0k im 5"8 weigh 315 i want to way 175 ..lord help me

ok so alotta people tell me "thank god your tall you would never knew u weigh that much!" ok so thats no the point i do weigh that much and its killing me inside and out! i have o lose this weight if u look at my full body pics i mite not look like that weight but its true.......i hat my body shape im big at the top (big fat arms...back..stomach..sides) then it narrows down to no hips bubble butt and big thighs i hate it i dont have the pear shape i look like and upside down cone! the body i dream to have ..is a small waist...small every thing up top..and remain big at the bootom big thighs..but..hips...idk what muclse to use or work HELP


  • mzlaloca
    mzlaloca Posts: 19 Member
    ok so alotta people tell me "thank god your tall you would never knew u weigh that much!" ok so thats no the point i do weigh that much and its killing me inside and out! i have o lose this weight if u look at my full body pics i mite not look like that weight but its true.......i hat my body shape im big at the top (big fat arms...back..stomach..sides) then it narrows down to no hips bubble butt and big thighs i hate it i dont have the pear shape i look like and upside down cone! the body i dream to have ..is a small waist...small every thing up top..and remain big at the bootom big thighs..but..hips...idk what muclse to use or work HELP
    i want to do this by june 2011
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    Losing that much weight in that short of a time seems a little ambitious- you have to remember that this is for the long haul and is not a quick fix. It is a lifestyle change. If you work at it, you will get there- it just may be a little longer than you are wanting.

    The first thing you'll need to do is focusing on your nutrition. Be more aware of the foods you are putting in your body. Second, find a workout routine. Walk, jog, do an exercise video...it doesn't matter as long as you are up and moving. You can find a lot of DVD recommendations by browsing the "Fitness and Exercise" portion of the message boards. You can also find lots of free online workout videos on YouTube.

    My advice is to make sure you stay accountable. Log everything you eat no matter what. Be honest with yourself. Also, make sure to take your measurements before you start. This will help you to stay motivated if the scale doesn't go down (because although you may weight the same, your measurements may be smaller).

    Good luck!
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    If you're just getting started, maybe you could start out with just walking. Try to walk at least 3 times a week. Try it once! Make sure you have some good walking shoes, find you a nice park somewhere, get your itunes and take a walk! I think that'd be an EXCELLENT start and you might even like it! You CAN do this, but you GOTTA take that first step!!!:smokin:
  • servingthealiens
    servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
    I'll be honest: You can't lose 20 lbs a month in a healthy way. But you CAN lose 10 or maybe even 12 or 13 in a month. Especially the first months. "They" say that the first pounds come off the easiest because you're basically getting rid of all that extra *extra*.

    Say you're eating 3,000 calories a day right now. You may be eating less or more, but I just chose it because it's a nice round number. If you drop down to even 2500 calories a day, you'll lose weight because you're no longer consuming such a huge excess. But as you get leaner, you burn less calories doing everyday activities and it gets a bit more difficult. Don't get discouraged, though. You will lose weight, just not as fast.

    You CAN do this. Just keep your goals realistic and your eating patterns healthy, and you'll get there.
  • life1979_24
    life1979_24 Posts: 147 Member
    hi, feel free to add me as a friend. i think you should give yourself a lil more than 6 moths to make sure you lose in a healthy way with out negitive side effects. i wish you the best of luck with each others support we can all get this done
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    That's a LOT of weight in a very short period of time- losing that much that quickly wouldn't be healthy. Take it slowly. Just start by putting in the maximum weight loss per week (2 lbs) and eat that way, every day. Start adding exercise, and up the exercise the more you do it and the more you can handle.

    There is no way to "target" places to lose ... your body will lose as it loses. So just start doing it- you WILL see results!!
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Wow, I would advise you not to lose weight so fast. When I started I was 350 lbs. I knew I had to get my thinking right first. I just said this is going to take 2 or 3 years. You must remember it is not solely about losing the weight, it's about changing your life style.

    I think you will find that after you lose a few pounds you will feel better about yourself and you probably will realize that this will take some and so be it.

    I wish you well and success!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I just wanted to tell you that you are beautiful, just the way you are. :flowerforyou: Your pic looks terrific! Please do this in a healthy way. Don't deprive yourself, and above all else, love and respect yourself and your body. You'll be amazed at how much that helps. Feel free too add me as a friend. :drinker: I have lost 34 lbs in 4 months, and I have a goal of losing 120. I'm in this for the long haul, and would be happy to support you.:heart::bigsmile:
  • raeadams
    Hi...first I would say learn to love you just were you are.....not everyone will have the pear shape that's just life...however there are things you can do to shape your body somewhat....for this you will need to lift weights to sculpt your body some..
    also it will help to tone your overall body....just that alone will start to give you better symmetry.....also do cardio for overall weight loss...you might notice that at first when lifting weight you get heavier that's because you will be building muscle and it is more dense then fat....don't freak....the added muscle will assist you in losing the fat...it uses the fat for energy...(also muscle gives you a leaner look)..A Good Thing...;-)

    take one day at a time log,log,log and LOVE Yourself all the way through the process....remember it is a process and just like you did not get to your current weight in a few days you will not lose it in a few days...about 1-2 pounds a week weight loss is excellent you will be creating a lifestyle that will take you through life....and if you need a friend for motivation....friend me....:blushing:
  • mzlaloca
    mzlaloca Posts: 19 Member
    I just wanted to tell you that you are beautiful, just the way you are. :flowerforyou: Your pic looks terrific! Please do this in a healthy way. Don't deprive yourself, and above all else, love and respect yourself and your body. You'll be amazed at how much that helps. Feel free too add me as a friend. :drinker: I have lost 34 lbs in 4 months, and I have a goal of losing 120. I'm in this for the long haul, and would be happy to support you.:heart::bigsmile:
    thank you so much!..i been heavy for so long feel like iwasted my whole teenage life away being big i dont want to spend my early 2o's this way...but i guess one step at a time...

    and congrats on your weight lose..every i see ...that has lost weight makes me smile...it helps me to think i can do it to..so thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • mzlaloca
    mzlaloca Posts: 19 Member
    :wink: thank you...i just want it gone now now now! ......but i know i have to take it slow..ugh what a drag....
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    I'm 5'7" and my ultimate goal is 175lbs too!

    After my youngest was born (she's 4 now) I lost 55 lbs and was the lowest I've been in a long time. I finally seen the 100's my last weigh in was 194 and I platued and gave up and now have since gained that 55 lbs back. I started MFP in October after my yearly visit to the doctor I need to do something to change the direction I'm headed in. It's a slow and tedious process and I know I can do it I've done it before.

    Best of luck to you!