Can you still lose weight without exercise?


I am not talking about myself here in the whole because I exercise but less than before. I have finally come to the conclusion that I am not really losing weight anymore because I have cut down on exercise a lot. I was ill a couple of weeks ago and I was so ill I could hardly move and just slept all the time - the exercise has slowed since then = no weight loss. No excuses - I have been lazy the last couple of weeks which is my own fault but thought I may have lost even half a pound.

I enjoy exercising but I work 9-9 four days a week and have a 3 year old who I spend time with if she is awake when I come home then fall asleep, People say I dont have the motivation if I won't squeeze it in but I was a few months back and I felt tired and miserable all the time and I want to dedicate Friday Saturday and Sundays to exercising.

I know during the first few weeks you can lose without exercise but four months in is exercise necessary for weight loss ?



  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Exercise is not needed to lose weight, eating at a caloric deficit is all you need to lose weight.

    That being said, ewithout exercise your muscle mass will also take a hit with the weight loss, exercise will help prevent you from losing too much muscle.

    Eat at a caloric deficit, but exercise as well.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    Exercise is not needed to lose weight, eating at a caloric deficit is all you need to lose weight.

    That being said, ewithout exercise your muscle mass will also take a hit with the weight loss, exercise will help prevent you from losing too much muscle.

    Eat at a caloric deficit, but exercise as well.

    yep this^ because if you don't exercise you will be flabby with no muscle tone..something that has been termed "skinny fat" these days. You do not want that.
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    Exercise is not a requirement for weight loss, but rather health and maintenance. Many studies show that exercise doesn't help with weight loss, but does help in preventing weight gain. Of course it's a good way to increase your calorie deficit if you have trouble creating a deficit without cutting down on food, but I have found that my weight loss is more effective if I create a deficit with food alone or with food and exercise, rather than exercise alone.

    If weight loss has slowed, this can be for a number of reasons. You may have been creating ore of a deficit when you were exercising for one thing, or perhaps you are more sensitive to carbs and if you're eating high amounts and not exercising the weight will come off slower. There is also the fact that exercise can help prevent too much muscle loss when dieting too, but you have to remember that this applies to any type of activity. If you're working 12 hour shifts but are moving around a lot, this is not as bad as working for 12 hours at a desk job and then not getting any outside exercise either.

    Also, sometimes when you're doing a lot of exercise and weight loss slows, taking a break and then re-starting your workouts can help get weight loss moving again.
  • Richardson62617
    Richardson62617 Posts: 69 Member
    I only basically walk and I have lost 64 pounds but its really starting to slow down so I am really going to have to pick up the pace and start something else to get these last 22 pounds off
  • Hannahp1402
    Hannahp1402 Posts: 85 Member
    So when I see all these post about work outs its for health and fun and just an 'aid' to weight loss?
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    So when I see all these post about work outs its for health and fun and just an 'aid' to weight loss?

    Well, many things "aid" weight loss. But yes, in the long run, exercise alone isn't a big decider on whether or not you lose weight unless you're doing large amounts of it as it doesn't burn as many calories as it feels like and many people find that the more exercise they do the hungrier they get and they tend to compensate by eating more and this is why meal planning is important.

    You can definitely lose weight without exercising, but it can give it a boost by keeping muscle in tact, reducing stress, increasing insulin sensitivity, expending a few extra cals and keeping you healthy.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    So when I see all these post about work outs its for health and fun and just an 'aid' to weight loss?
    yep, pretty much the saying lose weight in the kitchen and get fit in the gym applies here. It helps to add the calories burnt from exercise to your daily deficit of course. But it can be done but its not recommended
  • ssbmacdaddy
    ssbmacdaddy Posts: 124 Member
    Proper exercise and rest will improve the way u feel. It will release endorphins- and it will reduce injury from day to day activities. Your immune system will also work better. Just listen to your body and don't overdo it
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    yes you can as long as you are on a healthy diet. exercising just makes weight loss faster plus it makes you stronger
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    In my experience, there's no way to look freakin' awesome without exercise.
  • wilsonmadison09
    Exercise is not needed to lose weight. You must maintain your calories that you everyday take.
  • chelesucre
    chelesucre Posts: 2 Member
    Walking seems to be the only exercise I can do because of health restrictions, also can't walk often but it seems to help.
  • smanning1982
    smanning1982 Posts: 210 Member
    I lose when I don't exercise. As long as I eat at a deficit. When I exercise I eat half my exercise calories back and usually lose the same, maybe a tad more on the weeks I do exercise. I exercise because I don't want to lose what little muscle mass I currently have, and so when all the weight comes off I will look toned and tight, not flabby.

    For instance, last week I did not excercise once. I had a nasty infection on my leg that basically left a whole, yeah TMI sorry, but it was really painful and I could barely move. I even took a long nap 4 days because it hurt so badly. I still lost 1.8 pounds last week :D
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    You lose weight by eating in a calorie deficit.
    Exercise gives you other benefits and can increase your deficit but is not necessary for weight loss.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I have lost 16 lbs the past 3 weeks with no exercise or supplements or anything of the sort.

    I have even enjoyed pizza, wings, frappies and such during that time.

    On the Alternate Day Fasting and so far it was been amazing.

    What I have been doing is for 24 hours I fast. Next 24 hours I eat near my maitain weight. Sometimes I am even finding it hard to GET to those calories as I feel fulfilled.


    Fast mon-wed-fri.

    Been working wonders.
  • anellisisland
    anellisisland Posts: 6 Member
    I personally can't, but that's because I enjoy eating. I use exercise as a way to eat the foods I want in moderation and still stay below my calorie goal.

    Also, I agree with PP that you can't get a "ripped" look without lots of exercise.
  • lhevan
    lhevan Posts: 12
    I have began eating at a deficit without exercise. Eventually I will incorporate exercise because I do not want to be skinny fat but exercise is definitely not needed to lose weight. You'll look good in clothing but look horrible naked without exercise.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Sure, you can lose without working out. As long as your eating at a deficit. But I think exercise is important for reasons other then weight loss.