exercise issue and food for recovery?

cassieohlaa Posts: 51
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
hey guys.

so i've been back on the bandwagon again with diet and exercise and even joined my town's gym. however, this week i worked out with a trainer and well he pushed too hard i think because now it hurts so climb stairs and even sit down. so basically now i have to wait it out a bit because i think i pulled a muscle or two. so my first issue is i need to find a way to exercise while out of commission per say. anyone have suggestions?
so next week i have to get my wisdom teeth out. all 4 of them. so my second issue would be suggestions for what i should be eating thats healthy as well as soft. all i have thus far is jello and fat free pudding. i won't be doing a lot of chewing and cannot suck/slurp.

thanks everyone.


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    WALK.IT.OFF! you didn't pull muscles, you just used some you don't use normally. Do a lot of walking to work out the muscles and try some stretches. He should be able to show you how to stretch afterwards to help with soreness. Also, protein helps with sore muscles. Next time, try a protein shake or bar after you work out.
  • emmerrs
    emmerrs Posts: 158 Member
    You obviously know your body better than I do, but it sounds to me like you had a butt-kicking workout and are feeling the 'rewards' of that, not so much pulled muscles.

    It's hard to believe, but working out again will actually help that! I remember when I was kickboxing mondays and wednesdays, walking the steps up to the gym on wednesday just killed me i was so sore, but leaving I felt light as a cloud. :)

    As for the surgery foods, I feel your pain, I drank a lot of chocolate milk, I had some jello/pudding, soups, and eventually foods like mashed potatoes (or cauliflower!). I have to say though, after a few days I was pretty desperate for "real" food. I used a hand blender to attack a bowl of beef stew and at the time it seemed like the best meal EVER. So try to mix it up as much as you can.

    Good Luck!
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    How long have you been sore for? It's normal to be really sore for a day or two after starting up working out again. I know when I started going to my new gym at the beginning of the month, I felt like a cripple after some of the classes. It's natural, and it means that your muscles are getting a good workout. Try to work through it.

    One thing that will really help with soreness is going to a steam room. Hopefully your gym has one. They're great for relaxing muscles if used in moderation. Products like Tiger Balm and Icy Hot also work wonders on sore muscles, but they will burn. As just a normal remedy, long hot showers and lots of water help as well.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I'm with everyone else- you likely didn't pull anything you're just sore. Go work out. DO IT!! You'll feel a thousand times better- just make sure you stretch when you're done. :bigsmile:

    As for the wisdom teeth: I drank a lot of Ensure and smoothies with protien powder when I had mine out. I couldn't do soup (they said nothing hot and I couldn't handle it luke warm) but pudding & jello were my friends. They had to break my jaw (long story) but when they finally unwired me the first thing I ate was a fudgesicle. You'll be fine. :drinker:
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    I think you should definitely stay active and walk off the pain. A sudden jolt into hard workouts will definitely give you some body ache, but keep it up and you will get great rewards!

    I am just gonna be honest with you about the wisdom teeth. Buy your favorite flavor of ice cream, and eat it. It is so cold and the right type of texture that it is easy to get it to stay around your hurting gums and it slows down the bleeding a lot, and speeds up healing. And, it isn't like you will be feeling up to eating a lot of it, so you won't be going over calories. The day after you get them out you can go for a walk or something if you are concerned, but I still think you won't feel like eating a lot.

    I had to get my wisdom teeth removed in three different trips (one top, one top, two bottoms) and I just felt like jello and ice cream were the only things that made my mouth feel good. I really don't think it will slow down your weight loss either.
  • thanks guys!
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