Bar Method Workout

I am doing the Bar Method Workout at a studio near me. The class is One hour and 15 minutes. Does anyone know how many calories this would burn? Thanks - I am new to MFP


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    No way of knowing without wearing a HRM. Different people burn vastly different amounts doing the same exercises.
  • Audeliz55
    Audeliz55 Posts: 3 Member
    I do Bar Method as well and I enter 300 calories for a one hour workout. Burr Leonard, the founder of Bar Method, claims that the average one hour class will burn 200-500 calories depending on how hard you work and if you are in the correct form, so I just went with a number in the middle of that.

    When I first started Bar Method I was skeptical about how many calories I was burning but after a couple of months I do believe it is a great calorie burner. In any case, it's a great total body workout and I'd far rather go to a Bar class than run on the treadmill or the elliptical.

    Hope that helps!
  • i've been doing The bar Method & had no idea of how many calories I was burning. I work up quite a sweat so I knew I had to be burning a good amount. Glad I finally found out an estimate on the issue. :)
  • joannaorgovan
    joannaorgovan Posts: 71 Member
    I log mine under calisthenics. I love barre workouts.
  • :flowerforyou: My daughter and I are starting the bar method super sculpting workout 1 DVD today. It laste 1hr. 20 mins. Depending on how intense & maintaining the tuck, is the calorie burn still 200 to 500 calories? It's way more intense than the bar method.
  • :flowerforyou: does anybody have an estimate on the caloric burn doing 57 min. of bar method super sculpt I & II? would love input. i know need a monitor but i dont have one yet. :wink: :happy:
  • altinker
    altinker Posts: 173
    I did Super Sculpting I today. I'm 5'2" and 123 lbs. I have a Polar H7 HRM. I burned 318 calories. I haven't tried II yet. Change Your body is between 200 and 250 calories for me. Fluidity Bar Intermediate is 187 calories for 37 minutes.
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    I burn about 350 calories in a 60 minute studio class of Bar Method.
  • I wear a Garmin heart rate monitor. I'm 5'3 and about 134 pounds, and I have a fairly low resting heart rate. I burn about 200 calories in a 60 minute Bar Method class.
  • missshyeviolett
    missshyeviolett Posts: 310 Member
    I do bar about 4 times per week and I log it as 400, but I'm up to doing all the modifications and I REALLY work hard. When I do level 2 I log 450.
  • sednuf
    sednuf Posts: 1 Member
    I burn around 200 during a 60 minute class too. Have been wondering if I wasnt working hard enough. A little relieved to see i m not the only burning 200
  • justineismoney
    justineismoney Posts: 29 Member
    I wear my heart rate monitor for bar. I'm 5'4 and currently 127lbs. I drip sweat in most classes and am shocked that many others don't. I burn between 350 cals / hr to 400 cals / hr in the beginner class and 400-450 cals / hr in the intermediate class (level 2). I already see results in less then a month. My butt looks rounder (and I have a tiny tush so this is awesome!) and my thighs are looking lean and mean. I'm going to keep taking Bar as long as I can afford it because it is pricey.
  • kiwi1254
    kiwi1254 Posts: 5
    Why doesn't Fitness Pal have the Barre classes in their exercise selection? I'd also like to see calories for a beach walk.
  • katiecarrothers
    katiecarrothers Posts: 2 Member
    I typically average burning 325-400 calories or so - but I definitely push myself. I am 4'11 and about 125 lbs.