Lifting and Eating

I started back to lifting about 2 weeks ago, coming back from a knee injury.

I haven't yet started to add much weight yet, more focusing on form and warming up slowly. With my current schedule I am lifting much later in the day than I used to. The problem seems to be food in my stomach making me uncomfortable. I've tried waiting about 2 hours to lift and I've also tried just a graham cracker with peanut butter, something solid but fairly light. It is not really a nausea but more like the food is just going to come up type of feeling. Can't imagine lifting heavier and keeping my cookies down,

Anyone else over come this? Looking for a work around or possible solution other than an empty stomach first thing in the day!


  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Two things come to mind: it might disappear after a while (that happened to me) or you might want to get checked out for acid reflux (also me).
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    Hhhmm, hadn't thought about acid reflux. I'll look into it. Never had problems with that before and I haven't had issues while sleeping.

    Really hoping I get used to it or is goes away!
  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    I get that sometimes, but found it's mostly from drinking too much water rather than it being a food thing (though I generally wait at least an hour and a half after eating before lifting). Do you chug water a fair bit beforehand?
    I've had to take it easy on water for about half an hour before working out, and just sort of sip it a bit during. I drink a lot afterwards though. Worth a try? Don't dehydrate yourself though- make sure you get enough fluids during the day.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    The water thing is a good idea too!
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    I do tend to chug water a good bit thru the day!! That could be the issue!!

    I can't drink as much later in the day because I'm in class all evening with limited breaks so I try to compensate and get my fluids early!

    I'll try paying attention and backing off my water a bit before lifting!
