Way under my calorie goal



  • mg_alva
    mg_alva Posts: 37
    Thank you :)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Here's a simple way to think about it: High calorie =/= unhealthy. Eat what you like, just eat a a deficit, and you will lose weight.
  • Sheilav99
    Sheilav99 Posts: 4 Member
    I do the same thing quite often. I'll worry a little too much about keeping my main meals lower calorie, then I end up with a lot of extra calories to make up. Whole almonds, avocado, low fat cheese, small portions of ice cream, I've even eaten a salad later at night to make up calories. Just read labels carefully to know how many calories you're getting, as well as other things like fat, sodium, carbs, etc.

    Talk to your doctor about your sister's well intentioned advice. My doc told me cheese is great, but suggested getting reduced fat cheese. She said non-fat might be the best, but it doesn't taste very good, so low fat is ok.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Based on your diary, adding a normal lunch would be a good idea. The few days I have checked, you are completely skipping lunch except for an avocado. If time is a problem, add a grilled cheese sandwich, or some grilled chicken or even a yoghurt.
  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    I've lost about 19 lbs since the beginning of the year and the only thing I've changed is my portions. I still eat the same processed crap I did before....just less of it. If I had drastically changed my diet like you have and ate just healthy food, I would have given in and binged long ago cause I can't live without salty and sugary foods. Now I'm not knocking healthy food, I really should eat more of it, but you're just setting yourself up for disaster if you put yourself through such a drastic change in diet. I had like 700 calories left for the day, so you know what I ate? An A&W Rootbeer, a small bowl of Mac and Cheese and a few pieces of chocolate...and you know what? I'm still going to lose weight, because although everything I ate was junk, I still came in underneath my allotted net calories for the day.
  • StevenH74
    StevenH74 Posts: 129
    How did your sister make you afraid of cheese?
  • mg_alva
    mg_alva Posts: 37
    Based on your diary, adding a normal lunch would be a good idea. The few days I have checked, you are completely skipping lunch except for an avocado. If time is a problem, add a grilled cheese sandwich, or some grilled chicken or even a yoghurt.

    I have lunch everyday. Sometimes it's dinner I skip, but that was because I would workout after work and felt it was too late to eat. Now I work out during my break right before lunch so I can come home after work and eat dinner. I've never skipped lunch. But even now that I'm regularly eating something for dinner, I'll still be off quite a big number
  • mg_alva
    mg_alva Posts: 37
    How did your sister make you afraid of cheese?

    Haha. I absolutely love cheese.. so when I mentioned that, she said it's really fattening. So then I was avoiding it. Now I'm not. I bought Sargento ultra thin slices and get my cheese fix with little to no guilt
  • mg_alva
    mg_alva Posts: 37
    I've lost about 19 lbs since the beginning of the year and the only thing I've changed is my portions. I still eat the same processed crap I did before....just less of it. If I had drastically changed my diet like you have and ate just healthy food, I would have given in and binged long ago cause I can't live without salty and sugary foods. Now I'm not knocking healthy food, I really should eat more of it, but you're just setting yourself up for disaster if you put yourself through such a drastic change in diet. I had like 700 calories left for the day, so you know what I ate? An A&W Rootbeer, a small bowl of Mac and Cheese and a few pieces of chocolate...and you know what? I'm still going to lose weight, because although everything I ate was junk, I still came in underneath my allotted net calories for the day.

    I love salty things too. Now I'm trying not to eat so much of it. For one, high blood pressure runs in my family. I was avoiding that too (thanks to my sister) but I just can't do without it. Now instead of eating bland crap, I add enough to give it good flavor, but not so much like before either.. atleast with that I've learned how to balance. And I've changed my diet so much to the point where I ate Chinese on Saturday and I felt so uncomfortable and bloated. Lol... guess I'm not used to it anymore
  • suey2k1
    suey2k1 Posts: 10 Member
    How is this a problem? Go have an ice cream bar!! A Hamburger!! A large french fry!! There are a dozen things you can eat to make up 600 calories and all of them taste good! TWO slices of pizza!! I could do this all night...

    Ridiculous. The whole point is to eat HEALTHILY not just fill up on crap to boost your calories. Nuts are good. If you add some nuts or seeds to all your meals during the day or have a couple of snacks that should do it. i have 24 raw almonds and a small pear as a snack. That's 210 cals. Have something like that a couple of times a day and bingo! Cals restored :O)
  • Hondo_Man
    Hondo_Man Posts: 114 Member
    How is this a problem? Go have an ice cream bar!! A Hamburger!! A large french fry!! There are a dozen things you can eat to make up 600 calories and all of them taste good! TWO slices of pizza!! I could do this all night...

    but please don't eat a chicken breast, whole grain pasta, broccoli and some flax seed oil. That stuff is just terrible tasting and bad for you.

  • My target is 1680 and I have the opposite problem, I've aways been a 'grazer' who hoovered up food like it was going out of fashion and never EVER put any weight on. God's honest truth, I ate anything I wanted anytime of day or night and my weight never wavered by more than a pound of two for the best part of 40 years. The girls at work hated me as I ate three cheeseburgers for lunch and finished it off with an entire cheesecake for afters!

    A change of job and access to a vast supply of sweets and chocolate changed that: I added 50% to my weight seemingly overnight. From 'M' to 'XXL'.

    So now I have to lose 5 stone [70lb] to regain my figure [ha ha] and my self esteem.

    I can snack up 300, 400 calories without any trouble; 2:00am is a particularly bad time for me, and I often empty a whole tin of 'SPAM Bacon' onto a plate and slice bit by bit like Michaelangelo working at a block of marble ....
    Great Fun, Absolutely Delicuious but Disastrous for my plan.

    All I do is add it to the ''After Midnight But Before Bed' section of my diary and move on. Each day is different and each day is a different challenge.

    Still, I've lost 10 pound since I started 10 weeks ago so I must be doing something right.

    Take it slowly and make sure you consume the calories, starvation just makes the body more and more efficient until it can run for a day on a ritz cracker and a slice of cheese!


    On an entirely envious note, Please,Please, Please tell me how you can get to the end of the day and have ONLY consumed 700 calories!
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    How is this a problem? Go have an ice cream bar!! A Hamburger!! A large french fry!! There are a dozen things you can eat to make up 600 calories and all of them taste good! TWO slices of pizza!! I could do this all night...

    Ridiculous. The whole point is to eat HEALTHILY not just fill up on crap to boost your calories. Nuts are good. If you add some nuts or seeds to all your meals during the day or have a couple of snacks that should do it. i have 24 raw almonds and a small pear as a snack. That's 210 cals. Have something like that a couple of times a day and bingo! Cals restored :O)

    There is absolutely no reason to demonize food. The OP is already having an issue with that as she has stated she is afraid of salt and cheese. I often have trouble getting enough calories as well and will grab some ice cream or I will save calories when I want pizza. I don't eat it everyday but every now and then is not going to hurt me.
  • mg_alva
    mg_alva Posts: 37
    How is this a problem? Go have an ice cream bar!! A Hamburger!! A large french fry!! There are a dozen things you can eat to make up 600 calories and all of them taste good! TWO slices of pizza!! I could do this all night...

    Ridiculous. The whole point is to eat HEALTHILY not just fill up on crap to boost your calories. Nuts are good. If you add some nuts or seeds to all your meals during the day or have a couple of snacks that should do it. i have 24 raw almonds and a small pear as a snack. That's 210 cals. Have something like that a couple of times a day and bingo! Cals restored :O)

    I know the reply was well intentioned, but that's kinda what I thought. I looked up walnuts. Hi in cals, but very tasty
  • mg_alva
    mg_alva Posts: 37
    How is this a problem? Go have an ice cream bar!! A Hamburger!! A large french fry!! There are a dozen things you can eat to make up 600 calories and all of them taste good! TWO slices of pizza!! I could do this all night...

    but please don't eat a chicken breast, whole grain pasta, broccoli and some flax seed oil. That stuff is just terrible tasting and bad for you.


    I'm confused. How are those things bad? I have nothing but chicken breast in my freezer. I absolutely love broccoli also.
  • mg_alva
    mg_alva Posts: 37
    My target is 1680 and I have the opposite problem, I've aways been a 'grazer' who hoovered up food like it was going out of fashion and never EVER put any weight on. God's honest truth, I ate anything I wanted anytime of day or night and my weight never wavered by more than a pound of two for the best part of 40 years. The girls at work hated me as I ate three cheeseburgers for lunch and finished it off with an entire cheesecake for afters!

    A change of job and access to a vast supply of sweets and chocolate changed that: I added 50% to my weight seemingly overnight. From 'M' to 'XXL'.

    So now I have to lose 5 stone [70lb] to regain my figure [ha ha] and my self esteem.

    I can snack up 300, 400 calories without any trouble; 2:00am is a particularly bad time for me, and I often empty a whole tin of 'SPAM Bacon' onto a plate and slice bit by bit like Michaelangelo working at a block of marble ....
    Great Fun, Absolutely Delicuious but Disastrous for my plan.

    All I do is add it to the ''After Midnight But Before Bed' section of my diary and move on. Each day is different and each day is a different challenge.

    Still, I've lost 10 pound since I started 10 weeks ago so I must be doing something right.

    Take it slowly and make sure you consume the calories, starvation just makes the body more and more efficient until it can run for a day on a ritz cracker and a slice of cheese!


    On an entirely envious note, Please,Please, Please tell me how you can get to the end of the day and have ONLY consumed 700 calories!

    You know, I would love to know that too! I have no idea how I'm eating so little, yet at the time I'm sitting down to eat it feels like I have an enormous plate of food. But then again, more than half my plate is vegetables. I check and recheck the nutrition info for everything I'm consuming just to make sure I'm not underestimating the cals. But I even have to ADD cals (I add the largest number I find) to be safe, and still it's little cals. I ate pancakes right now. And I felt very happy :laugh:
  • mg_alva
    mg_alva Posts: 37
    How is this a problem? Go have an ice cream bar!! A Hamburger!! A large french fry!! There are a dozen things you can eat to make up 600 calories and all of them taste good! TWO slices of pizza!! I could do this all night...

    Ridiculous. The whole point is to eat HEALTHILY not just fill up on crap to boost your calories. Nuts are good. If you add some nuts or seeds to all your meals during the day or have a couple of snacks that should do it. i have 24 raw almonds and a small pear as a snack. That's 210 cals. Have something like that a couple of times a day and bingo! Cals restored :O)

    There is absolutely no reason to demonize food. The OP is already having an issue with that as she has stated she is afraid of salt and cheese. I often have trouble getting enough calories as well and will grab some ice cream or I will save calories when I want pizza. I don't eat it everyday but every now and then is not going to hurt me.

    Yes, that's what I've heard. To not completely cut out everything. It's just a matter of finding the right balance for everything. It's also hard to know how to calculate my cals when mom's cooking. I don't know what she puts in her stuff so I feel like I don't want to guess
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    How is this a problem? Go have an ice cream bar!! A Hamburger!! A large french fry!! There are a dozen things you can eat to make up 600 calories and all of them taste good! TWO slices of pizza!! I could do this all night...

    Ridiculous. The whole point is to eat HEALTHILY not just fill up on crap to boost your calories. Nuts are good. If you add some nuts or seeds to all your meals during the day or have a couple of snacks that should do it. i have 24 raw almonds and a small pear as a snack. That's 210 cals. Have something like that a couple of times a day and bingo! Cals restored :O)

    How is pizza or a hamburger not healthy? It's protein, dairy, and grain and pizza sauce contains cancer fighting nutrients... I'm sorry but I think you're confused about food. There are no culinary demons out there, and believing there is and pushing that belief off on others is dangerous and irresponsible. Improve your relationship with food by understanding it's okay to eat it and you'll be much happier in life.
    but please don't eat a chicken breast, whole grain pasta, broccoli and some flax seed oil. That stuff is just terrible tasting and bad for you.

    Terrible tasting and not fun.

    Ya'll need to lighten up!! Why should her diet be boring? She can eat salt less no fat chicken breast all day if she wants, but if she has cals left over? There is nothing wrong with indulging in things she loves, which will inevitably stop her from binging later. If she has good blood levels, there is no medical reason to opt for a chicken breast over a hamburger, or almonds over pizza. I personally make it a point to have fast food as often as it fits in my macros/calories limits and I've not only lost 15 pounds in three months BUT I have great blood levels.

    You DON'T have to eat a restrictive diet to achieve success and the more comfortable you are with ALL foods the more likely it is you will stick with your plan long term. You just need balance, A little veg, some meat, some dairy... and sugar won't kill you just don't eat it all the time. It doesn't have to be complicated. boring, or demonizing. I'd prefer to be able to eat out with friends and not worry about where we are going because they don't serve plain chicken breast and almonds. But that's just me.
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    How is this a problem? Go have an ice cream bar!! A Hamburger!! A large french fry!! There are a dozen things you can eat to make up 600 calories and all of them taste good! TWO slices of pizza!! I could do this all night...

    but please don't eat a chicken breast, whole grain pasta, broccoli and some flax seed oil. That stuff is just terrible tasting and bad for you.


    I'm confused. How are those things bad? I have nothing but chicken breast in my freezer. I absolutely love broccoli also.

    That was sarcasm, hence the huh emoticon at the end. The person was making fun of the fact that the other poster listed foods that are traditionally considered bad, but no healthy alternatives.
  • mg_alva
    mg_alva Posts: 37
    How is this a problem? Go have an ice cream bar!! A Hamburger!! A large french fry!! There are a dozen things you can eat to make up 600 calories and all of them taste good! TWO slices of pizza!! I could do this all night...

    Ridiculous. The whole point is to eat HEALTHILY not just fill up on crap to boost your calories. Nuts are good. If you add some nuts or seeds to all your meals during the day or have a couple of snacks that should do it. i have 24 raw almonds and a small pear as a snack. That's 210 cals. Have something like that a couple of times a day and bingo! Cals restored :O)

    How is pizza or a hamburger not healthy? It's protein, dairy, and grain and pizza sauce contains cancer fighting nutrients... I'm sorry but I think you're confused about food. There are no culinary demons out there, and believing there is and pushing that belief off on others is dangerous and irresponsible. Improve your relationship with food by understanding it's okay to eat it and you'll be much happier in life.
    but please don't eat a chicken breast, whole grain pasta, broccoli and some flax seed oil. That stuff is just terrible tasting and bad for you.

    Terrible tasting and not fun.

    Ya'll need to lighten up!! Why should her diet be boring? She can eat salt less no fat chicken breast all day if she wants, but if she has cals left over? There is nothing wrong with indulging in things she loves, which will inevitably stop her from binging later. If she has good blood levels, there is no medical reason to opt for a chicken breast over a hamburger, or almonds over pizza. I personally make it a point to have fast food as often as it fits in my macros/calories limits and I'm not only lost 15 pounds in three months BUT I have great blood levels.

    You DON'T have to eat a restrictive diet to achieve success and the more comfortable you are with ALL foods the more likely it is you will stick with your plan long term. You just need balance, A little veg, some meat, some dairy... and sugar won't kill you just don't eat it all the time. It doesn't have to be complicated. boring, or demonizing. I'd prefer to be able to eat out with friends and not worry about where we are going because they don't serve plain chicken breast and almonds. But that's just me.

    I agree with you. I need to learn how to find that balance with things I love and tweaking them a bit too make them healthier