Plexus slim. does it work



  • JensRiot
    JensRiot Posts: 24 Member
    HI! i have a multiple friends who uses Plexus and their results are amazing! I was so intrigued that i bought it last week. it should arrive in the next day or two! i cant wait to try it!

    People who say it is a gimmick obviously havent done ANY research on it! They all just assume. i cant wait to see my results and post all about it!! and it apparenrly helps with sugar AND nicotine cravings.

    Make sure you take measurements weekly and weigh in weekly too. dont do it everyday or you may get discouraged :) Also, with Plexus you need to drink at least half of your body weight in water (ie. if you weigh 200 lbs, you need to drink 100 OZ of water a day). i guess this is the key for plexus to work. i also bought the accelerator pills with my plexus. i heard that speeds up weight loss.

    feel free to add me so we can tell each other our journey! im so excited! and all the negative nancy's can go away. :)


    I have done quite a bit of research actually. Please point me to something that proves this stuff works that is NOT a testimony or from an ambassador or the company. I would really enjoy reading it.
  • Polishprinsezz
    Polishprinsezz Posts: 249 Member
    HI! i have a multiple friends who uses Plexus and their results are amazing! I was so intrigued that i bought it last week. it should arrive in the next day or two! i cant wait to try it!

    People who say it is a gimmick obviously havent done ANY research on it! They all just assume. i cant wait to see my results and post all about it!! and it apparenrly helps with sugar AND nicotine cravings.

    Make sure you take measurements weekly and weigh in weekly too. dont do it everyday or you may get discouraged :) Also, with Plexus you need to drink at least half of your body weight in water (ie. if you weigh 200 lbs, you need to drink 100 OZ of water a day). i guess this is the key for plexus to work. i also bought the accelerator pills with my plexus. i heard that speeds up weight loss.

    feel free to add me so we can tell each other our journey! im so excited! and all the negative nancy's can go away. :)


    I have done quite a bit of research actually. Please point me to something that proves this stuff works that is NOT a testimony or from an ambassador or the company. I would really enjoy reading it.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    i too have done a lot of research, especially before i committed to spending $100 on it! What i did find was nothing negative online about it- all the reviews i have read have been consistent. My fiance and i are VERY skeptical on products like this, so spent a good 2-3 hours scouring the web trying to find something, anything negative and we could not.

    With less than 5 minutes of searching:

  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    My buddies and I have a joke about Plexus. It's how rich, morbidly obese men and women end up regularly obese, and broke.
  • annielaurie88
    annielaurie88 Posts: 86 Member
    i too have done a lot of research, especially before i committed to spending $100 on it! What i did find was nothing negative online about it- all the reviews i have read have been consistent. My fiance and i are VERY skeptical on products like this, so spent a good 2-3 hours scouring the web trying to find something, anything negative and we could not.

    With less than 5 minutes of searching:


    i have seen all these websites and they cannot prove that this is bad for you. it is just heresy like every other website i have read, or REVIEWS of other people who have tried it.
  • betsyr13
    betsyr13 Posts: 45 Member
    Heresy, eh? I tried it because my friend gave me some for free. It didn't do anything for me. YMMV.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    i too have done a lot of research, especially before i committed to spending $100 on it! What i did find was nothing negative online about it- all the reviews i have read have been consistent. My fiance and i are VERY skeptical on products like this, so spent a good 2-3 hours scouring the web trying to find something, anything negative and we could not.

    With less than 5 minutes of searching:


    i have seen all these websites and they cannot prove that this is bad for you. it is just heresy like every other website i have read, or REVIEWS of other people who have tried it.

    I'm sorry, I'm confused. What you originally said was "What i did find was nothing negative online about it". Now you are saying "they cannot prove that this is bad for you."

    Which is the criteria you used? No negative reviews? Or absolute proof that it is not bad for you? Those are very different standards of evidence. If I were to shell out $100 a month for something, I would want more than proof that it's not "bad for me".

    As an aside, the Plexus people appear to be very talented at search engine optimization.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    i too have done a lot of research, especially before i committed to spending $100 on it! What i did find was nothing negative online about it- all the reviews i have read have been consistent. My fiance and i are VERY skeptical on products like this, so spent a good 2-3 hours scouring the web trying to find something, anything negative and we could not.

    With less than 5 minutes of searching:


    i have seen all these websites and they cannot prove that this is bad for you. it is just heresy like every other website i have read, or REVIEWS of other people who have tried it.

    So all your research, which you admit was not rooted in science at all and was just anecdotal evidence of people saying it worked was reason enough to spend your money, but all the reviews from people who say it didn't work (again, anecdotal evidence) is heresy [sic] and just a bunch of negative nancies? Surely you can see the fallacy in that logic.
  • annielaurie88
    annielaurie88 Posts: 86 Member
    I clearly stated there was no PROOF online of anything, negative or positive. There are multiple reviews (some positive, some negative) so who know what to believe.

    I PERSONALLY decided to spend the money because i wanted to see for MYSELF it it works or not. If not, i will gladly admit that it does not work.IF IT DOESNT WORK I CAN GET MY FULL REFUND WITHIN 60 DAYS!!

    I will advise in 30 days and go from there. And i am not a 'plexus person'. i do not sell it or promote it. Shoot, i dont even know if it will work. I will keep the people that actually want to know about Plexus in the loop. Everyone else who is here to merely pick at my words obviously have nothing better to do. I am only commenting on here to provide MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION and not hard facts. So quit analyzing what i am saying, because as i have stated before, these are only my Opinions!!

    Thanks!!!! :):):):)
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Health Canada recalled the accelerator in February. It is not approved for sale in Canada. Always a good sign, right?

    "The Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) warned consumers not to use these products as they were found to contain 1,3-dimethylamylamine (DMAA), a drug that is not approved for sale in Canada.

    Health Canada received one Canadian report of a serious adverse reaction suspected to be associated with a "Plexus Slim Accelerator" product. Due to limited information at this time, Health Canada is unable to determine whether the product reported is the same as the product that is the subject of the TGA alert, or what role, if any, the product may have played in the adverse reaction. It is not known where the product was purchased. Health Canada is currently following up on this report."
  • HayleyMB1284
    HayleyMB1284 Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks to everyone who a actually had something nice and positive to say. Im not an idoit and I know their is no magic pill for weight loss . It's about eating right too. I just attacked by some of these comments on here .makes Me not want to post ever again. I used to be a trainer along time ago when I was in shape. There's a lot of products out their that have worse ingredients in them for anyone who body builds and Weight training. What my husband uses from vitamin shop is hole lot worse. All u wanted was positive feedback. Not all these negativity .
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...You need to talk to your Plexus Ambassador...

    OMG, Bahahahaha! Ambassador? Is this the salesperson's actual title? LMAO! :laugh:
  • JensRiot
    JensRiot Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks to everyone who a actually had something nice and positive to say. Im not an idoit and I know their is no magic pill for weight loss . It's about eating right too. I just attacked by some of these comments on here .makes Me not want to post ever again. I used to be a trainer along time ago when I was in shape. There's a lot of products out their that have worse ingredients in them for anyone who body builds and Weight training. What my husband uses from vitamin shop is hole lot worse. All u wanted was positive feedback. Not all these negativity .

    There are a ton of plexus slim blogs and Facebook pages that might be better geared for support for their product. I'm not meaning to be snarky, really. Most people here seem to be working on healthy lifestyle changes to be fit for the long haul. Quick fixes like Plexus and so many others don't fall into that. Stick around, eat right, and I bet you still find tons of support on these forums. Take plexus or don't, it is up to you. Don't sell yourself short though. Losing weight and getting fit will be things YOU accomplish, not the drink. Good luck in whatever you decide.
  • StacyDaltonTX
    StacyDaltonTX Posts: 3 Member
    I've had great results with Plexus. I started 3 months ago and lost 15 pounds - about 16 inches over all. It's not a quick weight loss gimmick, but a healthy lifestyle change and detox / candida control system. Losing 1 pound a week is not what I'd consider a fad just really helped me stay focused by regulating my blood sugar levels - which made me not crave the carbs as my blood sugar was like a roller coaster before Plexus. There is nothing in it that is considered a weight loss product, really. It just gets your blood sugar right, keeps your hypothalamus happy (and that keeps your hunger, thirst, moods, and sleep cycles healthy).

    I've been juicing for over a year (Jan 2013) - every night. I eat organic, pretty close to all-natural, un-processed foods. That was not helping I discovered I was eating too much fruit. And, I was eating Candida boosting foods (which is bad). So, the Plexus system - slim, x factor vitamin, biocleanse, and probiotics, really helped me a lot - in more ways than just the weight I lost. I just feel better, my moods are even, and I sleep great.

    I teach preschool so I really needed the energy boost, and the boost to stay away from goldfish and cheerios was also a big help!

    My husband is a chemistry teacher (with a degree in Chemistry) and he gave me the thumbs up to try it. He's been happy with my mood results, and so have my kids!

    Any way...I just wanted to say that this is not a fad diet or magic pill. It really does regulate your blood sugar - which will help you stop craving the sugar / carbs.
  • sue8710
    sue8710 Posts: 1 Member
    The ingredients (or forms of them) have actually been proven to work in other countries just not in the US and they never will be recognized here. I have several friends taking this and they are all losing weight at a nice pace. Most of them do not regularly exercise but I would say they have started watching their portion sizes. Not one of my friends is drinking the amount of water they say to but yet they're losing weight. IF your weight issues are related to sugar balance issues (PCOS, hormones, cortisol) it makes perfectly good sense that this product would work to an extent. Although there are no magic pills so to speak, any medicinal herb or medicinal herb turned into an Rx can have an affect on the body or make the body react differently than what it would without it. Anyone that just flat out says "none of this works" is obviously upset it didn't work for them. I think I'm going to try this just to jump on the bandwagon with my friends. We'll see- maybe I'll be the 1 out of 8 that is immune to it!
  • Ggwillis
    Ggwillis Posts: 1
    I just bought it too.... but if it doesn't work, we can get our money back!
    I want to give it a try to see if I feel any better and have more energy!
  • MsValerieAnne
    MsValerieAnne Posts: 90 Member
    I haven't tried it yet, but I just signed up to become an ambassador. With that being said, I was chosen by a friend of mine (who sales it) for a free kit, so I am not out of pocket anything. I liked the idea behind the company, as far as a health company (they started as a breast health company, and sell self exam kits). I decided I'd sign up, try it for a month and give my opinions. I am not trying to sell it to anybody (as I said, I joined because the kit was free) until I know if it worked for me. I do know every person is different, so it may or may not work. I have very slow metabolism, so am looking forward to an energy boost (if I actually get one). I've tried other pills to help with energy and they have either made me sick or made me tired, so we shall see.
  • MrsBoshy
    MrsBoshy Posts: 2 Member
    It absolutely works! But like everything, it works best used in conjunction with diet and exercise. I'm been using it to supplement my weight loss journey and in 9 months I have lost a total 45.5kg..... Just over 100 pounds. It definitely improves the balancing of the sugar levels, helps minimise cravings and gives me a LOT more energy. Sure, it's not a quick fix, but nothing in life worth having is a quick fix.
  • moonshimmer18
    moonshimmer18 Posts: 1 Member
    I have had great results so far on plexus. It is slow, but at least I'm loosing around 2 pounds a week, which is what doctors want you to loose anyway because its not healthy to rapidly loose too much weight a week. I have had SO MUCH TROUBLE trying to loose weight since my son was born in 2012. I went to extremes-such as cutting my already small portions in half. I was already eating grilled chicken haven't had a soda in a year, fish, fresh vegetables and salads. 3 to 4 times a day along with exercising 3 to 4 times a week with no result. This went on for a six month period and was considering surgery. Once I started plexus a month ago, I have lost 7 pounds and I'm shocked that SOMETHING is finally working. I have lost more inches than weight but hey, something is actually giving me a boost.
    So no, sometimes exercise and eating healthy doesn't work. I actually talked to my doctor who suggested surgery because he could obviously see that nothing else was working. Sometimes our bodies need a boost to help us get started.