Hey! I'm just starting out

Hey guys! Yeah so I'm about 60 lbs heavier than I've been my whole life. I maintained a solid 140 for as long as i can remember after having been fully grown. A year ago I left my job to pursue school for a new career, and have since not been nearly a active as when I was working. Next thing I know I'm 200 lbs. I was so used to eating whatever I wanted because, apparently, I burned it all off anyway, so I guess that put me in a bad spot when I wasn't active anymore. Theyre some other factors that came into play the past year that attributed to my weight gain but that's the gist of it.
I'll be starting work hopefully soon which will be extremely active, so I'm not worried about my diet too much once that starts. But until then, I'm watching my calorie intake.
The past few days I've maintained a calorie intake of 1320 or less (not much less if any) but havent went past that goal yet. I'm feeling pretty good about it! It's CRAZY looking at the calories i used to consume when paying no attention to it.( Did you guys know a big mac meal is over 1000 calories?! I freakin love big mac's no wonder i got fat)

But yeah so anyway go ahead and add me as a friend or whatever. I'd like to have some friends on the app to see some other success stories and to support!
See ya


  • Hiya chasedat! Meeeee tooooo.......added 60 pds! Lots to do with a job and other circumstances! But been doing good for two weeks.....need to fit into a sexy dress by December!! I haven't done any working out yet....makes me mad...everyday I think about it....and I have not been motivated to start! : (

    As you see....I am Italian! And I chat with loads if excitement!!! Lol

    This is my first time on here....soooo hoping to find a bunch of " loser " friends!! Wow...my humor probably could use some shaping up too!

    Best of luck to you!
  • chasedat
    chasedat Posts: 4
    Someone told me weight loss is mostly in your diet and only a little bit in excersize. Which makes since to me. I dont know how accurate that is, i havent been attempting this too long, but if your body is burnign more calories than youre putting in without excersize, i'd imagine youd lose weight regardless. But yep stick with it you'll do great! Good luck!
  • howell3002
    howell3002 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I am new also, but 100 pounds over weight. Been struggling with this weight for the last 10 years (3 surgeries). Started a new program through my doctor. This program tested my resting metabolic rate. I see an dietician, an exercise physiologist and a doctor trained as a bariatrician. I found out that I abosolute eat all the wrong things and that the cardio exercises I completed in the past isn't enough. So, I started over with a good insight on food, nutrition, exercise. I am excited. (My insurance pays for these visits) :smile:

    I hope everyone much success! I am confident that if we stay focused, well meet our goals! :smile:
  • Hiya Howell......soooooooo let this be the time to do it the right way....and to do it for the most important person...YOU!
    I am new as of today.....looking forward to the journey with kind but a bit crazy online losers! : )
  • Not sure how to find this post again once I go off line....???
  • I'm also looking for motivation and ideas from others to maintain this healthier lifestyle :)
  • Hiya Alexis! I just started 2 weeks ago....lost 6 pounds.....trying to focus on lifestyle change....slow and steady....I am aiming for 3 pounds a week....thing is I know if I would get moving it would prob be 5 pounds a week easily! I want to find out how to do one of those charts...think that might be good to see each day! And I think it maybe a good idea to have friends who are on the same journey as I am....to stay motivated and to help them stick to it!