10 Days Challenge

Haha! My guilty pleasure :x
So, anyone up for this game? Each day I'll ask you to answer or tell us something, during 10 days.

* Day ONE: Ten things you want to say to ten difrferent people right now.


  • Bexaa
    Bexaa Posts: 19
    Haha! My guilty pleasure :x
    So, anyone up for this game? Each day I'll ask you to answer or tell us something, during 10 days.

    * Day ONE: Ten things you want to say to ten difrferent people right now.

    I'm in!

    Day ONE:

    1. I think I like you
    2. I'm annoyed with you
    3. You are very nice
    4. I'm sorry about what might happen
    5. You are very quiet
    6. You are the most positive person I have ever met
    7. You're the best parents ever
    8. Did you ever like me?
    9. Who do you like?
    10.How's life there?

    P.S. I assumed we don't have to mention who it's for...so yeah..
  • TashaKittie
    TashaKittie Posts: 34 Member
    I'm game.

    Day one.

    1. You are fun to flirt with.
    2. If we lived closer I would make out with you!
    3. I wish you would have never moved away.
    4. I miss you.
    5. I'm happy that you got your life in order!
    6. If things were different....
    7. I do love you.
    8. You are an inspiration to me!
    9. I didn't think I knew that many people.
    10. I want your forever.

    I can't wait for tomorrows.
  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    Cool let's do it...

    1 I wish (more than anything) it had worked out
    2 I want to be able to talk to you
    3 I want you to get better
    4 I'm glad I have a friend like you
    5 You keep me sane
    6 I want us to be close like we used to be
    7 I'm sorry big man
    8 I miss you lots gorgeous girl
    9 I just wasn't ready
    10 I miss you
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    1. I want you more than you'll ever know.
    2. Yes it IS you causing the problems,
    3. You honestly think that I don't care about you?
    4. I wish you would hang out more.
    5. Please just do what I ask you!
    6. Work really isn't going to collapse if you don't put in 18 hour days.
    7. Why do you stay with her if she doesn't love you?
    8. Nobody cares about you new husband.
    9. You're really NOT that important.
    10. You're an IDIOT! You just don't get it do you...

    If only..... :laugh:
  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    I'm in!!

    Day One:

    1.Shut up for FIVE SECONDS PLEASE!!!
    2.I wouldn't kill you to say one positive thing once in awhile
    3.You need to stop selling yourself so short
    4.Ummm...thanks for the vegan cookbook???
    5.I'm more disappointed in you than I've ever been with anyone
    6. I love you more than anything
    7. Please hang in there and be strong
    8. Calm down! You're not helping!
    9. Please call me more often
    10. We're losing money by being open tomorrow..stop being a moron and close the office.
  • themostbeautifullies
    Day One:

    1- You have so much potential.....
    2- Where are my flip flops?
    3- I need to buy clothes.
    4- I love you.
    5- You're ruining everything and you know it. Stop pretending.
    6- Let's do something together.
    7- Hey, I don't need therapy, I need a new friend!
    8- Let's go to the beach, please! *puppy eyes*
    9- You won't fail. I believe in you.
    10- I hope next year turns out to be better than this.
  • nickeymhughes
    nickeymhughes Posts: 115 Member
    Day One

    1. Really?
    2. It is your fault.
    3. Shut up and do it.
    4. Just go away
    5. Does time to myself exist?
    6. Why do you think I did it?
    7. Why do I have to do it all?
    8. Please just do it without asking questions.
    9. Call me every once in a while
    10. Why don't you stay awhile?
  • themostbeautifullies
    * Day two: Nine things about yourself.
  • TashaKittie
    TashaKittie Posts: 34 Member
    Nine things about myself.

    1. Yes my hair is natural and I don't get it professionally done that way.
    2. I have two daughters.
    3. I love to sing.
    4. I'm embarrassed to preform (sing) in front of people.
    5. I have four ducks.
    6. I have five dogs.
    7. I have two cats.
    8. I am a Gemini. I love it and live it.
    9. I am a sucker for love.
  • Bexaa
    Bexaa Posts: 19
    NINE Things about myself:

    1. I am very studious
    2. I easily feel guilty
    3. I find it hard to resist sweets :\
    4. I like my along times [e.g. exercising]
    5. I love to perform on front of crowds [preferably in front of those I don't know]
    6. I like staring into space
    7. The best Christmas present ever for me is to get plane tickets for my family
    8. I like what my hair looks like when it's straight
    9. I find life to be such a curious thing
  • themostbeautifullies
    Day two: Nine things about yourself.

    1. I'm selfish.
    2. I enjoy the silence.
    3. I talk too much.
    4. I cry easily.
    5. Although I talk too much, I don't open up easily if at all.
    6. I like to quote.
    7. I love to photograph but I'll never be a pro.
    8. I'm lonely.
    9. I laugh all the time.
  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    Ok NINE things:

    1 I'm only 10% good
    2 I laugh a lot
    3 I love driving
    4 I like being on my own
    5 I don't like talking on the phone
    6 I love sleeping
    7 I would love to buy a house
    8 Hollyoaks is my favourite TV programme *blush*
    9 I don't know where to take my life next - but I'm glad I can take it anywhere
  • themostbeautifullies
    * Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.

    And Merry Christmas! :D
  • TashaKittie
    TashaKittie Posts: 34 Member
    Day three
    Eight Ways to win my heart

    1. Never lie to me.
    2.Be strong when I allow myself to show that I can be weak.
    3. Don't let me get away with hiding my vulnerabilities.
    4. Love my children like you would your own.
    5. Never touch my radio when I'm listening to it.
    6. Be playful.
    7. Keep an open mind and never be offended by some of the horrible things that come out of my mouth.
    8. Love me for me and never ask me to change for you.
  • Bexaa
    Bexaa Posts: 19
    8 Ways to Win My Heart:

    1. Show your love for me in a sweet but unique way
    2. be trustworthy
    3. be kind to my family
    4. be caring
    5. be giving
    6. BE LOYAL
    7. Respect me
    8. Dance for me <3

    Happy Holidays!
  • themostbeautifullies
    * Day four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.