i'm ready to change my life

hello all, i am here because i'm finally ready to stop with the excuses, and my favorite line is "i'll start next monday" i want to start today. i don't have a particular weight set in mind, i just want to be healthy. i have a gym membership, i have these months where i will go to the gym 4-5 days a week but i don't see any results so i just give up. i don't want to give up anymore. i tried changing my diet which is where i think i need the most heli do love fruits and most vegetables though. i just need some guidance. if anyone can help me i would greatly appreciate it


  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Congrats! Today is day 1 of the rest of your life. Keep going!!!! You CAN do it! We are here to help
  • scuttlez
    scuttlez Posts: 51
    Aw congrats! If you need someone to talk to or anything, holler. I'm back in this game for a week now. ;) Just don't give up!!
  • usmcj80
    usmcj80 Posts: 58
    Congratulations. The easiest thing I would say you can do to keep going is to find an easy routine that has a mix of weight lifting and cardio that you can do at least 3 times a week. Track your food and exercise honestly and be patient. You didn't get to where you are now in a few months so it will take time to get to where you want in a healthy manner. Good Luck and to you adn again congrats
  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    You need to think of this as a lifestyle change rather than a diet. Theres no need to restart a lifestyle next Monday. Just eat whole foods and exercise for at least 30 minutes daily. It can be anything walking, running, cycling, swimming, strength training, list goes on. Just move at a moderate or high intensity pace 30 minutes a day and eat foods that come from nature. Dont eat processed foods like cookies, crackers, chips. If it didn't come from the ground of have a mother, dont eat it and youll be healthy! You're not going to see a cheeto in the wild haha.
  • 197Kiki
    197Kiki Posts: 129
    Good for you! Just find some healthy recipes! I use pinterest or skinnytaste website to find mine. They are so many different ones. Just make sure you change up the food or if you're like me you'll get bored.. Stick with the mindset of how good you feel when you eat healthy and work out. That's helped me a lot

    Good luck to you!
  • nicolex86
    nicolex86 Posts: 19
    thank you everyone so much! i really appreciate all the positive feedback
  • Boom_Balatty
    Boom_Balatty Posts: 8 Member
    There is no grand epiphany, or sudden realization to be found that will lead you to effortless success. The only thing offered in this community is support for you to find the strength to take the first step along the golden path. It's a path that has no real destination, as it's a path to be walked for life, and one that must be wandered even when the terrain is harsh and the weather unforgiving.

    Fortunately, for all of it's trials, it's a path you need not walk alone.

    If you're looking for people that are serious about being/needing support, you've come to the right place. If your diary is open to friends, feel free to add me. I attempt to be inspiring and inspired by the commitment of other people on here daily.

    For whatever most people know of their weaknesses, they are wholly ignorant of their strengths. You've found the right place to become informed, regardless of the nature of the introspection you currently find yourself wanting.

    Welcome, and best of luck in finding your footing!

  • petefromguelph
    petefromguelph Posts: 84 Member
    You can absolutely do this! Just remember, it is NOT easy and you will not notice huge changes overnight. You cannot expect to lose "30 lbs in 2 months" or any other crazy claim, nor should you want to. Think of this journey as building a new relationship with food. Enjoy every step, delight in your upcoming physical changes and don't get down if you gain a pound. Its a journey, and the journey is half the fun. Good luck and hang in there! You can DEFINITELY achieve your goal!