fruit and pork (slow cooker)

chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
credit to old mate on Lyle McDonald's forums. (and posting so I remember to make it :laugh:)
Just tried this, easily the best damn pork I have had. Maybe 10 mins prep time, if that, then use your slow cooker and walk away. Macros are solid, mostly protein, with moderate carbs, low fat.


1) pork tenderloin: my cut was 130 cals/25pro/3fat. you can use butt or shoulder if you want a fattier cut (probably would taste better)- my pork weighed about 2.8 lbs
2) 200 g of dried fruits: I used 100g each of dried apricots and dried prunes
3) 1 apple: cored and sliced into thin wedges
4) 1 can crushed pineapples, drained (DRAIN IT)
5) some cinnamon and nutmeg


in your slow cooker, line the bottom with apple slices to create a bed for the pork. throw some cinnamon and a LITTLE bit of nutmeg on top
take a knife and cut small pockets in the tenderloin going down the long way, and stuff them with the dried fruit
put the pork on the bed of apples, and use some of the apples so the sides of the pot are apple wedges between the pork and the wall
take the drained crushed pineapple and dump it on top of the pork
add another few dabs of cinnamon and nutmeg

no other liquids needed due to moisture from pineapples and apples at the bottom

set cooker on low for at least 8 hrs

you can either shred this like pulled pork at the end (if there's any liquid left- there shouldn't be if you had drained the pineapples), cook it tad more.

enjoy, damn filling and delicious diet food that doesn't taste like diet food, and uses extremely few ingredients and prep.


  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    This sounds wonderful... Do you add any liquid?. Thanks so much for sharing..
  • MarkyMark_
    MarkyMark_ Posts: 24 Member

    Second paragraph a one liner...

    no other liquids needed due to moisture from pineapples and apples at the bottom

  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    Thank you. Use my crockpot a lot and looking for new ideas. Thanks again for sharing. Will be making this tomorrow..