No added sugar diet



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Well refined sugar is no worse for your teeth than any other form of sugar such as in fruit and personally I just brush my teeth twice a day. Also sugar contains calories your body needs calories so it is nutritious in that way. Also the body needs sugar to function so you still need some source of it.

    I understand that people may want to reduce their sugar intake but demonising it with all this misinformation is silly

    Fruit has vitamins and fibre in it, so it's worth eating, and the sugar content is far lower than an equivalent amount of chocolate or similar. There are numerous other sources of calories and energy, the body is perfectly capable of breaking down starches and similar into the glucose we need: you won't somehow starve without refined sugar. And calling the correlation between sugar and tooth decay 'misinformation' is ridiculous. Find me a single dentist who would disagree.

    What would happen to your teeth if you ate nothing but fruit 24/7?

    I think this is where oral hygiene becomes important. Even if you only ate protein and fats, lack of brushing/flossing will do you in!
    I totally agree. Hence why I always have a tooth brush, tooth paste and dental Floss with me in my bag at work.

    I preach oral hygiene because I am the poster child for what happens if you don't take care of your teeth. I wish I had flossed regularly and brushed more often than just at bedtime. :cry:
  • shn00ky55
    I cut sugar for 30 days before, and lost a crap ton of weight. I agree, reading labels is key. However, I usually am at the grocery store for hours doing this! I dont remember all the brands I use to buy so I guess I need to take a trip to the store and do it again! This time, I'll write them down.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I did it for a while. Close to a year. I don't remember exactly as it was many years ago. I didn't really find it all that hard after the first couple of weeks. Except for maple syrup and birthdays.

    I still eat a diet low in added sugar, but not totally free. Probably 85% of my added sugar is maple syrup though. :laugh:

    If it's real maple syrup, then it's totally worth it.

    I know, right? Maple syrup is so good. Especially with peanut butter.

    Oh yes! *drooling* My mom made me those when I was a kid.
    Probably taste like this stuff. But yours would probably be better. I say time for a blind taste test.


    If by "better", you mean "inevitably less sweet", then yeah...


    Unless, of course, "evaporated cane juice" isn't considered "added sugar".

    Pro-tip: it is.
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    I'm mostly sugar free. I've been getting a bit more naughty over the past couple of weeks but typically I eat a low sugar diet. I eat whole unprocessed foods almost exclusively. I do eat oatmeal with some sugar and frozen berries in it once in awhile. I don't allow myself to eat processed foods because it causes problems for me with IBS. I used to use honey instead of sugar but actually found that honey bothered my IBS while sugar didn't!

    If you want to be friends with someone who (mostly) eats a no sugar whole foods diet, add me on here. :)

    If honey worsens your IBS you might have a problem with fructose and it may be worth getting tested for it by your Dr. Just a thought!
  • Spacegirlley
    Spacegirlley Posts: 80 Member
    If you want some recipes for no added sugar that work and taste good go to

    The coconut jam slice and baked chocolate cheesecake have to be my favourites.

    I try to eat no added sugar as I'm sucrose intolerant, but I still eat the natural sugars myself. Honey has become a lifesaver for me in my recipes as an alternative to sugar, as well as jam.

    Well crap! You have to buy the book!

    You don't HAVE to buy the book, a lot of the recipes are on the site in the recipe section. There would just be more recipes in the book.

    Try looking at the bottom of this page to get the recipe links.
  • princessnarmor
    princessnarmor Posts: 67 Member
    I've tried to be on a no sugar diet for years.

    A few observations:

    #1 It really sucks to go sugar free

    #2 When I take out fruit as well I find it very very difficult to stay on it. Not saying its impossible, just that I have
    had a really hard time with it, but I am a sugar addict. When I am successful and also eliminate wheat, I lose weight really really well.

    #3 If I do fail and go back to it, the sugar makes me feel like a meth addict. I shake etc. It effects my mood too if I eat it after long
    abstinence. I fly off the handle easily.

    #4 If I am successful, I have wayyyy more energy. I notice big fatigue when I eat sugar.

    #5 IMO sugar is a drug. It is addictive. It raises your metabolism then knocks it really low. But it tastes 2 good and I love chocolate.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member



    ...but seriously...Green & Black's organic 85% chocolate has very little sugar. (In fact, I'm going to go have some right now.)

    And sugar "raises your metabolism and then knocks it really low"? Really? :huh: Where does this idea come from???
  • turniprose
    I am on my third day of keto and I've been eating sugar-free (for the most part) for the past couple days and while it's hard to find sugar-free products, it isn't hard.

    I am slowly learning that by going on a low-carb (hence sugar-free) you feel fuller longer which results in consuming lower calories. When I was calorie counting I was always hungry since I was eating bad yet trying to stay within my limits. I felt like I was on such a restrictive diet and gave up. But with keto, I don't feel that way since my appetite is always satisfied. Now it's just looking for what fits within my diet, but I would totally say yes on giving up sugar, it isn't that hard!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    #3 If I do fail and go back to it, the sugar makes me feel like a meth addict. I shake etc. It effects my mood too if I eat it after long
    abstinence. I fly off the handle easily.

    Have you sought any counseling? How long have you been clean from your meth use?