Why did you request who you requested?



  • ginnyroxx
    i don't request people too often, although i dont' think I've ever turned down a friend request.
    the rare ones I do send out are because we have mutual friends and i see them on different profiles commenting on the same status messages and i think they're fun(ny) or we have similar interests.

    *high five* DITTO!

    o/\o *friendsies*
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I request inspirational people. The ones who have lost a gazillion pounds. Most of my friends, however, requested me. :)

    SAME! I requested a few inspirational people, and a few are my actual friends...the rest requested me! :smile:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I usually send out requests to people that I've found motivating - ones that have said something that stuck with me or ones that have logged huge losses that inspire me.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I like your honesty, btw, about cute girls :laugh:
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 500 Member
    I do it based on these things:

    *People I see on the board who are funny AND encouraging (I need a sense of humor in my diet life).
    *If I see them being exceptionally caring/motivating on a current friend's page.
    *If I see something about their looks, weight loss journey, or what I can see from their profile I find inspiring

    I usually will accept any request, but really prefer those with messages attached and if they have some sort of photo. I will delete friends who go MIA pretty regularly, because the people who are serious are usually on daily, or, if they take a break they'll let us know :laugh:

    i second that!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    I like your honesty, btw, about cute girls :laugh:
    funny thing most that I thought were cute lost a good bit and transformed themselves. Im here for motivation but eyecandy never hurts lol
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I request people who seem to be encouraging (see them support other friends) and those who don't bs or make excuses. I've become a lot more selective with those I accept friend requests from as I've had to delete friends who I find aren't here for the right reasons.
    when you say not here for the right reasons what do you mean

    People who want a massive number of friends, offer no support and comment on your status to "one up" you or show-off. I came here to lose some extra pounds and get healthy, I didn't get here to brag all over the place about my accomplishments and starve myself to get to a 00.
  • philip31
    philip31 Posts: 57 Member
    I usually request any new people that need friends and people about the same weight as me with similar goals...
  • fasttrack27
    This is my first week here which is why I dont have many friends yet. At least thats what I tell myself to feel better! Maybe if I start a Joke of the Day that will help - sounds like lots of ya'll have a funny bone. Seriously though, so far its been people I see from my area (or used to be) who replied to my first 'Newbie from MI' post. Still pretty lonely here, so should you have the heart and feel the need then feel free to send a request! Just found out today I need to start phy therapy to fix a hip/back issue. So no more of my usual workouts for a while (kickboxing, etc). Gonna be hard to stay motivated and not back-track on my fitness level.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i never really thought about asking for friends that were my height LOL...i get the age thing but i dont really even pay attention to that until after i either accept or request and then become friends....
    i mostly request friends from people i think have great points in the threads, who are funny and make me laugh with their silly posts (lina1131 :), people i'm doing challenges with like the miles or the minutes or the calories per month/week, people who have lost lots of weight and i think will encourage me to do the same.....
    i've decided to pretty much accept all requests that come my way cause i figure if someone finds me interesting enough to friend request me than they deserve to be my friend lol....

    But if i notice people are not active or helpful to me or post much on the status updates or the message boards than i do whittle down my list occasionally....i often will send an encouraging message to them directly to see what is up but if i dont hear back from them in a bit i usually delete them from my list.....

    i typically do not like compliments but having sooooo many supporters on my thread/updates when i have a great day with a workout or do something amazing like get below 200lbs makes me feel awesome......i have truly been blessed to find this site and all the wonderful people on it...
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    - People who have similar goals (amount to lose, body weight, etc)
    - People who I think I can motivate, and who can motivate me
    - Those who share similar interests or backgrounds (motorcyclist, full-time worker students, age-group, etc)
    - Locals who deal with some of the same geographical issues, or have a good understanding of places to go, things to do, etc
  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    i request people who live in the same area as me, or just who i feel like i would be friends with in real life!
    other students also...
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I rarely decline a request but I love to get a note attached because that person then sticks in my mind. I friend people who are encouraging, lost a lot of weight, need a friend, have goals close to mine and It helps if there is something in common like kids, husband, SAHM etc.... Occasionally, I will go through my list and whittle through the people who don't seem too serious or haven't logged on in over a month unless they said something prior to the absence. I like the extra encouragement!
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I usually request people that have responded to something I've said , women that are the same height as me, have similar weightloss goals or are friends with other friends of mine that seem really awesome & supportive!!!

    Also, I get alot of friend requests & I prefer when people leave a message as to why they want to be my friend :happy: Just because it's interesting & I'm more likely to say yes!
    totally agree! I get tons of friend requests ( have over 125 right now ) and you can only have 250 friends before the newsfeed stops working. So if you write a little note , I look at those first. No note? I probably won't accept it. :(
  • raeadams
    I'm new here it's only been 5 days...my friends are those that reached out to me...or requested after reading one of my responses....I love people that are focused and motivated and I love to cheer them on....Was not sure how to reach out
    to others was not sure what their requirements would be....Now I know a little more about it........

    I'm open to anyone that really wants to make it happen for themselves as I do for myself....I really get a kick out of working with people on a mission....I accepted your request because we both had been athletes and I knew you would push....;-)
  • Kimberly143
    hi my name is kimberly...i been using this as an app on my new phione and checked it out on the computer..i love this program it really helps me...i am looking for women to share success with...and tips and tricks..so i would love to get some friends on here to chat with...request me if interested...thanks :heart: kimberly

    i am 148 now...i lost 40 pounds since like august....im trying to lose my last 10 pounds...i wanna get down to like 135..i have a large frame. wide hips and if i was any less that 135 or even 140 i would look funny i think...but i am extremely motivated and want some ppl to do this with
  • Krickette_16
    They are usually funny, biker types, culinary types or a combination of the three.

    I have know idea why people friend me. Some people must like old fat bald men.

    It's gotta be the screen name "Roaddog", not to mention the leather jacket. ;o)
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    I've requeted a few new people to be my friends. I'm fairly new myself so figured why not. Haven't turned down any requests sent to me either, I like meeting new people :flowerforyou:
  • Krickette_16
    On a serious note though, I will generally request a newbie asking for motivation & support (because I believe we all need it). I also like to read their profile to get a better understanding of why they're here (if they don't state it on the boards). I'll look for people generally close to my height & weight goals, sometimes close to my age. I also look at where they're from. I'm on the West coast & it gets a bit quiet here the later it gets. lol