Urgent** Haven't lost in months 215-218lb. About to give up



  • Kins10
    Kins10 Posts: 3
    63 pounds in a year!! WOW!! That's great! I want to lose 60 pounds by this time next year. You are doing great, only 37 more pounds to go!!!

    I've been reading a lot of different articles lately, trying different products, etc. and they all say the same thing, you're not eating enough and you don't need to work out so hard. I know that sounds like the complete opposite of what we have all been taught through the years, but this seems to be the new trend. I just started South Beach and I'm getting a good education on what foods to eat and when and how to combine them and about healthy snacking, curbing sugar and carb cravings. I eat well, just not sure how to eat and I need to start exercising. I used to be obsessed with working out and now I could care less!! UGH! Need a work out elf to prod me!

    Don't be so hard on yourself, you are doing great!!
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Before you change anything in your diet you need to know exactly what your are eating. Like others have said you are probably not in a deficit. Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/872212-you-re-probably-eating-more-than-you-think
    and http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • lalaburgess3
    HEy! Do not give up! Here are some good ideas, I was a weight loss coach for 7 years and what I learned the most is that there are something's that anyone can and should do for optimal health regardless of what plan of action you are taking. 1/2 your body weight in oz of water daily. Don't feel like you have to over do that. For every other drink you have esp soda or coffee, tea..drink another glass of water. Consume half of you "IDEAL" body weight in grams of protein per day. If your healthy BMI puts you at 200 (easy math) eat 100 grams of protein daily. this includes plant protein. As we get older (as early as 30 yrs) the body cannibalizes 2-5% of your lean mass, including your heart. This doesn't mean you have to go after a no carb radical diet just feed your body what it needs to keep the "motor" alive to burn fat for fuel. Stay away from foods that cause fungus. BIGGEST: Peanuts, corn, pistachios, white potatoes, mushrooms. Try to get your body alkaline, not acidic. If your body is acidic, the natural response is for your body to create more fat, think of it like a fire extinguisher going off inside your body to put out a fire! Drink lemon water first thing every day. I drink 30 oz of luke warm lemon water (squeeze fresh lemon) everyday first thing. Great anti aging properties, great for alkalinizing the body and great for skin and cellulite reduction. Get off coffee, tea, pop, alcohol. Work out should be about fun and not stress. If you create oxidative stress, you create more fat producing hormones, cortisol. Do not go to the gym to sweat like a chubby kid at a free disco, go to breathe, stretch and strengthen. 5 min warm up, lift heaviest you can without injury only 5 times and cool down. YOu will be amazed at the results. As we age, we don't need 2 hours of cardio. Hope this helps!! :) Do not give up!!
  • BreannaHayes1
    BreannaHayes1 Posts: 122 Member
    For one, you do not look terrible! You are a very attractive man!

    I had trouble with losing as well. I hit a plateau for a little over a month. It was very discouraging. However, I found out that since I weighed 179 ish for almost a few years without gaining or losing my boy was just set to it. It took a lot of hard work, calorie tweeking, and encouragement.

    I continued to eat and excessive and didn't be up. Eventually the weight started coming off again. This is a journey it's not going to be easy. Take it one day at a time!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Do you use a food scale?

    No one ever seems to answer this question.
  • rmhufftx
    rmhufftx Posts: 9
    I see others saying the same thing - Don't lose sight of what you've accomplished just because you have a stall. Hell, you even dropped another 7 recently! Like anything, the farther in you go, the smaller the returns seem to be. As long as you're holding steady you're in a position to make the next push.

    I'm just getting started (again), so listen to others as far as possible food selections, etc. Me, I have to do remedial work on portion control, selection and getting my fat *kitten* up for even light workouts. Guys like you give guys like me a goal to shoot for. Keep fightin' because I'm going to be chasing you! :)
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    This might be an unpopular opinion but for me, upping my calories has helped me with my plateaus. I've been at this weight loss thing for far too long and plateaus are pretty much the worst thing ever. Whenever I would have a serious stall, I'd up my calories and eat foods that I had not been eating. 3-4 days should do it, maybe a week. I believe our bodies get used to the exercise and diet we throw at it and it helps to mix things up. Anyways, it's what has worked for me.