Can someone tell me how many calories I should eat?

Hi guys,

I tried to do the TDEE (whatever it's called) but I don't know if I did it right. Can anyone do it for me?

I am 181 pounds and 5 foot 4 inches. I am trying to lose weight but also gain muscle.

Also, I am doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution 30-35 minutes a day. Monday/Wed. I do Powerwalking class (45 minutes) for school. Sometimes we use weights, sometimes not. Mondays I will do BR with Powerwalking but on Wed. I can't do BR in the morning because I have meetings to go to.

So everyday but Monday I do around 30-45 minutes of exercise. Monday I do about 70-75 minutes.

Thanks in advance!

If you need anymore information, just ask me! I am not shy in telling you :)

My diary should be open but I will check if the public can see it. I haven't been eating very well this week...and need a new fresh start tomorrow.


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I don't know how old you are and that does affect the calculation.
    Based on what you said about exercise, you do a little over 4hrs a week.

    So using the calculator here:

    I just used my age to get the numbers (I'm 24), your numbers will be slightly different if you are younger or older than me:

    Calories to Maintain (based on 4hrs a week exercise): 2416
    Calories to Lose (10% cut): 2175 (approx 0.5lb loss per week)
    Calories to Lose (15% cut): 2054 (approx 0.7lb loss per week)
    Calories to Lose (20% cut): 1933 (approx 1lb loss per week)
  • SweetieMelissa
    SweetieMelissa Posts: 68 Member
    I am 19 years old. :)

  • lift_your_life
    lift_your_life Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there,

    In order to lose weight, you need to build strong and lean muscle so you can burn more calories and lose the fat from the body. Muscle formation/gain is achieved mainly with weights training. DONT be afraid to lift weight. WOMEN NEVER bulk up unless they take bad stuff like steroids or something. So, eat lots of protein and do strength training with alternating days with cardio. But, the key to losing weight is STRENGTH TRAINING. If you do just cardio, you will not gain much muscle, intact you will become lean but you will also lose muscle. Go online and search for 'how many calories (that includes protein and carbs intake as well on few sites) do you need per day" to lose weight. You will definitely find many tools there.

    Hope this helps.
  • SweetieMelissa
    SweetieMelissa Posts: 68 Member
    It says to eat 2080 calories?
    I don't understand.

    Your Daily Calorie Requirements
    Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)1677
    Daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE) 2600
    Daily calories based on goal in step 6 2080

    I really should try eating that much healthy to lose weight?
    Hi there,

    In order to lose weight, you need to build strong and lean muscle so you can burn more calories and lose the fat from the body. Muscle formation/gain is achieved mainly with weights training. DONT be afraid to lift weight. WOMEN NEVER bulk up unless they take bad stuff like steroids or something. So, eat lots of protein and do strength training with alternating days with cardio. But, the key to losing weight is STRENGTH TRAINING. If you do just cardio, you will not gain much muscle, intact you will become lean but you will also lose muscle. Go online and search for 'how many calories (that includes protein and carbs intake as well on few sites) do you need per day" to lose weight. You will definitely find many tools there.

    Hope this helps.

    HI! Thanks. BR is sort of a strength training as we do a lot of weights. I am having success but I still want better results. That's why I asked how much calories to eat. :D
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    About 2400 calories should hold your weight, if you're as active as you describe.

    Eating 1900 should lose 1 lb/week if the above is true. As you're obese 1 lb/week should be fine, you could shoot for a bit more with a lower food intake if you're happy with that.
  • SweetieMelissa
    SweetieMelissa Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks everyone for the reply. I am going to try to eat at least 1600-1900 starting tomorrow. I will try this for a week and see what happens :)
  • carrieg20
    carrieg20 Posts: 10 Member
    From the Insanity Guide:
    655+ (4.35* weight in pounds) + (4.7* height in inches) + (4.7* age)
    Multiple by:
    1.2 for no exercise
    1.375 for 1-3 days of light exercise
    1.55 for 3-5 days of moderate exercise
    1.7 for 6-7 days of hard exercise
    1.9 for hard daily exercise
    Then minus 500 to lose weight.

    For you:
    655+ (4.35*181) + (4.7*64) + (4.7*19) = 1832*1.55= 2840-500= 2300 cal per day

    Mine is suppose to be 2500 per day but I fine that is to much. I stick to 1500 per day and any exercise calories I gain for the day.
  • SweetieMelissa
    SweetieMelissa Posts: 68 Member
    It seems like upping my calories (and eating healthy, not the horrible hamburgers I had this week) is the way to go! Thanks so much guys :)
  • changinmilife4gud
    changinmilife4gud Posts: 3 Member
    I am 23 and it tells me 1,730 calories. I dont know if thats right. who ever reads this can you help me too.
  • lift_your_life
    lift_your_life Posts: 11 Member
    Yes, definitely you should be eating good calories like Avocado's and small potatoes in your diet to keep the good carbs and keep you full. The suggested 2000+ calories per day should be good and you should burn around approximately 3500 calories per week to lose 1lb per week. eat good good, and exercise hard to get down at least 500 calories deficit in your food. that will not only make you feel full and not hungry but also fit and happy :) good luck..cheers!
  • lift_your_life
    lift_your_life Posts: 11 Member
    So, for people looking to calculate approximate daily calorie intake for either maintenance or fat loss or extreme fat loss, here is a link to calculate it: ( NOTE: I train with a trainer and the amount of calories suggested to me by my trainer is exactly the same as in this calculator showed. So, you can definitely rely on this site)

    Then - next step - go to the below link here to calculate how many grams of protein carbs and fat you need to eat on daily basis to stick to the calorie mark that suits you. here:

    As you already know, in MyFitnessPal, you can edit your goals and set them to specific protein carb and fat percentages and then keep monitoring your food.

    Hope this clears all your questions :)