New to the Gym, need suggestions please!

I joined a gym a month ago and I am going 3 times a week. I really don't know where to start though. I usually do 30 minutes on either the treadmill or the elliptical and then I go and use the machines. Anything is better than nothing right? I really want to get a personal trainer but I really just cannot afford it right now. I have also changed my eating habits to go along with the exercise. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.


  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    I'd skip the machines as much as possible and go for the free weights, once you have form down then you'll find free weights might be more beneficial than machines as machines tend to keep you on a fixed path, free weights allow you to work more muscles and use/train stabilizers. As well I find machines give you a false sense of how much you're lifting as it will lift some of the weight for you to some degree. Do flys with a pec deck at 40lbs and try to do the same with free weights for example, the pec deck will have been A LOT easier
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    agree with the skip the machines and go to free weights…

    I would suggest picking up a copy of starting strength or new rules of lifting for woman, and getting on a set program that revolves around heavy lifting using compound movements = deadlifts, barbell squats, overhead press, rows, chin ups, pull ups, etc.

    Keep eating in a 500 per day calorie deficit.
    set your macro % to 40 protein/30 fats/30 carbs
    go with around four sets per exercise in the 8-12 rep range..
    do cardio on off days from lifting or after lifting…

    repeat until you get to desired goals….
  • annelafn
    annelafn Posts: 1 Member
    Does your gym have a pool and/or group fitness classes? I love to swim--doesn't even feel like a workout! And group classes are great for motivation, fun, and burning lots of calories! Try to mix it up with some cardio, some flexibility, and some strength training. And some days, skip the gym and just get outside! Hiking, biking, walking, running--doesn't matter as long as you're moving! The key for me to stay on track is finding things I enjoy and have fun with--right now, that includes swimming, yoga, zumba, and hiking! Use the resources at your gym; even if you can't afford a trainer, pose this question to someone there and you'll be amazed at how helpful they can be (and may even give you a free trial with a trainer!). Good luck and have fun!!!
  • Rlwise08
    Rlwise08 Posts: 1 Member
    A lot of gym memberships include one complimentary personal training session. Partly to get you oriented and comfortable with the gym and part to sell you on buying more personal training! You may want to see if your membership includes 1 complimentary personal training or fitness orientation session and use it to your advantage. Like one of the others said, try weights/strength before cardio. I would also say be friendly to your gym staff and they may give you some free tips or ideas for workouts.
  • anital1974
    anital1974 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the advice!!!