Period Weight Gain?



  • KudraM
    KudraM Posts: 73 Member
    Yes and the cravings are awful. I usually have 1-3 lbs of water gain and have to really try not to pig out. I also refuse to weigh myself those days even if it falls on a weigh in day. Too stressful. This too shall pass ;)
  • jrwilliams124
    jrwilliams124 Posts: 38 Member
    always! I go up about 3-5lbs the week of my period, but then it will go right back down when its over. I hate it! I'm also STARVING the week before my period which doesn't help.

    This is exactly me too!
  • Fit4LifeNMalv
    Fit4LifeNMalv Posts: 3 Member
    This is so very normal everyone. I have gained 7 lbs right before my period and then been 7 lbs lighter a week later. This is what makes a woman's body so fascinating! (Among many other things!) The water weight is the body's protective mechanism at work. Your body is expecting to lose fluids over the next 3-7 days with your period so it retains the water to prevent a substantial shift in your fluid levels and avoid dehydration. This is the same concept as when a woman is pregnant and doubles blood volume and water retention due to the impending delivery and expected loss of blood. It's truly amazing what we can do so don't stress ladies! Lets be happy our bodies work well to keep us healthy!