What motivates you?

Let your Determination be your Motivation.

This is my personal mantra.

Motivation can come from many different sources. However, I find that true motivation comes from within and nothing beats my determination to succeed

What about you? What motivates you to succeed?


  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    Just thinking about how much better I feel now than I did at 163 pounds is all the motivation that I need! Wearing jeans in sizes I haven't worn since Jr. High is also serious motivation for me.
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    Remembering my Dr's nurse calling me and saying my Cholesterol was high - I'm only 35 and in my mind that was NOT acceptable...my kids and hubby as well - want to be around for them...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    For me personally, motivation waxes and wains...habit trumps all.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    I don't look to motivation much myself. Instead, I focus on persistence. I have found that dogged persistence overcomes everything. To each his own, though, but I would think motivations are very specific to the individual.
  • Neeters1969
    Neeters1969 Posts: 53 Member
    For me personally, motivation waxes and wains...habit trumps all.

    This. ^^

    But wouldn't you say that habits are formed through motivation??
  • Neeters1969
    Neeters1969 Posts: 53 Member
    I don't look to motivation much myself. Instead, I focus on persistence. I have found that dogged persistence overcomes everything. To each his own, though, but I would think motivations are very specific to the individual.

    persistence=determination same thing no?
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member
    marijuana & music. Most people dont understand, but a nice preworkout buzz and some good music and i feel like working out for hours. I've never been a sit on my *kitten* pot smoker. this probably wont work for everyone, but i also dont get stoned...just a decent buzz....

    but more important: Music.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    My bikini competition in July. I only have a finite number of days to workout and make healthy food choices before I have to step on stage in front of hundreds of people in a shockingly teeny bikini, so I have no choice but to make every single day count.
  • McCluskey1128
    McCluskey1128 Posts: 88 Member
    For me personally, motivation waxes and wains...habit trumps all.

    This. All this
  • Neeters1969
    Neeters1969 Posts: 53 Member
    marijuana & music. Most people dont understand, but a nice preworkout buzz and some good music and i feel like working out for hours. I've never been a sit on my *kitten* pot smoker. this probably wont work for everyone, but i also dont get stoned...just a decent buzz....

    but more important: Music.

    I totally get this. I call it gettin a Bee on.....
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    For me personally, motivation waxes and wains...habit trumps all.

    Definitely this. Some days you don't have any motivation, but you go for a run because it's Tuesday (or whatever).
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Health reasons.

    I started after being told I'd gained too much weight (in conjunction with smoking) to stay on the pill.

    2 years later, I've been told I'm probably going through early menopause. I'm only 29 and it's no chore to pick up a set of weights or pass up on bacon sammiches now I'm thinking about my poor bones.