Anyone else here with a very high protein goal?

I have used various calculators to determine how much protein I should be eating each day and it seems like I should be around the 185g mark. I am finding it nearly impossible to eat that much protein, stay within my calorie intake, and not hate my life. It's almost like one of those scenarios where they say "Meet your protein goal, stay within your calorie goal, enjoy eating" Choose 2.

I eat Eggs, Greek Yogurt and a protein bar every single day. I eat chicken almost every single day. I meet my calorie goal within 100 calories every single day. I NEVER meet my protein goal, or even get close. Is anyone else having this problem?


  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
  • beamie2687
    beamie2687 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm definitely not an expert, so take my advice with a grain of salt, but in my experience the only time I've met my protein goal was when I SERIOUSLY focused on proteins and cut carbs as much as possible. For example, 3 egg omelet for breakfast, taco salad with chicken, beans, and salsa for lunch, high-protein snacks (surprisingly blackberries), and then a steak and broccoli for dinner. I usually find that the carbs I eat along with my meat take away calories that I could spend on protein (and I keep in mind that fruits and veggies count as carbs).

    I tend not to like yogurt due to its high sugar and carb count, but I think that's just a personal preference.

    Good luck! I'm sure someone with more experience will be able to help you soon!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I do meet my goals most days...mind you I eat 1700 calories and 120g of protien.

    It's all in my choices...if I have cereal and milk for breakfast I have to add in cheese and bacon or ham even then I have to be careful for the rest of the day.

    I eat non fat greek yogurt 50 cal for 100g and 8g of protien, I eat a lot of fish/seafood, lean chicken, pork and tonight hamburger.

    it takes planning and tweaking of your intake..there are lots of ways to get in protien if you have a reasonable calorie deficet but if it's too big of a deficet no way.
  • PibbleLover88
    PibbleLover88 Posts: 40 Member
    How many calories a day are you eating? What percentage of protein are you aiming for? At the advice of others, I have my macros set at 40% carbs, 30% fat, and 30% protein.

    So based on how many calories I eat a day, my protein goal is about 126g. I on average only get about 90g per day, but I don't do protein bars/shakes/etc. I try to just get it all naturally from food.

    So no. You aren't the only one.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I eat 2200 cals/day and try to get 160-170g of protein daily. By the end of the day today, I'll have eaten 168g of protein. I'm also vegetarian so I really focus on keeping my macros at 40/30/30 when I pre-log my food each day.

    What is your daily calorie goal set to?
  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    my Macros are 30/30/40. I eat between 1800 and 1900 calories a day. I am very overweight so My deficit is at the maximum 1000 calories per day. I should be receiving 185g of protein per day and i do good to get between 120 and 130.
  • shano25
    shano25 Posts: 233 Member
    I have a high protein goal but never hit it. I'm vegetarian so I depend on a vegan protein powder in my smoothies or other protein shakes to get me there.

    A few foods you can add to meals that won't fill you up - sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, pistachios, hemp seeds, flax seeds, cheese.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I second protein shakes. I drink them daily. Find a brand and flavor you like that's within your budget.

    And OP, I've lost 48 lbs., with another 55-60 lbs left to lose to reach my goal weight. So based on your ticker, we are kind of similar in terms of how much weight we're trying to lose. I was eating at a deficit of 1,000 cals/day, but was miserable after a while (MFP had me set to 1550 cals/day to lose 2 lbs/week), and increased my calories once I started exercising more. With the increase in calories, I felt I was able to meet my macro goals most days without feeling hungry or deprived, and I am still losing weight very consistently each week. Just something to think about. Great job having lost 54 lbs so far!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    my Macros are 30/30/40. I eat between 1800 and 1900 calories a day. I am very overweight so My deficit is at the maximum 1000 calories per day. I should be receiving 185g of protein per day and i do good to get between 120 and 130.

    Is your protien goal based on your BF%?

    Getting that much protien on such low calories would be very hard...even with protien those calories add up as well.

    I would have to eat just meat to get that much protien in...and I like my veggies etc too much for that.
  • PamazonDreams
    PamazonDreams Posts: 32 Member
    Like others said, you have to cut carbs to keep the calories down. You'd be surprised how many grams of carbs you can get eating a ton of veggies. Even one meal a day where you eat nothing but veggies and protein will make a big difference. Personally, I'd ditch the protein bars. They are glorified candy bars (complete with a LOT of carbs for their size).

    Plain Greek yogurt or flavoured? The plain 1% stuff has more protein and fewer carbs, for the same number of calories (AND a slightly-larger serving size!!), as 1% cottage cheese. If it has sugar in's probably not helping much.

    And, I can't agree more with what others posted: PROTEIN POWDER IS YOUR FRIEND. Seriously. The one I buy has 100 calories, 25 grams of protein, 1 gram of carbs, and 0.5 grams of fat per serving. With this secret weapon, at a calorie goal of 1450 (with 30-35% carbs), I easily hit 165 grams of protein per day (sometimes more...mmm....protein!).

    Honestly, though, if you're staying within your calorie goal, and still losing weight, I wouldn't stress too much if your macros aren't perfect. Congrats on the weight you've lost so far!!!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    If you're not meeting your protein but you are meeting your calorie goal, which macro are you going over on?

    Figure that out, and then find ways to substitute foods that are high in that macro, but low in protein, for foods that are higher in protein and low in that macro.

    Maybe, for example, you have a bowl of oatmeal in the morning. Say that is: 2g fat / 32g carbs / 4g protein for 160 calories. Swap that out for 2 eggs scrambled in the microwave: 10g fat / 1g carbs / 12g protein for 156 calories... you've tripled your protein for the same amount of calories!
  • PokernuttAR
    PokernuttAR Posts: 74 Member
    I have cut down from 230 lbs to my current weight of 179. I have done this by doing a lot of weight training, cardio, and watching my diet very closely. If you are committed, you can do it. You have to make the time to plan, cook, and track everything. I am currently cutting at 1700 cals, 190g protein, 125g carbs, and 50g fat. I eat a pound of chicken a day and 3 protein shakes, but I get my protein in EVERYDAY.

    I am also diabetic, but my numbers have gotten better with every checkup. I was wearing 40 inch waist pants just over a year ago, and now I'm buying 34s for the first time since high school (25 years ago). If this was easy, everyone would do it. The question is, do you want it bad enough. If you want to see my food diary, send me a friend request. I accept all requests in order to help anyone who is committed to reaching their goals.