Finally saying Hello..........................

Hello everyone....I have been using MFP for about 2 weeks now. I started justing using it to keep track of my calories.........and I would read all the posts. I finally decided to say hi!! I am a working mother. I have four girls ranging from 14 to 4. I have always told myself that as long as my weight did not affect my overall health I would not worry about it. I blood pressure is getting high, I am having female issues caused by my I am holding true to what I always told's time to lose the weight that is now affecting my health. It is a real kick in the gut, when your doctor tells you he is going to put you on medicine to help you control you eatting!!! I did not even ask for them...but he could see that the weight was a real problem!!! So, I am taking the pills...every other day....and they do help!!! I find myself not as hunger as I had been...I am able to eat healthier........and once I am off the pills...I hope my habits have changed and my stomach is smaller!!!

I refuse to call it a diet....because if you say the word diet.......I want to go and eat everything in sight!! So, I am making a lifestyle change. I can not exercise hard core...until after the first of the year.....after surgery!!! Once I recover...I plan start in motion my lifestyle change where exercise is concerned!!!

I took my weight from the doctor's office as my beginning weight here on MFP. I am so embarrassed by how much it was!!! It grosses me out!! So, for the first time in my life.....I bought myself a really nice scale from Sears...called the doctor's scale. I was disappointed when I weight myself last night.......I was 16 pounds lighter than I was at the doctor's office!! I did not know there could be that much different between scales. So, since I want to hold myself accountable so to be able to weight myself....I changed my weight to match my new scale!!! I know I have lost some since starting two weeks ago.....but I don't think it has been 16 pounds. But I will take any encouragement I can get!!!!
So, far....I have keep my calorie intake at 1,100 to 1,400 daily..........and the program says I am not eatting enough......but this time I am not listening to the program...I am listening to my body!! The pills are helping and the program does not take that in to consideration!!! I have increased my water intake from ZERO to 64oz......and even more!!! I still have a diet coke in the morning......that's hard to give up!!! So......thanks for reading!!!

So, there I am in a nutshell......I wish everyone success with whatever they do!!!!! And who knows....maybe I will post again!!!


  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    Welcome Angie! Glad to see that you stayed true to what you said, if it bacame a health issue, you would try to loose it! Thats what hit home for me. I have been large all of my life. I was the 10 year old girl in school with "boobs". Dumb boys! It was FAT!! I was obese by age 14, and have been ever since then, until finding MFP back in March. I started here with a hernia, my second one, and border line high blood pressure. Needless to say my cholesterol level was off the charts. Well, now, 9 months later and 90 lbs gone, my blood pressure is where it should be, my cholestrol level also, and I never took the first pill! I had my hernia surgery in September, and dag nabbit, got another one. Shows the doctor isn't always right! He said if I could get under the obese line I wouldn't have that issue. I was 10lbs under obese when I had the surgery 9/27, and right back in surgery 10/13 with another one. So far so good, no more! I am a truck driver, so I have to keep my health in check to pass a DOT physical. This place works if you let it, follow it, and listen to the people here. I COULD NOT have done it if not for the support of my friends here! They keep me in check and going! Please accept my friend request and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Dannnnnng I want to step on that scale of yours :happy: hehe
    Welcome to MFP! It's SO great...I hope that you get all the encouragement & support that you need! It makes all the difference in the world! Best of luck to you in your weightloss journey & new lifestyle!
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I have found a great source of information and support over the last few months. I am not a nutrition expert, but I might suggest that you discuss your daily calorie goals with your doctor. If you go too low on a daily basis, it can actually be counter-productive. Again, don't take my advice, but I would come up with a plan on that front and stick to it pretty closely.

    I have been pleased with the goals that MFP calculated for me that were designed to lose 0.5-1.0 lb per week.

    One last thing that I like about MFP is that it lets you focus on today, a single day, with goals for that day. You can keep from being distracted by big numbers on the scales, your feelings about those numbers, and how large your "goal" seems. Focusing on a single day seems achievable, you can take pride in your daily successes, and move toward your goals. Might not be that way for everybody, but this has been a big help to me.

  • fasttrack27
    Hello, and welcome! I'm rather new here too and finding its kind of addicting! Anyways, thanks for sharing your journey and hopefully we can all help you keep at it!

    BTW, our scale is different from the doctors too, and the one at the gym is different yet. So I'd just pick one and go with it. I dont think the actual # is as important in the CHANGE in the #'s as you progress.