3 week slump

Today is my 21st consecutive day of logging in. I'm starting to feel that old feeling I know too well during a weigh loss journey. I'm bored. I have had an upset in my routine and feel a lot of regret from eating some "bad" food, so I wanna give up. I haven't yet of course, but I am just wondering what some of you do out there to get back that some excitement and motivation and feel like week one again? Also very open to more friends of course!


  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    Are you feeling a slump because you are doing the same thing every day?

    I can usually stick to a strict eating plan for about a week before feeling the need for change. So I figure out what I can eat the rest of the day so I can have a meal that would not normally be in my plan.

    Also, try changing your exercise routine.

    I just continually change things up. Different foods, different exercising. Weighing in weekly helps me get the motivation back when I've had a good eat/exercise week. Everytime I see the scale number change, it validates the effort I'm putting into this journey. Plus, I'm going on vacation at the end of June. That one really provides incentive.

    Good luck!
  • Gingerkid05
    Gingerkid05 Posts: 60 Member
    I am not being crazy strict with my diet. I am eating things I love but watching my portions. But, I seriously just want to go back to my old ways, but I don't.
    I have been jogging mostly, I could vary my exercises more.
    I haven't been weighing in because of what I once heard someone call 'the cheesecake theory.' When you weigh in you think, "yay go me I earned a piece of cheesecake!' or "Damn! Whats the point I'm just going to go eat cheesecake because this doesn't work!" I updated my weight the other day because i got weighed at the doctors.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I check out the success stories. I think about where I was, where I am, and where I want to be.

    And then I think about WHY I want those things.

    You are here for a reason.... you want to lose another 36 pounds - Why? And why so quick to give up? Being 3 weeks in to it, these things are turning into habits, which is great.

    What makes you want to go back to your old ways? Is it because you think you aren't going to be successful? Are you feeling deprived.... of anything in particular? I know sometimes I feel deprived htat I won't allow myself margaritas (one turns into 4... and way too many calories) too often even though I eat and drink everything else under the sun.

    Incorporating new workouts is fun, too. Do you have anyone you want to go jogging with? Running group at all? Things like that can help!

    You can friend me if you want.
  • Aowens21
    Aowens21 Posts: 12
    I look at my pictures and see how crappy I look. And I don't want to go back to that. You got this!
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Set exercise goals and focus on them. Concentrate on why you want to lose and how great it will fell. I am in a slump, too, and looking back I seem to hit one every three months or so, so I am taking a maintenance break for a couple weeks.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    When someone says they're bored, I always worry because it's the worst thing next to a "bad day-night alone-large pepperoni pizza" moment. You need to get over this hurdle by refocusing on your goal(s) and changing it up.

    What motivates you? The scale? New, smaller sized clothes? Stronger body? People noticing/complimenting you? Looking great for an upcoming big event? Whatever it is, you have to find it and put it front and center every day so you stay on track.

    Find new ways to accomplish your goal. Mix up your workout, try new activities, take a break, get a workout buddy, go outdoors, etc.

    And finally, think positive whenever possible. You've been logging in for 3 weeks. For many here, that's reason for celebration that they're staying on track and doing something good for themselves. Think of this as just the beginning and that you are doing something great for yourself that will be a new chapter in your life.
  • EmilyTabawhat
    Today is my 21st day as well, so I wanted to say congratulations!! I know how hard it is to get to this point.
  • JanieC93
    JanieC93 Posts: 34 Member
    This is my 50th day, and I still have those feelings - completely normal! What has been keeping me motivated to continue to log and exercise as much as possible is the fact that I'm going to regret quitting! You are almost at a month of logging in! That's awesome - keep going and keep that drive! Remember why you started and keep that focus! :) Add me if you like :)!