10-12% BF goal

Currently I'm around 25% body fat and I would love to get to 10-12% preferably. Is there anybody out there that has gone through what I'm currently trying to achieve? I have calculated my macro-nutrients, have a food scale, workout 6 days a week. I just started and believe I'm on the right track. Looking to get some ideas on diet to keep me on track, and suggestions in general to help me achieve my goal. Also some active friends would be nice :happy:


  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    About three years ago I got myself from 27% bodyfat to 14% bodyfat which is close to your goal. After getting there stupidly I thought "yay I did it" and moved my attention to my career completely letting myself go in the process. 3 years later and I'm back at 25% and starting the process again.

    I do not blame my rebound on poor choices when I got to the desired weight I just threw it all away for no good reason by stopping exercise and eating poorly. I feel like with the experience though I know how to get there so I am confident that in probably 6 months or so I can get there again.

    My profile picture is me 3 years ago at that 14% by the way.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    i did and I typically lift 3-4 days a week
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    Good Luck
  • only1life4us
    You can totally get to where you want to be my good man! Just need to pick something and stick with it!
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    I wen't from about 20-22% to about 13% in the past. Promised myself I'd NEVER be that fat again, since then I haven't. As soon as I reach around 16% I do a cut, I may change this to when I reach 14% I do a cut, but first I've gotta get down to single digits.

    My best advice I can give you is: Be VERY patient, the results take long, but in the end they're worth it. You might think to yourself "I'm losing muscle, I'm losing my gains!" but the truth is, you will reach a point where finally the % is at something you like. You will most probably reach a point where you think you are still fat, and have lost a lot of muscle making you skinny as well, but this is just a phase, and you are close to your goal. Stick with it!
  • Stefgoju
    Stefgoju Posts: 43 Member
    Exactly the same for me! I'm at 25% now and going to go for an all time low goal of 8% and then maintaining at 12-14%.
    I'm a huge fan of Tom Venuto and am using his lifestyle from burn the fat feed the muscle, it's entirely dedicated to losing body fat and not body WEIGHT. MInimal lean body mass loss is key!
  • Hondo_Man
    Hondo_Man Posts: 114 Member
    it`s very possible. When I was your age I was probably around 25% - 30% BF. For the past 25 years, I have maintained 10% - 13%. It is not that hard to do. Just takes time, with a new mind set and life style.
  • mailroomclerk
    I was like 26% (225lbs) bf and dropped to about 10%(165) bf, so perhaps the same. I suggest pacing yourself, I lost weight rapidly and decided pretty quickly that I wanted more mass added after I had reached my goal (I would have done it differently, lift more and lost weight slower etc.). In any case, I don't know anyone who wasn't happy with themselves after hitting that milestone or any other major goal.

    I'm doing a cut right now. I'm at about 14%, the profile pic is closer to the 10-12% range. I'll probably re-up a photo next month when I'm there again. I didn't have as much muscle mass starting out as I did just fat so the % of bf will look different depending on how much lean mass you have.

  • lildavid91
    About three years ago I got myself from 27% bodyfat to 14% bodyfat which is close to your goal. After getting there stupidly I thought "yay I did it" and moved my attention to my career completely letting myself go in the process. 3 years later and I'm back at 25% and starting the process again.

    I do not blame my rebound on poor choices when I got to the desired weight I just threw it all away for no good reason by stopping exercise and eating poorly. I feel like with the experience though I know how to get there so I am confident that in probably 6 months or so I can get there again.

    My profile picture is me 3 years ago at that 14% by the way.

    You say you got there stupidly? what did you do that you dont agree with now?
  • lildavid91
    I went from about 20-22% to about 13% in the past. Promised myself I'd NEVER be that fat again, since then I haven't. As soon as I reach around 16% I do a cut, I may change this to when I reach 14% I do a cut, but first I've gotta get down to single digits.

    My best advice I can give you is: Be VERY patient, the results take long, but in the end they're worth it. You might think to yourself "I'm losing muscle, I'm losing my gains!" but the truth is, you will reach a point where finally the % is at something you like. You will most probably reach a point where you think you are still fat, and have lost a lot of muscle making you skinny as well, but this is just a phase, and you are close to your goal. Stick with it!

    What was your diet like? Did you have macros you were trying to hit?
  • lildavid91
    Exactly the same for me! I'm at 25% now and going to go for an all time low goal of 8% and then maintaining at 12-14%.
    I'm a huge fan of Tom Venuto and am using his lifestyle from burn the fat feed the muscle, it's entirely dedicated to losing body fat and not body WEIGHT. MInimal lean body mass loss is key!

    Never heard of Tom Venuto. Curious to learn more!
  • lildavid91
    I was like 26% (225lbs) bf and dropped to about 10%(165) bf, so perhaps the same. I suggest pacing yourself, I lost weight rapidly and decided pretty quickly that I wanted more mass added after I had reached my goal (I would have done it differently, lift more and lost weight slower etc.). In any case, I don't know anyone who wasn't happy with themselves after hitting that milestone or any other major goal.

    I'm doing a cut right now. I'm at about 14%, the profile pic is closer to the 10-12% range. I'll probably re-up a photo next month when I'm there again. I didn't have as much muscle mass starting out as I did just fat so the % of bf will look different depending on how much lean mass you have.


    I'm trying my best to keep the mass I have but still lose BF. So losing the weight slow is fine by me. As far as lean mass goes, people who havent seen me in awhile always say, "damn, you been working out?" and I laugh and just say, "you should see me with out my shirt" little do they know its just BF over my muscles which makes me look like im buffer than what i really am lol,but really im just a little fat. Ive had decent muscle definition for my size, and i dont want to lose the little bit that i have.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    About three years ago I got myself from 27% bodyfat to 14% bodyfat which is close to your goal. After getting there stupidly I thought "yay I did it" and moved my attention to my career completely letting myself go in the process. 3 years later and I'm back at 25% and starting the process again.

    I do not blame my rebound on poor choices when I got to the desired weight I just threw it all away for no good reason by stopping exercise and eating poorly. I feel like with the experience though I know how to get there so I am confident that in probably 6 months or so I can get there again.

    My profile picture is me 3 years ago at that 14% by the way.

    You say you got there stupidly? what did you do that you dont agree with now?

    I missed a comma. What I meant to say was "After getting there, stupidly I put the weight back on". I wasn't saying losing the weight was done stupidly I was saying it was stupid to allow myself to put the weight back on. I actually think my approach was healthy and worked quite well which is why I am repeating it now.
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    I think I've done it, but honestly when I was at my heaviest I don't really have good documentation on what my BF % was. I would guess that it had to be 25 or 30% though.

    I'd suggest that you throw in a few cycles here and there where you eat at maintenance just to keep your sanity. If you are eating TDEE - 20% for several months you'll probably want to just give up at some point.

    Good luck!
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm down 3% at 20% BF; doing some carb cycling now with a goal of 15% - after I reach that I'll reaccess.