Pop-out tummy and only 5 kg to loose

Hi, I'm sort of new to this program and there are a few things I'm confused about and would really appreciate help and advice.

I'm 156 cm and 59 kg. I don't have a lot of weigh to loose - I would say around 5 kg, but after 2 pregnancies my tummy is stuck being popped out. It looks like I'm still pregnant (I'll try to attach a picture of myself too).

I have read a million posts here about all the success stories, calories, exercise... First I was trying to meet the 1200 net cal goal - because the program calculated it like that. Then I read somewhere in here that this is not enough, so I upped it to 1500, then brought it back to 1200 because I'm afraid I'm eating too much. The point is that after about a month (18 days here) I haven't dropped a single kg. I do see some results on my lower body because I'm doing the Jillian Michaels Body revolution program and really try to eat right but my tummy is stuck where it is.

I'm wondering if there is anybody who had the same problem? Is it just a matter of stregthening the core? Should I be doing something differently? I would really like to know what should really be my net cal intake and should I eat my excersise back or not (some say yes, some say no).


  • raholden88
  • lanana2014
    lanana2014 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm doing a few versions of those as a part of the training program I'm following. Fingers crossed then! :)
    Thank you for sharing your experience.
  • raholden88
    Ooop. Yep. Sorry was trying to fix something glaringly incorrect before you got the chance to read. Haha.

    But yes, generally speaking, belly fat is a pain to lose, especially after pregnancy or as in my case, with large weight loss.

    It just takes time... which everyone who sticks to healthy weight loss and exercise gains more of every day!
  • lanana2014
    lanana2014 Posts: 8 Member
    So, did you manage to get yours flat?
  • raholden88
    Getting there! The hip area loses much faster than the waist itself. It's noticeable between belt loops than anything else. No on ever thought I was overweight or obese because of my build, and my stomach could always be tucked in unless I forced it out (after years of high school spent keeping it sucked in it's now just normal, although it's technically good posture to keep your core tight), so it's even less noticeable now a difference. But basically, I was probably a 46 waist or more and 38/40 hip, but now after 45 lbs lost I am a 36 waist and a 34 hip. All my loss has been in my legs mostly and somewhat the mid section. I'm hoping by the 50 lb mark to see what my waist is like. If I am still not flat, I will try maintaining 200 for a while with increased cardio, and if there's still no change, or if it produces further weight loss (prospected 185 as my ideal BMI) then that's where I'll need to be for that flat tummy.

    But at least I can feel how tight my core is more than ever before.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    You indicated 2 pregnancies. I would go see a Dr. and ask if you have diastasis recti (abdominal separation). Based on your picture, that's what it looks like. Do a google image search with that condition and you'll see it looks similar to yours.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Have you had your doctor check to see if your abs have separated? Mine are, and my tummy still has that rounded appearance even at maintenance. If so, I suggest stopping any ab specific exercises like crunches and even Pilates. it makes the problem worse.
  • November_Fire
    November_Fire Posts: 165 Member
    I was actually gonna say the same as the poster above. I too am shedding some fat after pregnancies, and don't have much to lose, but my sticky-out fat is settled low, 'cause well, fat. Yours has a considerable protusion and rounded appearance. Google 'diastasis recti' and follow some of the guidelines for seeing how far apart your muscles are separated. You will need to avoid certain core exercises as they will make it worse by spreading the muscles further.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    You indicated 2 pregnancies. I would go see a Dr. and ask if you have diastasis recti (abdominal separation). Based on your picture, that's what it looks like. Do a google image search with that condition and you'll see it looks similar to yours.

    Agree. It's looks like it's difficult to hold your core more than the need to lose weight.
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    You indicated 2 pregnancies. I would go see a Dr. and ask if you have diastasis recti (abdominal separation). Based on your picture, that's what it looks like. Do a google image search with that condition and you'll see it looks similar to yours.

    Agree. It's looks like it's difficult to hold your core more than the need to lose weight.
    I know people who have diastasis recti from pregnancy and this is what it looks like. That tummy doesn't look fat. The down side of it is that you will have to have an operation to bring them back together again.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Yup, have the same problem. Just hit my goal but still trying to get rid of that pregnancy pooch.

    Planks / side planks are fantastic. I've been doing these for a while and have really noticed a huge difference.

    I also do a bit of cardio but mostly focus on heavy compound weight lifting. This has made all the difference.

    Good luck!
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Yup, have the same problem. Just hit my goal but still trying to get rid of that pregnancy pooch.

    Planks / side planks are fantastic. I've been doing these for a while and have really noticed a huge difference.

    I also do a bit of cardio but mostly focus on heavy compound weight lifting. This has made all the difference.

    Good luck!

    Doctor first to find out what you are dealing with...
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Yup, have the same problem. Just hit my goal but still trying to get rid of that pregnancy pooch.

    Planks / side planks are fantastic. I've been doing these for a while and have really noticed a huge difference.

    I also do a bit of cardio but mostly focus on heavy compound weight lifting. This has made all the difference.

    Good luck!

    Doctor first to find out what you are dealing with...

    Yup for sure but if all is good these are great exercises.

    Edit: Love your profile pic BTW.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Yup, have the same problem. Just hit my goal but still trying to get rid of that pregnancy pooch.

    Planks / side planks are fantastic. I've been doing these for a while and have really noticed a huge difference.

    I also do a bit of cardio but mostly focus on heavy compound weight lifting. This has made all the difference.

    Good luck!

    Doctor first to find out what you are dealing with...

    Yup for sure but if all is good these are great exercises.

    Edit: Love your profile pic BTW.

    Cheers :)
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    belly fat is the hardest to lose and the last to go just give it some time.. us women after we have kids we tend gain fat or hold fat in the belly area or thighs more than any other place of the body . . the fat is so stubborn
  • lanana2014
    lanana2014 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you, guys... I never thought of this but you're absolutely right. It looks like that might me the problem :( I feel totaly demotivated now as this seems to be a more serious issue that can't be solved any time soon. I will see my doctor and see what she tells me.
  • lanana2014
    lanana2014 Posts: 8 Member
    Yup, have the same problem. Just hit my goal but still trying to get rid of that pregnancy pooch.

    Planks / side planks are fantastic. I've been doing these for a while and have really noticed a huge difference.

    I also do a bit of cardio but mostly focus on heavy compound weight lifting. This has made all the difference.

    Good luck!

    Did you also have this separation of abs?
  • flynavyh60
    flynavyh60 Posts: 1 Member
    People so rarely follow up on their progress or resolution - especially years later! So happy for you and thank you for following up for the benefit of others. Made me smile! Wishing you all the best for continued good health!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Wowzers! A great example how a weight loss community can save a lot of time and heartache.

    Congrats for getting your problem resolved!