Off and On in SW Georgia...need friends for motivation

Hi, my name is Rob and I am in need of friends. I enjoy Facebook, but mostly just for keeping up with old friends and family. I need new friends that share the common goal of getting in shape and have the same eating goals. I have hit up a few people on my own, but I really need more friends to help keep me motivated. If your interested in this venture feel free to hit me up. I am a 33 year old male with a wonderful wife of 11 years and 3 beautiful children who want their daddy to be around for as long as he Nonetheless, if you are family oriented and want to keep up and make this thing work, give me an invite!


  • denamyvak99
    Hi Rob! I am Amy, a 31 yr old female who has been married for 11 years to an awesome soldier. I have 4 kids ranging in age from 2 to 9. We are currently in SE Coastal Georgia. I am most definitely family oriented and like you can always use more motivating friends.