Taking a CUP of water out of the Ocean=my wght loss

After 7 weeks, I lost 5.2 lbs. I stay pretty focused. I'm 5 '7" start at 165, now weigh 159.8. (female age 55) 3 times a week at gym

It seems so SLOW to lose at this rate. :sad: Then I hit certain plateau's at stay around the range for a few weeks. For example, I have been between 160.4 and 159 for the last 2 weeks.

Anyone else have these issues. Do you do anything weekly to change something to boost the weight loss.
Best idea I got from these boards was to WEIGH not measure my food. So much more accurate.


  • Hi My name is Jane and I'm 5 ' just started finding it hard to get my around it, use to slimming world but calorie counting is different but it has open my eyes to how much you eat before you look up the calories.

    Like you I lose it very slowly and it gets me down.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    When I was first starting out, I used two non-convective low calorie days a week. Some call it the 5-2 fasting diet. For a few months I limited myself to 600 calories every Tuesday and Thursday. I never felt hungry on those days, and lost about 40 pounds doing it. Now that I've joined MFP, and started working out more and counting calories everyday, I have stopped doing it. You might try it for a few weeks to see if it will help you past your plateau.
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    Your results may feel slow but they are results. Patience is the key; just keep being active, eating healthy food, watching your calories.

    I spent a couple months gaining and losing the same 5 pounds and then all of a sudden dropped 30 pounds in 3 months...which resulted in a brand new plateau for the last 6 months. During this plateau though, I've lost inches off the gut even though the scale tells me I'm a failure.

    Keep at it friend, many times quick weight loss = quick weight coming back.
  • kitlynnJ
    kitlynnJ Posts: 78 Member
    At 5'7" and 165 I assume you have less than 30 pounds to lose. A loss of .5-1 pound a week sounds right on target. Losing at this rate might feel slow, but it will help keep lean mass and prevent ending up skinny fat when you are finished.
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    At 5'7" and 165 I assume you have less than 30 pounds to lose. A loss of .5-1 pound a week sounds right on target. Losing at this rate might feel slow, but it will help keep lean mass and prevent ending up skinny fat when you are finished.

  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    This is a excellent rate of loss. You can try to mix it up in your work outs, it's good to feel muscle aches after a good work out, (not pain) if you don't get out of breath or sweat, or ache then you need to do something different and get a sweat on. That really helped me off my plateau and I actually increased my lean muscle, the fat came off as a happy side effect. Remember it's not all about the scales it's body composition - ask your gym to capture your body fat percentage, then measure again in a month. That's a more satisfying result and your scales may still stay the same, but your body looks awesome!
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    At 5'7" and 165 I assume you have less than 30 pounds to lose. A loss of .5-1 pound a week sounds right on target. Losing at this rate might feel slow, but it will help keep lean mass and prevent ending up skinny fat when you are finished.


    Yup, this! Good luck. Even if it isn't coming as fast as you would like (and we are all guilty of that!), just keep at it and don't give up.
  • indunna
    indunna Posts: 221 Member
    Second best tip (after weighing your food): If you eat back exercise calories or use them to project future weight loss - estimate your burns using a heart rate monitor and be sure to net out calories that you would have burned anyway had you been sedentary during your exercise period. Took me months to catch onto this and I found that using MFP defaults I had been overestimating my exercise calorie burns by as much as 40%.

    Shape Sense has great calculators for this purpose:

    Also, as many above have said, your current rate of loss is actually quite good given how little you have to lose. So my other tip would be PATIENCE.... Stinks but I've found it's required;)
  • CPAmommy
    CPAmommy Posts: 15 Member
    I have not been adding back exercise, because I have always felt that my weight gain is due to food intake.
    I have exercised consistently for years. But I thank you for the link and will definitely look into it.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Are you also taking your measurements? Notice any difference in how clothes are fitting? I went six months with little movement on the scale, basically up and down the same 2-3 lbs, but dropped a full size during that time. The scale doesn't always tell you when you're making progress. :smile:

    I had my best success (I'm 45 & 5'8") when I started eating the proper number of cals for my my stats, goals and activities - for me that was (and still is) 1800-2000 cals a day. If you're meeting your regular goal but not eating back exercise cals, you may be selling yourself short. If you've been under eating for awhile, and then bump up cals, you probably will see a slight gain at first as the body adjusts to the higher intake, but if you're properly fueled, the weight - even better, the fat and inches - will start coming off.

    Great info here, with tools and step by step instructions on setting it all up: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974888-in-place-of-a-road-map-2k13
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    You sound like you are right on par as to where you need to be for weight loss. I lose about .25- .5 lbs per week currently and it is slow, but you want a slow loss versus a fast loss. This means that you are building lean muscle mass and promoting healthy fat burning that you will maintain better once you get to goal. As you get closer and closer to your goal as well, it will take longer to get it to shed. I use the TDEE method for calculating my calories minus 10-15% (I vary everyday around 1800-2100) and eat roughly 100 grams of protein to promote building lean muscles and toning. Try lifting weights too as that will help with fat loss as well.

    Take measurements (calves, thighs, hips, waist, and arms) and don't get upset if the scale moves up because the scale likes to move around. It's natural for our bodies to gain a little and then lose it. 2 weeks isn't a long time to plateau- I plateaued for 2 months, but I discovered it was because I wasn't eating enough overall and burning too many calories (putting in 1000 calorie workouts) so my body stopped losing weight.

    Oh, I'm 5'3" and 145, but I am bulky. You're well on your way. Keep up the hard work and it'll pay off!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    At 5'7" and 165 I assume you have less than 30 pounds to lose. A loss of .5-1 pound a week sounds right on target. Losing at this rate might feel slow, but it will help keep lean mass and prevent ending up skinny fat when you are finished.

  • When I was first starting out, I used two non-convective low calorie days a week. Some call it the 5-2 fasting diet. For a few months I limited myself to 600 calories every Tuesday and Thursday. I never felt hungry on those days, and lost about 40 pounds doing it. Now that I've joined MFP, and started working out more and counting calories everyday, I have stopped doing it. You might try it for a few weeks to see if it will help you past your plateau.

    Might try this to see if It will give me a boost thank you
  • Your results may feel slow but they are results. Patience is the key; just keep being active, eating healthy food, watching your calories.

    I spent a couple months gaining and losing the same 5 pounds and then all of a sudden dropped 30 pounds in 3 months...which resulted in a brand new plateau for the last 6 months. During this plateau though, I've lost inches off the gut even though the scale tells me I'm a failure.

    Keep at it friend, many times quick weight loss = quick weight coming back.

    Thank you for that will keep that in mind