Insanity- Help!

Hi there,
I've just decided to take the INSANITY challenge.. and I am looking for some people to help me along the way. I don't mind how far you are through, but it would be so helpful to have other people who are going through this. I've told all the girls at work I'm doing it- so now I better stick at it!

I've just completed day two.. urgh! So I have a long way to go!
I hope to also do my 3 gym classes a week (not sure if this is going to be realistic).

Tips, advice, support etc are so welcome.

I've just bought protein powder for the first time, is there anything else I should get?
Would you recommend a HRM?

Also- most importantly- if you've started how is it going? Are you managing it? Are you noticing a change in your body?

Looking forward to joining with people going through this!


  • darrinotoole
    darrinotoole Posts: 24 Member
    First off congratulations for beginning Insanity!It's a damn tough program!

    I've just finished week 5, and my wife is just beginning it. I'm down 3 stone in weight in the 5 weeks!

    I'd recommend getting some good footwear, as it really is a high impact program on the lower body.

    Also follow the diet or at least the calorie recommendations.

    Just keep pressing play and give it everything you can.
  • Roz2889
    Roz2889 Posts: 71 Member
    Congrats for starting! I completed Insanity in autumn last year and now going through it again, I'm currently half way through week 2.

    I would just say don't expect results from the start. I think that might cause a lot of people to quit because they don't instantly lose weight. For most people you won't see much after month 1. Some even gain a little bit of weight. But be patient because month 2 is where you will start seeing results. I think it was about halfway through month 2 that I suddenly dropped the weight.

    Also fairly crucial is following the food guide. I think another mistake people make (myself included at the start) is not eating enough calories. They calculate what they should eat per the nutrition guide and think it's too high so eat much lower. I only started seeing results when I increased my calorie intake to at least 1750 a day.

    Feel free to ask more questions and good luck!
  • sklocker
    sklocker Posts: 11
    I agree- it is tough to think you need to eat all the calories it recommends. I just started week 5- haven't lost any weight but see changes in my tone. Hoping that month 2 brings good results. My eating hasn't been perfect but not horrible. Always room for improvement. I have not been eating more than about 1500 cals.