any one out there doin hmr???
my mom did it and lost 100 lbs! so i want to give it a try i went to the gym to day..juss to find out some info and get some quotes..the guy was trying to pressure me into buying a packet hat day...way to eager! ugggh! im planning on going cold turkey and really start Jan.10.2011... its a very expencive program to do but THANK GOD I CAN AFFORD THE FOOD BUTY I WONT HAVE THE SUPPORT...and right not with my outlook on what i need the most! so ANY ONE...EVERYONE plssss Holllllaaaa yall add me im a newbieee thanks (:


  • mzlaloca
    mzlaloca Posts: 19 Member
    any one out there doin hmr???
    my mom did it and lost 100 lbs! so i want to give it a try i went to the gym to day..juss to find out some info and get some quotes..the guy was trying to pressure me into buying a packet hat day...way to eager! ugggh! im planning on going cold turkey and really start Jan.10.2011... its a very expencive program to do but THANK GOD I CAN AFFORD THE FOOD BUTY I WONT HAVE THE SUPPORT...and right not with my outlook on what i need the most! so ANY ONE...EVERYONE plssss Holllllaaaa yall add me im a newbieee thanks (:
    0h did i add i neeed to lose about 140-150 lbs!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I did HMR about 5 years ago, but I was under a doctor's care. Are you just using the shakes or are you eating food as well?

    The first 3 days are tough, but once you get beyond that, It's pretty easy and you feel amazing.

    Good luck.
  • mzlaloca
    mzlaloca Posts: 19 Member
    I did HMR about 5 years ago, but I was under a doctor's care. Are you just using the shakes or are you eating food as well?

    The first 3 days are tough, but once you get beyond that, It's pretty easy and you feel amazing.

    Good luck.

    wow.....thats what i need to hear (:
    im just doing the shakes for now 800's
    no doctor care ...cant afford but ive been doing research of people who did well by doing it on there im praying
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    This is the first I have heard of that diet, but good luck to you and I'm hoping you get some amazing results. Feel free to add me if you like ;)
  • teastman5
    I am doing HMR. I LOVE it. I have been successful before on it and then quit maintenance (or what they now call Phase 2). I am trying to take it slower and make it more of a lifestyle change than a quick fix. I am doing the shakes only but once in awhile incorporate an entree or cereal. I am doing 5+5 now as I am a vegetarian and I get sick of the same meat free entrees over and over. The 800 shakes are so creamy and filling they really push out gap foods.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    What is HMR? Sorry.
  • teastman5
    It's a diet plan managed out of a medical clinic (home base in Boston). I am in Rochester, MN and ours is based out of our local medical center. The plan has 2 phases, weight loss and maintenance. During the weightloss phase you have several options some are medically supervised and you get a prescription for the food you eat. The plan I did in weighloss phase was healthy solutions where you eat 3 of their delicious shakes each day plus 2 of their entrees along with 5 fruits and vegetables. You can eat more than that of those foods each day you just can't eat less. During maintenance to maintain your loss there is a minimum in smaller amounts of shakes/entrees and they help you work lean proteins/whole grains back into your diet. You can still lose weight in maintenance too and they will continue to help with that if you chose to continue losing.
  • valleyrose99
    valleyrose99 Posts: 15 Member
    I started with HMR here in Virginia Beach in Aug 2009. I lost 35 pounds and cut my percent body fat in half. I still use the products and have at least one, usually two meal replacments a day. However, what i had to figure out was that physical activity is KEY to keeping the weight off. I had a summer job that kept me on my bike 5 nights a week all summer. Once that was over I slowly started gaining a few pounds. From Sept through Dec I gained about 10 lbs. I took me that long to make the connection since I was still eating the shakes and entrees. I've refocusing my efforts, significantly increased my physical activity and along with my food journal, I am heading back down. I also started attending the Phase 2 classes again to reinforce what I learned, but mostly because I need to be accountable to someone and this helps me focus my efforts.

    It's the easiest thing I've ever done and really not that expensive if you realize how much you save on shopping and eating out. I have always been on the Healthy Solutions plan (3 shakes + 2 entrees + 5 servings of fruits/vegetables) and the cost of the HMR products and classes worked out to about $15/day. Add in fruits/vegetables and no resturant costs and we saved money. Since their motto is "More is Better" I was never hungry. Still hungry? Have another Shake or entree. Or another serving a of fruits/veggies. Or a BenFit bar (4 great flavors!).

    Question - did anyone on the program not like the shakes? I heard people in my class complain about the shakes and then realized they were drinking them plain! I've never had a plain vanilla or chocolate shake. Mixing them with fruit, pudding mixes, jello, coffee flavoring or extracts makes for endless combinations. A few of my favorites are the White Chocolate Pear (Van shake, 1 cup pears and 1 T sugar-free fat-free White Choc pudding) and another is Blueberry Cheescake (Van Shake, 1 cup fozen blueberries and 1 T sugar-free fat-free cheescake pudding). Pina Colada and Almond Joy are also very good. Check out the recipes at for both Decison Free and Healthy Solutions. If you have shake or entree recipes I'd love to see them.
  • RobynH1234
    RobynH1234 Posts: 13
    Hi group . Starting the HMR 800 5 X5 plan today... I'm out to get some bloodwork done for the Doctor and ready to get it going..
    I've been struggleing for awhile now and am looking forward to finding the NEW me ....No more chasing the Old me...
  • dfurze66
    dfurze66 Posts: 9 Member
    My husband and I are going to be starting this in the next couple of weeks. We're going with the Healthy Solutions plan to start. Looking forward to getting to a healthy weight! Been loosing the same 10 pounds for about a year now. Have about 30 to loose still.