Running a race by yourself



  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Every race I have ever run i was "alone". With the crowds at the start it really doesnt matter, you will be so amped up and ready to go that you wont notice anything other than the surge of the crowd. I say go have a great time, and embrace the sensation of getting lost in that crownd and finding your own pace and rhythm amid the other runners.

    This! I've run every single 5k, 5mi, 10k, half marathon, and full marathon alone.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    i noticed something, the people who run in big groups 3 or more and stay together throughout the whole race...they all come in after I do. lol. they always stop and take pictures at the mile markers and just take pictures in general. I have no time for taking pictures during a run. some people can continue to run and instagram during, i'm not that coordinated to do such things. so I race myself, keep my pace and enjoy the scenery. just have fun. remember its your victory lap from all the miles of training you put yourself through preparing for your race.
    Where are these races??? I've never seen picture-taking during a race. lol Silliness.

    I've started with larger groups (four or five of us) but we break off into our own paces.

    I've done races in Disney World in Florida with picture stations along the half marathon and marathon course. They have characters lined up that you can wait in line for pictures with. I thought it was kind of dumb to wait in a line during the timed race for pics, but to each their own! :drinker:
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    i noticed something, the people who run in big groups 3 or more and stay together throughout the whole race...they all come in after I do. lol. they always stop and take pictures at the mile markers and just take pictures in general. I have no time for taking pictures during a run. some people can continue to run and instagram during, i'm not that coordinated to do such things. so I race myself, keep my pace and enjoy the scenery. just have fun. remember its your victory lap from all the miles of training you put yourself through preparing for your race.
    Where are these races??? I've never seen picture-taking during a race. lol Silliness.

    I've started with larger groups (four or five of us) but we break off into our own paces.

    I ran the pole to pole race at sea world this past sunday and we ran through the park so people were taking pictures.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    My first race I ran by myself. My 2nd my son joined me. My next ones I'll probably run myself just because I don't know anyone to go with. I thought it was a little awkward just hanging out alone before and after but for the race itself it is fine. My son really slowed me down because he was hurting and had to walk so I had to walk with him. And he refused to stay after. So maybe alone is better?!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    i noticed something, the people who run in big groups 3 or more and stay together throughout the whole race...they all come in after I do. lol. they always stop and take pictures at the mile markers and just take pictures in general. I have no time for taking pictures during a run. some people can continue to run and instagram during, i'm not that coordinated to do such things. so I race myself, keep my pace and enjoy the scenery. just have fun. remember its your victory lap from all the miles of training you put yourself through preparing for your race.
    Where are these races??? I've never seen picture-taking during a race. lol Silliness.

    I've started with larger groups (four or five of us) but we break off into our own paces.

    I ran the pole to pole race at sea world this past sunday and we ran through the park so people were taking pictures.

    I see. I just do local races. I see my friends (even the truly serious runners) stop and take pictures when they do park races, like Disney and such. At a local race through a park or streets or whatever, you don't see that.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I run 90% of my races alone. Just me and the road!
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I run by myself all the time and I actually enjoy it... just me and my ipod. I've done 3 5K's by myself as well :) It's nice to have someone at the finish line waiting for you though... if you've got a non-running friend or family member that can go to cheer you on.
  • hellykill
    hellykill Posts: 59 Member
    I run with me, myself and my iPod. Love it. :love: Feels like I am the only one out there! With someone else can be fun at first, but eventually running alone is very liberating :) Good luck!!!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Many biggie. I usually am focusing on my warm ups pre race anyways. After the race is my social time...:)
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    I did a 6K on March 2 by myself. No big deal. My husband and I have raced together, but it's not really together because he's so much better than I am. He takes off and I'm by myself anyway. I don't run with other people that much and most of my goals are PR based, so I'm really racing against myself. That race I did by myself? I was first in my division.
  • runnergirl0721
    runnergirl0721 Posts: 2,289 Member
    I run by myself...Just me and my headphones...Find a good station on pandora or create your own playlist...You'll do great!!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I run races by myself all the time. I have done up to a half marathon without anyone beside me. Even if I start the race in the same corrall as a friend we just have a place to meet at the end of the race and do our own thing during the run.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I've done it both ways. I run the fun races goofy races, mud runs with friends. Serious races, I prefer to run on my own. My most nerve wracking race was my first half last fall, I drove myself, ran by myself and drove home. Believe me, even though I knew no one there I still had plenty of people to talk to. Runners are some of the friendliest people I've ever met! You will be fine and you will have fun even if by yourself!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    i noticed something, the people who run in big groups 3 or more and stay together throughout the whole race...they all come in after I do. lol. they always stop and take pictures at the mile markers and just take pictures in general. I have no time for taking pictures during a run. some people can continue to run and instagram during, i'm not that coordinated to do such things. so I race myself, keep my pace and enjoy the scenery. just have fun. remember its your victory lap from all the miles of training you put yourself through preparing for your race.
    Where are these races??? I've never seen picture-taking during a race. lol Silliness.

    I've started with larger groups (four or five of us) but we break off into our own paces.

    I ran the pole to pole race at sea world this past sunday and we ran through the park so people were taking pictures.

    I see. I just do local races. I see my friends (even the truly serious runners) stop and take pictures when they do park races, like Disney and such. At a local race through a park or streets or whatever, you don't see that.

    Did the cooper river bridge 10k this weekend and a lot of people stop on the way up the bridge to take a picture with it in the back ground. I had to walk it this year since I am recovering from a broken ankle so I took more time then I have in the past to take some pictures.

    For those who don't know the bridge run this is what it looks like from a distance you can get some pretty cool pictures while running under it.

  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    I always run races by myself. It's great because you can run at your own pace. Don't worry! The only thing is to be careful of not going out full throttle. The atmosphere of the race will have you so excited and pumped so just start out slow. Remember to take your time and have fun!
  • lindsyrox
    lindsyrox Posts: 257 Member
    I've gone to races alone but met up with friends and I've also carpooled but then ran alone. Something you could try is finding someone on MFP who is doing the same race and see if they'd like to carpool or meet up at the race. The last half I did I ended up carpooling with an MFP freind and her running group. It was awesome and a great opportunity to meet new people. I've also had times during runs where I end up in conversations with other runners during the course. Going to a run alone can seem daunting but if you throw caution to the wind and start talking to strangers it can be a lot of fun.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Even when I did run with friends, we only started out together. Our paces were very different.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I did a 10K by myself last spring. I was also a little nervous when I was on my way there, but once I started running, it didn't matter. I was able to set my own pace, and it's not like I would've been able to talk to anyone anyway :laugh: There were no friends or family that were interested in doing a run, so I knew if I wanted to I'd have to do it on my own.

    You should definitely go for it, even if you're by yourself :drinker:
  • SBlizzardRob
    Thank you for posting this. Unlike all of the other commenters - I have NEVER run a race alone. I've run two with my husband (my husband who ran track in high school and spent 8 years in the military) I feel like I am dragging him down. I am more of a Phoebe runner (you know, from Friends) lol, but he does motivate me to keep going which I love. The other race I ran was a glow race with my bestie, she actually didn't run as much as I did and like someone else mentioned (anchor) but it was fun to have someone finish a goal with you. On the other hand, I have signed up for 3 this year. One may be alone and this is my first time. I kind of suffer from social anxiety and I don't do well in large crowds without support (crazy, I know). One race I will be running with my 13 year old, which will be interesting. LOL!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I prefer to run my races alone. I do longer races (half marathons and marathons) and I prefer to be in my own world, and not worrying about keeping someone elses pace. I used to run wtih my ex boyfriend and it usually just eneded up in one of us holding back when we could have done better. You truly aren't really alone in any race. There are so many runners. I'd say a majority of runners are alone.