
So we just got to our parents house to spend the next 4 days with both of our families and we are already surrounded by unhealthy food!! We had my husbands Christmas party luncheon today and I didn't do all that bad there but now that we are home it went down hill very VERY fast!! I brought a bag of heathly snacks that I am hoping to go for when I need them but my biggest problem is if there is food sitting around (like there will be for the next 4 days) I am going to eat!! I am on the verge of getting sick so working out this week has been hard. I did bring clothes to go and workout everyday as well!! I will have access to a computer or my blackberry so I am also hoping to log in and track my food everyday!!! Part of me says this is Christmas enjoy the time with the family and the food but I know that I can't!!

What are you guys doing to make good choices?

Sorry I had to vent and get this all out!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE!!!


  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm not going to be around "bad" food constantly but what I did was choose cheat days. On the 23rd (tommorrow) I have a party to go to so I am eating "good" all day (and try to squeeze in a workout) then from dinner till bedtime it's anything goes. The 24th I am choosing to eat well if I want extra treats I will exercize for them but not go over in calories no matter what. On the 25th I am trying to eat as well as I can but I may splurge on some hot chocolate and chocolates and anything Santa brings me, then the 26th is when we are having our official christmas dinner and again it's a free for all for me but I should be able to eat a normal breakfast and lunch so really it's only gonna be 1/2 day. Then mon i'll be back on track till new years eve for my last cheat day of the year.
  • philssis
    Wow! Slow down! This is Christmas and family time. So don't make it about the food. Not certain if your trapped by lousy weather or if you can get outside, but make plans to DO things with the folks. Play cards - in the other room away from the Cheetos. Go for a walk with your Mum or Sister-in-law, whoever - just don't take a plate of cookies with you :happy:

    Find reasons to enjoy your family that don't require you too stick something in your mouth. And relax. It's stressful enough as it is without all the food craziness. Taste the wonderful things that have been prepared for you and be aware of what you're eating. Be present in the moment, all four days' worth of moments!

    Merry Christmas and good luck!!
  • raeadams
    I've been working out really hard and have stored up a lot of calories to burn....however I will try not to use them....I am simply going to allow myself to enjoy the 25th only cheat day....oh..and my DD and I will be going for a run on the 26th....that should do it.........Smile enjoy the family and have yourself an Awesome time.....I'm sure you deserve it...;-)
  • leastwood
    There is a difference in having one cookie, and a plate full! It is your choice. Decide that it is ok to "taste", allow yourself to have one tablespoon of something that you really want. Find ways to have some control. I saw this whole table of goodies, and my eye caught a platter that had olives, pickles, celery, and an assortment of stuff. I ate celery, with a little peanut butter, pickles and olives. I left all the other stuff on that table alone. I decided that I would let someone else stuff all that cake, cookies, pies and stuff in thier hips and butt. I giggled as I pictured that! It gave me strength!
  • archiegirl
    wow, being with your parents at Christmas is stressfull enough without having to fight food. lol. relax. you can do this. if you are too sick to exercise just go for a short walk, drink some fluids...that will help the hunger too. take a bubble bath. do some shopping if you can. spend some time with family that doesn't include food. work a puzzle, you can't do that and eat. (well, I can' then choose as wisely. don't use this time of year as an excuse to jump off the deep end. have some. then stop. then have some. then stop. baby steps will get you there without too much damage. Merry Christmas.