Does my diet sound good?


My name is Achol and I want to get much fitter.
I am about 173cm tall and weigh about 88kg.
My first goal is 70kg and then 60kg.
That is subject to change as I do not know how I will look at those weights.
My diet so far is the following :

Breakfast : Oatmeal and honey

Snack : 1 handful of grapes

Lunch : A chicken sandwich with some mayo

Snack : Popcorn

Dinner : Something from lean cuisine or homemade (Pasta, rice, veggies and meat, soup etc etc)

I am not sure if this is a good diet but I think that it's good enough I think.
I always stay under 1, 500 calories a day.
If you could say what you think about this diet plan please be welcome!

Thank you!

(If this is in the wrong section you can move it as I am new I don't really know where!)


  • Spirittina
    Achol! that sounds fantastic! make sure the popcorn is popped with oil not butter ( or air popped in microwave)

    But what a brilliant start it all comes down to healthy eating its working for me!

    love you honey good luck remember i am here for u if u need :)
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    You'll probably get a bunch of crap on here about the lean cuisine but unless you retain water a lot then it'll be no issue. I'd suggest drink water when you do have a lean cuisine. I eat them all the time and it hasn't hurt my weight loss at all.

    Edit: this is because of the sodium content in frozen meals. And some people on here don't like too much salt
  • Veggie_Ankers
    It sounds good to me. But the only thing I'd advise to keep you on the right path is variety :) eating the same everyday will get boring eventually and it's easy to snack on the things you've been doing so well to avoid. So give yourself plenty of options and you should be fine :smile:
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    You're lacking in protein. I'd put some protein in your breakfast and at least one snack.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    well that doesn't sound bad for one day..maybe a little light on the protien.

    As well you just have to remember that it's not the type of food you eat it's the amount...
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    Don't add too much mayo cause it will raise your fat pretty fast . If you like mustard ...go for it cause it has nothing in's a flower!
    Raise a little bit your protein...adding more meat or cottage cheese,soy nuts,protein shake etc...this will help

    The rest is pretty good. Keep it up
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    It looks ok for one day, but if you were to eat this every day, you would quickly get bored and you'd be low on protein. Try and mix it up a bit.
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    I think you could do with more fruits, veg, protein and fat. Not enough nutrients in there. I don't know how that food is going to keep you going with so little fat and protein.

    You don't want to use polyunsaturated oil if you're eating popcorn either - oils are damaged at high heat and cause oxidative damage in the body. Coconut oil or butter are 2 of the best options.

    I think things like bread, corn and pasta offer very little apart from energy and actually prevent absorption of vital nutrients so I don't believe they have any place as a daily staple on any diet, but it's really up to you.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    well that doesn't sound bad for one day..maybe a little light on the protien.

    As well you just have to remember that it's not the type of food you eat it's the amount...

    ^^^^ this

    weigh your food and log it carefully and stay within your calorie goal, and you can include all kinds of different foods and still lose weight

    protein is essential for health and also keeps you feeling fuller for longer, so definitely include more protein

    also, don't fear fat. You have to weigh it very carefully as there are a lot of calories per gram, but your body needs fat, and it also helps you to feel fuller longer. Eat your mayo if you enjoy it, just weigh it, don't measure it by the teaspoon because the difference between one person's teaspoon of mayo and anothers could be more than 50 calories. Grams is much more accurate, which is most important for high calorie density foods.

    Aim to eat the kind of diet you could stick to for life and you'll have no trouble sticking to it for life and staying lean for life.