New and hoping for some support!

So this is very new to me, and I'm honestly quite nervous. So my situation is pretty run of the mill, I've been overweight since I was a toddler and have always had bad eating habits, and after some whole hearted attempts to lose weight that brought minimal success, I have found myself quickly approaching adulthood and feeling like if I can just stay motivated I can meet my goal! Both of my parents are skinny so it has been a struggle to find the moral support that I really need in order to lose the weight. So, I'd love to meet some new people and make some new friends that might be able to help me out! Wish me luck :D


  • 1swolpanda
    1swolpanda Posts: 120 Member
    if ya need some motivation im here to help ya out, ask any questions and ill see what i can do to help you out from my personal experience of losing weight
  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    Hey i'm here to support i have always been the chubby one in the family, food has been my emotional crutch all my life. I'm slowly getting past this & working on a happier, healthier fitter lifestyle before it gets too late. Feel free to friend me my diary is open & always happy to share my recipes i cook everything from scratch. I can motivate you when needed & console on bad days, may i ask what your goals are?
  • motormouse81
    motormouse81 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi and welcome! I'm in exactly the same boat as jenfunfur, except maybe not such a great cook lol but I do try and make healthy meals. Tends to be the snacking where I go wrong. Oh and exercising *sigh*

    Feel free to add me too, hopefully we can keep each other motivated on the good and bad days