one or the other way)

    I personally did not do cheat days while I was stiull just losing (although of course every now and again there were borthdays and parties and things and I couldn't have cared less about counting) but now that I just came of a bulk and would like to keep my muscle while making it peek through more and put in some higher calorie days and hope they help
  • Lilly_the_Hillbilly
    Lilly_the_Hillbilly Posts: 914 Member
    I don't believe in cheat days. I believe in having a small serving of whatever it is that I'm craving on any given day, working out a little more before big splurges, and making up for any huge overages the next day by working harder at the gym. I can't allow myself to spiral out for an entire day because it triggers all my major cravings (sugar, fried food, etc.) and it makes me feel awful afterward. Too extreme for me.

    This is what I do. I try to eat now how I intend to be able to eat later. Which means the "bad" food just in smaller quantities.
    This is a life long change . Not just a temporary fix.
  • Hannahp1402
    Hannahp1402 Posts: 85 Member
    They don't work for me because as I don't have enough self control most of the time. I can resist completely but if I start I don't stop and its not a treat its more like eating everything in sight and it is not healthy. I understand why people do it and I think it can be beneficial if used in the right way :)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I find it a lot more practial and sustainable to work all the foods I want to eat into my calorie goal, so I hit my calorie goal on a regular basis without feeling deprived. I get to eat all the foods I want when I want, just in sensible portion sizes. and no worries whether having a day of eating all the foods I'd deprived myself of for an entire fortnight would undo my progress the rest of the week. I'm on a cut aiming to lose just 5lb of fat... my deficit is only 10% if that... a day of eating whatever could easily kill that deficit. Having one day where you plan to eat at maintenance can be a good strategy, and enable you to fit in something that's harder to fit in your calorie goal, e.g. a meal at a pizza restaurant, or similar. But I don't see the point of depriving myself of everything for a fortnight when I can work those things into my calorie goal and eat them while sticking with the programme, and then I don't need a cheat day.
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    They do not work for me personally. If I am really having a bad craving, I just eat whatever it is I am craving. Just not 2 or 3 servings of it! I try hard to fit it into my goal for the day. There are days I go over, but I would rather go over 500 one day, than to mindlessly eat what I want all day and go over by 2000. I think that habits are good, and so eating well regularly does better for me without throwing in that "offset cheat day" I need to stay focused on my long term goals.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
  • SecretDuck
    I have cheat meals, not cheat days. It's usually a big lunch maximum once a week where I can go to Wetherspoons, KFC, McDonalds...etc and enjoy myself. I sometimes have them if I really crave something but most of the time, I don't take them.
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
    There is nothing wrong with enjoying yourself every week. But dont go ape ****. The wife and I have done it, while losing weight, and on maitenence. Sanity goes a long way. Life is too short.

    We eat out or order in on Friday, for dinner and have snacks and watch TV, movies, etc. that night. We eat great (like we always do) all the other days including the day on Friday.. But we enjoy and look forward to our Friday nights. Hell even Saturday eveining we break out some snacks. But we dont Go crazy.... Funny... but we find we cant even eat that much on our "cheats". Both Physically but prolly more mentally.

    If it makes you feel better, throw in a workout on the same day. Give yourself more of a cushion.