Overwhelmed....need advice from seasoned/successful MFPers

jarbatz Posts: 29 Member
I have been at this many many times and know that for me, if I don't see results, be it on the scale OR in my clothes, I quickly get discouraged. I have been losing and gaining the same 1.5 lbs since February. I have been successful in the past so I know I can do it again. I've been doing a lot of reading on here and elsewhere and see so many success stories with so many different methods, i.e. 1200 cal/day, no cardio, lots of cardio, no weights, heavy weights, TDEE - 20%, etc. etc. and now I feel like I am overthinking it b/c I can't just pick a method. I recently read NROLFW and it all makes sense and I have prepared myself to start that but then worry I won't see the results initially. Should I just go back to Weight Watchers (old faithful) and focus on losing the lbs and worry about muscle later?

I guess what I am saying is I've always gone back to WW and now I'm scared to try something new and different for fear that it won't "work" or that I won't see results.

Anyone have any words of wisdom?


  • teemama2
    teemama2 Posts: 72 Member
    Any progress is progress. I have also hit a wall but I refuse to go back. The scale is not my judge. Keep working an the results will come.
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    You have to find what works for you. Everyone is different, except for one thing... calorie deficit lets the weight go down. So no matter what anyone else has tried, what has worked for you in the past will work again. Because WW worked for you and you understand that program, start with that.

    Then start exercising, if you aren't already. But you may find that WW becomes too restrictive when the exercising is included. Don't be afraid to increase your food amount to compensate for the amount of exercising you are doing. If you feel healthy, then it's working the way it should. If you start to feel run down and no energy, eat some more good stuff to get you to feeling healthy.

    Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    I would say that you NEED to be convinced and convicted that this is what you want to do. The reason why most people can't stay on a straight and narrow is because they choose the latest program that "works", but aren't really finding the program that works for them for life.
    The one thing that EVERY weight reduction plan has in common is calorie deficit. So find a program that YOU WILL STICK WITH FOR LIFE. If you have any hesitation to a program, then you'll probably not follow through with it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • angel7472
    angel7472 Posts: 317 Member
    The best program is one YOU will stick to. Its all pointless if YOU dont do it!

    In the beginning I ate at a deficit and just focused on cardio because that is something that I enjoy doing. Now that Ive lost the weight Im doing weights with cardio on rest days. Im not big on the weights but I know what I want to look like and thats necessary at this part of my stage.

    What may work for one person could be completely different for someone else. Do what you feel is the right thing to do. Dont listen to all the hype and everything else. Do what you are comfortable with. Notice that everything involves what YOU want not what others want. Thats the first step. I wish you the best of luck you got this!
  • ArlieCrow80
    It sounds as if you're overwhelming yourself with too many different methods. It's best just to stick with one. For me I've lost almost 30 lbs in a couple months but I've incorporated cardio, strength training and dieting. I hit a plateau as it sounds like you might be in one currently, but I stuck with it and eventually I broke through it and began to loose weight again. Plateaus can be very discouraging but when you're body sees that you're not giving up that's when the plateau breaks. Just don't be surprised if it last a few weeks as mine did. I've been working with a trainer throughout this process and one of the things he insisted that I do, is to cut out all wheat and most grains, and I've had much success with that. I also log everything I eat whether it's something good or bad I log it all and then I can see if I have had too much sugar or fats or maybe I haven't had enough protein. It helps me determine what I need to eat the next day or not eat the next day. Also it's not about total calories, it's more about the quality or healthy food that makes a big difference. I'm really learning it has to be a life style change and that mean there are no cheat days either. I would really recommend that you get yourself an accountability partner. See if any of your friends are interested in working out or even signing up with MFP and you two can help each other keep accountable to what you're eating and your activity. It really does help to have that support. Good Luck!
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    I'm in your shoes exactly! I have done ww for many years and had success I'm also wanting to try this fitness pal but I too am scared of change and it not working I lose around 1lb a week doing propoints and eating al weeklies but I wanted quicker results after a sts a I get discouraged too! I then tried ww old points then got in to a hobbit of switching diets tried a low carb one then decided getting too obsessed with scale to did filling and healthy ww version of slimming world and decided I would weigh once a month but found I kept slacking a little going over weeklys and missed chocolate, my first monthly weigh in is Saturday so I'm now unsure wether to try this or go back to points I'm think I'm swinging more to fitness pal I worked out 26pp a day is 1040cals + fruit and veg I eat 350cals I then added weekly points on and it all come up as a weekly total around 12100 fitness pal 1450cals + exercise calories worked out around 11500 weekly calories so not that far off from one and other I know exact how your feeling but there both pretty much similar yes you have to weigh fruit and veg but it's a better data base free and if you don't want a banana you can eat a blue ribbon lol! Add me if you like I need to stop switching diets too. Xx
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Have you been tracking everything since February and adhering to a calorie target, or has it been on-again off-again dieting since February?
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I made a successful transition from WW. This site gives you all you need and it's free. Sometimes, you have to step out on faith.