Low calorie, filling snacks?

Aside from munching on celery and carrots...?

If you reach for a snack during the day, what's your easy go-to? I don't want to snack on chips or empty stuff like that, and I'd rather not feel hungry again 20min later either. So what do you all like that's not super high calorie but also keeps you from feeling hungry for while?


  • Lola2248
    Lola2248 Posts: 126 Member
    If I'm at home its easier.... carrot sticks and hummus, or peppers... some sort of veg. Also if I'm extra hungry I will do a low fat soup.

    As I would rather 4 smaller meals and not be hungry than to snack on low fat snacks and still eat lunch or dinner.

    Also, I am trying the whole - drink water when you are hungry. If still hungry half hour later, you are hungry so eat. if you aren't hungry half hour later - it was dehydration.
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    Don't know what you consider low cal... I opt for a protein or fiber bar. Banana, orange, apple, handful of nuts, peanut butter, cottage cheese, yogurt...
  • bunnypanther
    Fruit, seafood sticks, Ryvita and low fat soft cheese, carrot/celery/cucumber/pepper with salsa...crunchy stuff helps me as you have to chew for ages...
  • AviBZ
    AviBZ Posts: 23 Member
    Edemame. About 60 calories for a quarter cup snack. I like to eat the ones in the pod. It takes a little longer to eat them, and the pods give you a kind of visual cue. I find that I feel satisfied without eating very many. Very tasty.
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    I have two I reach for:

    1. Banana w/Peanut Butter (odd sounding but SOO Yummy) and I use Natural Peanut Butter - Jif Brand
    2. Plain Greek Yogurt sweetened w/honey & a berry of some sort - raspberries/strawberries, etc. This one takes some prep work as you mix the honey before adding the fruit but it's yummy!
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    I have been working on a list. I still have to narrow down portion sizes and I would pick a few a week.

    Black olives
    Laughing cow cheese wedge & crackers
    String cheese
    Hard boiled egg
    Cheese balls (yeah, I'm including these, they fit in my plan, maybe because it seems like I'm eating a lot but it's half air)
    Yogurt with a topping (chia seeds or fruit or something)
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    String cheese (or regular 1 oz serving of any cheese and a cup of low fat milk), greek yogurt, Dole fruit cups, nuts, melon, low fat cream cheese on low cal bread (toasted), hard boiled eggs, chips/salsa/guacamole, pickles, hard boiled eggs.. I pretty much will eat anything in a mini size portion and consider it a snack
  • Lisacare
    Lisacare Posts: 40 Member
    Turkey pepperoni cooked in the microwaver for about 45 seconds, until its very crispy but not burnt. This is occosional because it is high on the salt factor and has a bunch of preservatives. But way better than chips and has the same crunch and given it has protien it helps keep me fuller longer :smile:

    Cucumbers with white balsamic vinager sprinkled on them is amazing as well! :love:
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Starkist tuna to go Lunch pack. 200 cals.
  • RyanneRose
    RyanneRose Posts: 128 Member
    Thanks! Love the suggestions :) Greek yogurt with honey sounds great, and banana with peanut butter doesn't sound weird to me at all lol. Gotta look into tuna. Should get some fruit cups in anyway for my daughter.
  • biddy249
    biddy249 Posts: 76 Member
    healthy weight banana bread oat mill with fresh strawberries
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Salt free Rice cake with PB, 1/2 banana. Filling and delicious.
  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member
    I do an apple and 1 ounce of cheese. Some days I do brie and others I do Tillamook white cheddar with garlic.
  • NekoneMeowMixx
    NekoneMeowMixx Posts: 410 Member
    Not sure if you've heard of them, but Belvita makes these breakfast biscuits. I'm not completely sure on the nutrition facts, but they are *incredibly* filling. I usually eat two of the 4 in the crispy pack and I'm pretty sated for a couple of hours. Perfect breakfast to get the day started, or just as something to hold you over until you can get a decent meal in! My boyfriend's a bigger guy, and works 1st shift in a factory and they fill him up and give him lots of energy for the day! :)