I fell off track last week, and today. Now what?

This past week has been a rough week for me. Full of unhealthy choices (my worst binges I have ever experienced), this past week, including today has been among my worst. I have indulged too much, and I need to get back on track. I need motivation! Today was awful and I am still stuffed to the brim! I am at my goal weight, but may gain if this doesn't stop. Please give me some tips and motivational support. today I had a bowl of honey bunches of oats for breakfast. Lunch was some ham and cheese, a clementine, and some nuts, and then when I got home I fell apart. 5 fudge covered shortbread cookies, and tons of oreos (atleast 20+). I have to stop and I need some motivation. I am 6 foot, and around 140 pounds. I lost around 20 pounds to get here, and I need to stop. Advice?


  • ashleyrose90
    ashleyrose90 Posts: 71 Member
    We all have those weeks.. my first suggestion get rid of the temptations in the house.. Any junk food that you want to eat throw it out. Or if you live with people who like that stuff get them to hide it in places you won't find it right away. Even getting it out of the kitchen helps with the temptation when you're looking for something to eat. Fill the fridge with lots of fresh fruit and veggies.. and the cupboards with nuts and other healthy stuff :)
    You'll get passed this!
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    Dust yourself off and get back on the horse. I suffered from binge eating for 20 years. I don't do it hardly at all now. Do you know the reasons you binge? It's about what is eating you, I would gently suggest.

    Binge eating destroys the fabric of our self esteem. The only thing I can suggest is perhaps find ways to deal with the reasons you binge. Stress? Maybe take a walk? or write in a journal? Talk to a friend?

    I'm suggesting this since you talked about the word binge. If I'm way off base, my apologies. Either way you can just simply start over right now.
  • zivasak
    zivasak Posts: 88
    No worries! You can always get back on track. I would say plan your meals in advance and make sure they are balanced and nutritious.

    I personally used to be ravenous after work when swinging it for breakfast and lunch.

    EDIT: what's with the MFP spellchecker?
  • KaHam6
    KaHam6 Posts: 36
    You're not alone, we all fall off! A good grocery store trip with all my favorite healthy low calorie choices always helps me get motivated to start again.

  • 1948sixty
    1948sixty Posts: 24 Member
    Now you start again. Some simple things to do: 1. Track every bite here. Pre-tracking can be very useful. 2. Have protein at every meal to keep you feeling satisfied, may help in stopping the endless snacking. I make a protein smoothie for breakfast and it keeps me satisfied til lunch. 3. Dramatically increase the amt of water you are drinking...will help give you a "full" feeling plus will help flush out all those toxins. Make right now a recommitted new start...stay positive.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Every day is a new day. It does no good to go on a self-induced guilt trip. But it is a good idea to reflect on what happened to cause this and try to rearrange your life so that it is less likely to happen again. Maybe you are like me. . . I have to eat small, frequent meals all day to prevent hunger in the late afternoon. Look back at your food diary and see if you can figure out what causes you to lose control late in the day.

    And as other posters have said, get everything out of your house that isn't on your food plan. I can't do too serious harm here at my house because everything here is part of the plan and pre-portioned into snack bags or meal containers.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    Given your height and gender, your weight is very low already.
  • winley87
    winley87 Posts: 32
    Girl I feel you. And I agree you need to figure out what's causing you to binge. Usually it's an emotional thing, but it could also be hunger. Sounds like you didn't eat all that much throughout the day. When I come home ravenous I will eat anything that comes near me, and then I binge because I feel guilty that I ate something sugary or carby or calorie-dense instead of whatever healthy thing I planned to eat when I was not blind with hunger.

    Congrats on your weight loss, that's an amazing achievement. You know you have the will power and the know-how to get to your goal. Now you just need to use the same tools to stay where you are. One week won't ruin what you've worked for as long as you get back on track. Don't let one week turn into one month. You can do it!
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    You're 18 years old, 6 feet tall and 140 pounds.

    Why are you still trying to lose weight? You lost 20 pounds. Try switching your view to fitness goals - that will help you get your eating under control, because you need to eat properly throughout the day in order to fuel yourself. You might be binging because you're not eating enough. Your body is telling you something!
  • mistiblake08
    mistiblake08 Posts: 80 Member
    I had a bad weekend. But all you can do is say 'there's always tomorrow' and get back up on that horse. We all have days like that. We just gotta keep trudging forward.
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    Thank you everyone! Your words are so kind and encouraging! Just something about sugary foods (cookies, cake, ice cream) are so addicting! But I really think I can do it!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You are MALE, 6 foot and only 140 Ibs??
    What do you expect to happen.
    You are underweight. Your body is most likely fighting to grab back some sustenance.
  • nicpare
    nicpare Posts: 15
    Hmmm a 6' tall man ideal weight is 178 pounds (+/- 10%)
    Not that eating 20 Oreo cookies is a good idea-- Is it possible that you suffer from an eating disorder?
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