New to lifting looking for routine advice.

I'm a 35 year old male, 5ft 11in 142 lbs who just started lifting and bulking. I don't wish to go to a gym but I have a weight bench, a pair of Bowflex adjustable dumbbells and a physioball. I just started lifting/bulking a few days ago and these are the routines I've done so far:

Upper Body-

Lower Body-

Upper and Lower Back-

Abs -

I was thinking of a routine like this:

Monday: Abs/Back
Tuesday: Upper Body
Wednesday: Lower Body/30 mins Cardio
Friday: 30 mins Cardio
Saturday: Upper Body
Sunday: Legs/Cardio

My legs are rather muscled already from doing 45 minute sessions of cardio almost every day for a year, always room for improvement though.

The Upper and Lower body workouts felt really good after though I wonder if I should work flys into the Upper Body workout? (maybe with the chest press and the rows?)

I just did the Back set the first time today and it feels pretty good so far, I'll know better in the morning.

The Abs set I haven't done yet, I was planning on doing it today as well but I wanted to feel what muscles are sore tomorrow to see where the Back set hit me.

Any advice on my routine, schedule, ANYTHING would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance!


  • shanecrabtree1
    If you are trying to bulk up and add on muscle try this. No cardio. All lifting. Hit every muscle group twice in a week. 6 days on then 1 rest day. But here is where it gets fun... I want you to turn your lift into an all out super-set party. Every exercise is done in a super set with another exercise. 60 seconds of rest between each S.S. Go real hard! You wont need cardio. Also make sure you eat before and right after this workout. Get 8 hours of sleep every night.

    Mon. Leg Day and abs
    Tues. Chest and Back and abs
    Wed. Arms and shoulders
    Thurs. Leg Day and abs
    Fri. Chest and Back
    Sat. Arms and Shoulders
    Sun. Chill out Prepare meals for the week.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    If you are trying to bulk up and add on muscle try this. No cardio. All lifting. Hit every muscle group twice in a week. 6 days on then 1 rest day. But here is where it gets fun... I want you to turn your lift into an all out super-set party. Every exercise is done in a super set with another exercise. 60 seconds of rest between each S.S. Go real hard! You wont need cardio. Also make sure you eat before and right after this workout. Get 8 hours of sleep every night.

    Mon. Leg Day and abs
    Tues. Chest and Back and abs
    Wed. Arms and shoulders
    Thurs. Leg Day and abs
    Fri. Chest and Back
    Sat. Arms and Shoulders
    Sun. Chill out Prepare meals for the week.

    im no lifting guru but wouldnt it be better to do chest and tri's on tues/fri and back and biceps on wednesday/saturday as the work outs for chest help tri's and back excercises work the bi's.
  • Psylas
    Psylas Posts: 3 Member
    Pick your poison. Both can be done with a barbell and dumbell set.
    ICF 5x5
    Riptoes Starting Strength
  • kliffoth
    kliffoth Posts: 29
    I've been looking for ways to effectively do 5x5 or SS with dumbbells and can't find anything conclusive.

    I was checking out this routine and it looks pretty good for one such as myself. I'm not looking to get huge, I've just never had much upper body strength and I'm looking for solid steady improvement. I'd rather be mid-size muscular than uber-buff. Here's a link:

    Why should I cut out cardio completely? I know I have to eat back the calories to bulk but doesn't it maintain cardiovascular fitness? I was thinking of doing cardio with the above linked routine on the off days.

    Thanks again, anticipating more advice.