Taking a running/exercise break? GIRLS! (PERIOD PROBS)



  • kyliesuebam
    kyliesuebam Posts: 22 Member
    I Used to be hardcore runner, and I lost my periods as well. I had to go on medication to make them come back and out soooo much weight on me. I was so sad! I wish I had done things more natural and just quit exercising. But I felt so guilty not exercising. It's a slippery slope. I remember thinking, "Ugh I have to run today" like it was my job. Sometimes I think people get roped into thinking that any exercise has to be scheduled and labeled. Meaning that cleaning your house can burn as many calories as going for a light jog. It doesn't have to be labeled as exercise in order for it to be exercise.

    Now I exercise 4 times a week, drink limited caffeine and even though I feel like I should be exercising more, I have to remind myself I don't want to be dog tired, think, and sickly feeling because ive over exreted myself!
  • francesca123456789
    francesca123456789 Posts: 17 Member
    I Used to be hardcore runner, and I lost my periods as well. I had to go on medication to make them come back and out soooo much weight on me. I was so sad! I wish I had done things more natural and just quit exercising. But I felt so guilty not exercising. It's a slippery slope. I remember thinking, "Ugh I have to run today" like it was my job. Sometimes I think people get roped into thinking that any exercise has to be scheduled and labeled. Meaning that cleaning your house can burn as many calories as going for a light jog. It doesn't have to be labeled as exercise in order for it to be exercise.

    Now I exercise 4 times a week, drink limited caffeine and even though I feel like I should be exercising more, I have to remind myself I don't want to be dog tired, think, and sickly feeling because ive over exreted myself!

    Hi I am so sorry to hear about that! I haven't really been running now for 4 weeks! How are you now? xo
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Edit- found it.

    If you are gaining why are we doing all the running?
  • francesca123456789
    francesca123456789 Posts: 17 Member
    Edit- found it.

    If you are gaining why are we doing all the running?

    I know, right? Hahah. I have only ran about 4 miles in the last month! It feels better but I still seem to be losing! I must not be eating enough (I don't count cals anymore but maybe I should start again)
  • merizzel
    merizzel Posts: 14 Member
    man, i lost my period when i got to 113. i'm 5'5... i lost it for 2 years. i wasnt even exercising. i was just eating a lot of fruit and vegetables. i was convinced it was something other than my diet because i was eating healthy and plentiful.... and i wasnt even exercising.... but then i gained 12 pounds as an "experiment" and got it back..... now i'm just trying to SLOOOWWWWLLYYY get back to 113... hopefully it will work this time without the period stop.
  • merizzel
    merizzel Posts: 14 Member
    Don't be obsessed with numbers. Listen to your body. :-)
  • Amestris
    Amestris Posts: 152 Member
    It may be the stress from exercising or it could be your weight. In either case listen to your body. Cut back on the running a bit and see what happens. If that doesn't work perhaps you may need to gain a few pounds. I hope you are able to get things under control.
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 389 Member
    The specialist will probably do some blood tests on you-including thryoid and prolactin. An elevated prolactin (pituitary hormone) can cause periods to stop. Chances are it is your low body fat/stress/over exercising but just adding that the specialist may check these things to rule out other issues. Remember to take a breather! Maybe take a yoga class and learn how to calm down and reduce your stress. Good luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Don't be obsessed with numbers. Listen to your body. :-)

    This just doesn't work for some people. The OP said she thinks/feels she is eating plenty but it still losing so obviously something is not right in that equation. If she listened to her body, she'd continue to lose weight and not understand why. Sometimes it's best to use the tools provided (like food and exercise diary) at least for a little while to see exactly what's going on. It's likely that once she starts logging everything that she'll find she's not eating nearly enough.

    If you really like being active, I don't think there's anything wrong with it but you definitely need to find a better balance. Cycling is great but make sure you're not doing so much that you're burning the same as you would be running. I agree that exercise can be great to help with stress so if you feel like you'll be more stressed without it, don't cut it out, just try to cut down. Maybe try some lower intensity things like yoga, walking, swimming.

    Also consider trying to integrate more calorie dense foods into your diet (lean meats, whole eggs, avocado, nuts, seeds, nut butters, dried fruit/trail mix, even chocolate) so you're getting more calories for a lower portion. Add healthy oils to foods as you're cooking, etc.

    Good luck!
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    Maybe you need to work out your tdee... Stop the running for a while... Eat above tdee.. Google scooby calculator. Eat more, exercise less, gain weight.. Just my 2 cents worth.
  • francesca123456789
    francesca123456789 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks very much guys for all you're replies! I really appreciate the advice! It's very encouraging! :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Geez, I'd be thrilled if I killed my period off!

    They are a PITA, but it's always a red flag when a vital life function stops happening.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I know they say when you're trying to LOSE weight you should take a break every 12-16 weeks... so I would imagine it would be the same if you're trying to gain... especially since you're burning so many calories and are looking to gain. Being overweight and underweight... intense exercise... a difficiency in your diet... there are so many factors that contribute to irregularity. The woman's body is a weird thing. I would definately go to the doctor for more information where that is concerned.
  • milileitner
    milileitner Posts: 98 Member
    I'm not underweight at all (112lbs ; 5ft4 ; BMI: 19.7)
    Current advice is that unless you are East Asian, a healthy BMI is 20-25. I mean, BMI is BS, but if you're going to use it to try and justify your weight, you may as well do it accurately.

    I lost my period from being underweight and was amazed it didn't come back even once my BMI had been above 20 for 6 months. Turned out I needed to gain more weight to function properly. I also quit running, and my period returned 6 weeks after that. FWIW I was running about 30km/week at the time as well as lifting heavy. Now I just lift and I've had no problems. IDK why. If you're on hormonal birth control, that may also be a contributing factor.

    To those saying they wish their periods would disappear, osteoporosis is no fun (speaking from experience) and is a common side effect of secondary amenorrhea.
  • francesca123456789
    francesca123456789 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks I know BMI is balls but for some reason still get caught up with it! I have give up running now for 5 weeks and feel 10x better! I have so much more energy! I'm gaining weight now and I am trying to accept that my body may need to be bigger for me to function properly. But hey! My body knows best!
  • francesca123456789
    francesca123456789 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm not underweight at all (112lbs ; 5ft4 ; BMI: 19.7)
    Current advice is that unless you are East Asian, a healthy BMI is 20-25. I mean, BMI is BS, but if you're going to use it to try and justify your weight, you may as well do it accurately.

    I lost my period from being underweight and was amazed it didn't come back even once my BMI had been above 20 for 6 months. Turned out I needed to gain more weight to function properly. I also quit running, and my period returned 6 weeks after that. FWIW I was running about 30km/week at the time as well as lifting heavy. Now I just lift and I've had no problems. IDK why. If you're on hormonal birth control, that may also be a contributing factor.

    To those saying they wish their periods would disappear, osteoporosis is no fun (speaking from experience) and is a common side effect of secondary amenorrhea.

    Thanks I know BMI is balls but for some reason still get caught up with it! I have give up running now for 5 weeks and feel 10x better! I have so much more energy! I'm gaining weight now and I am trying to accept that my body may need to be bigger for me to function properly. But hey! My body knows best!
  • Brooke4206
    Brooke4206 Posts: 140 Member
    I am 5'5'' and 110 lbs. I lost my period back in november. I went to the doctor and they said it is completely normal with the amount of exercise I do. I am still fertile, but I no longer get my period. All is well. If I want it to return I need to cut back on exercise. I'm also on the pill and she said that is a large contributor as well.