Would you recommend P90X3?

Have you tried P90X3? If so, I'd love to get your feedback before I buy it.

Here's my story:
We bought P90X a few years ago. I started it but I was never able to finish the program (hubby has done it twice!). My biggest challenge was fitting the workouts into my day/schedule; mostly because the workouts are long (some are more than an hour!). It wasn't for lack of interest or lack of trying. I had to get up at 5am some days just to work out and still get to work on time. I love the program, so I'm tempted to try the 30-minute workout version. But, curious to hear what others think before I buy.

Here is what I feel like I am up against:
I work a compressed work schedule of four 9-hour days with a half day on Fridays. When I go into the office, my commute is an hour each way. Most weeks I only go in one day, but it varies depending on what's going on. Lately, I have been traveling an average of 3-6 days a month - sometimes all in one week or other times 1 or 2 days every week. Starting in May, my travel will increase and I'll probably average closer to traveling 50% of the time, if not more, through August. I need to work out in the mornings because I cannot sleep when I workout at night..

My rationale for thinking I can succeed with P90X3:
- The workouts are short enough to do every day regardless of schedule.
- I can take the CD's with me when I travel.
- I can get in shape without too much stress on my body (hurt ankle last year, haven't been able to consistently resume running since).
- I love the structure of Body for Life, but each time I've tried to restart it, I went too hard too fast and injured something.
- Weight loss is not my primary goal, so I this would allow me to maintain my current diet plan without having to make too many dramatic changes.

Any thoughts, suggestions or other feedback?


  • markmacare
    markmacare Posts: 198 Member
    Hiya, in the final week of my first round of P90X3 at the moment. For me, the 30-minute length (a little more for some workouts if you count the cooldown) and intensity are just right. I especially like the fact that the program contains all kinds of different workouts, rather than just focusing on weight training or cardio. I also think it is a great fit if you have to travel often - it is one of the main reasons I chose this program, as I can do pretty much all the workouts in a hotel room by just bringing some resistance bands with me.

    Some of the workouts might be a little tough on your ankle (decelerator, triometrics), but modifications are shown by the crew members. All in all, I highly recommend it.
  • 3rdwoozie5
    3rdwoozie5 Posts: 46 Member
    Overall the program is well designed and thought out. I didn't quite get the calorie burn I was looking for but the 30 minute clock was nice. I recommend it, even if you are a beginner in physical fitness.
  • Bobs123456
    On week 10. Very happy with it. Do it 7 days a week. If you travel you will want a set of bands. There are modifications. I dont like the beach body bands. Too hard to change them out.

    Theor calorie numbers were too high for me to lose weight. I eat about 2000 a day and the guide said 2400 for me. Dowm about 20 pounds. I also do bikram ypga 5 days a week.

    Its a very good full body work out. The 30 minutes ate good for eliminating excuses. Most weight loss is diet and its tough to watch that travelling. It is a very good full body workout.
  • MamaCat99
    MamaCat99 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for the pointer about the ankle. I've had some recurring in ankle troubles, nothing too serious but I don't want it to get worse.
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    Try this. Shorten the P90X workouts in half.