maximum calorie intake on "treat day"



  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Try looking at it a different way. Build those lovelies into your everyday life, but in smaller doses. You'll soon not see them as forbidden treats to binge on and you'll find you will be satisfied on less of them.

    Also, get the best quality you can afford and savour every sip and nibble.

    As a former food hoover I've managed to avoid these guilt traps. Oh and I still have big exercise days where I just eat everything I want, but it seems to be naturally more moderate because I have the foods I love in my every day life.

    ditto. I eat what I want as long as it fits in my calories and macros.
    I agree. Treat day (for me anyway) is another term for binge. I try to build my treats into my day to day calories and I find I eat less of them this way.
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    i really might try this method becuase my work out on a saturday will cover by bottle of wine! all trial and error i suppose.
  • sandy2622
    sandy2622 Posts: 4 Member
    Morf....JMO, but I think that waiting for a whole 20 pounds gone to treat yourself is just going to set you up for failure! Maybe allow yourself a small treat on the weekend, to give you something to look forward to after working so hard and being so good all week!
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    Morf....JMO, but I think that waiting for a whole 20 pounds gone to treat yourself is just going to set you up for failure! Maybe allow yourself a small treat on the weekend, to give you something to look forward to after working so hard and being so good all week!

    Sandy, thanks. I am the kind of person that eats one bad thing, and then follows it up with another,and before i know it, I am off the rails. I think everybody is different. For me personally, when I stay focused, and committed, I stay on track and make good progress without cheats, my goal is to stay on that path
  • sandy2622
    sandy2622 Posts: 4 Member
    Well, good for you that you are that disciplined to know better! I myself find that too overwhelming! You the old saying that there is light at the end of the tunnel, lol......BUT I have to say on my journey to get fit and lose idea of a cheat day/meal has DRASTICALLY changed!