Sore Knee When Squatting

janeeny Posts: 25 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise

I started exercising last year. About September last year i started getting a pain in my knee when doing squats & similar exercises.

I have stopped exercising since november due to pulled tendon in foot.

I got kinect for xbox yesterday & played 3games on Kinect Adventures & the pain has came back. It came back when i had 2 jump.

Not sure how to fix this.

Will i need to get a support bandage while playing it/exercising or would you suggest going to docs?

Would love to hear from anyone who has had this problem & have been able to fix it


  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    Make sure your form is good. Make sure your knees dont go out past your toes they should be on top of your toes always. :)
  • cmw9696
    cmw9696 Posts: 123
    I wear knee/patella wraps when I work out for a similar sounding problem...I dint think it could hurt... But if it continues or worsens, I would get it checked. Could be over-use, form, lack of muscle tissue, a tear or strain...anything. Be careful...
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 320 Member
    I do have bad knees.....squatting is really tough for me and my knees are sore for days afterwards! BUT, I would suggest you see a doctor. I saw a doctor years ago, who confirmed that I have condromalacia (issues with cartilage in the knee joint). So, when I do stress my knees and they ache, I don't worry so much....But if you haven't seen anyone about the injury, you should!
  • janeeny
    janeeny Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for your replies.

    I have spoke to my friend who is currently studying sports & fitness. He said that its probably due to having weak quad muscles.

    I am going to try & strenthen them up with some exercises first as the only time i get pain is when im doing squats.

    If it doesnt get better then i will go to doctors :)
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    So So SO Many people do squats and lunges WRONG! They may have knee pain before or after. Remember Knee behind the toes and over your heels. Sit back do not lean forward. THis is coming from a Proessional and someone who has a really bad Right knee and a bad left knee. Doing them right you should not have a problem. Also you dont have to go as deep in the move if you can not. Remember Form is Key and if you asked my clients I am a drill sargent when it comes to form. I will make you do it over and over till you get the form down. If your form is off you can hurt or injure yourself. Plus almost all my clients have or have had knee problems.

    Doing the exercises correct will help strengthen the muscles that surround the knees and give them more support
  • jt0505
    jt0505 Posts: 2 Member
    I've had the same problem in the past and it's always been from jacked up form. The best way I've found to keep from leaning forward has been to try to keep my toes pointed up throughout the squat and try to "drive" the weight through my heels into the floor.
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