Did I pull a muscle?

So I was out running tonight and my calf started to hurt. Started gradually then got worse to the point where I had to stop running. When I stopped the pain intensified but I could not run again. At this point I limped the rest of the way home. I can't stretch it as it hurts more when I do, taking weight off of it doesn't help and I can hardly walk.

Here is a picture http://i60.tinypic.com/w169m8.jpg there red is where it hurts the most and the blue kind of a dull ache. the pain is more on the side of my leg and not really on the back.

Aside from going to the doctor what should I do to try and heal it. Also what is it?


  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    Here's the pic she was referring to:

    Sorry, aside from going to the doctor, taking an anti-inflammatory and alternating ice/heat packs, I don't have any suggestions for you.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member

    Probably a strain or something along those lines. I doubt it's a real injury if it was gradual. Should be better in a few days to a week or so. If it lasts longer you may want to see someone.
  • notinthisgalaxy
    notinthisgalaxy Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for responding. I'll rest for now but if it doesn't get better in a few days I'll just have to go to the doc.

    @peejaygee1 thanks for posting the pic for me.
  • wonderbeard101
    wonderbeard101 Posts: 75 Member
    If it's swollen, ice and ibuprofen. If it's not swollen, ice will not help.

    Take it easy for a couple of days. Doing things to increase circulation to the painful muscles will help, such as self massage, heat pads, LIGHT stretching. Don't do any rehab that hurts.

    If you have a physical therapist or someone familiar with movement patterns, it always helps to find out WHY something happened so that any imbalances can be corrected and you won't have to go through this again.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Doesn't sound like a pulled muscle. More like tendinitis but I'm not a doctor.

    I sometimes go through something similar and other than icing and using my foam roller, not much you can do. I also had some luck with kinesio tape. Oh and look into compression socks too.

    Also, are you wearing the proper shoes? That's the most important factor in this equation.

    I'd give this article a look and tendinitis more importantly.

  • krys185
    krys185 Posts: 8
    It doesn't sound like tendinitis. Tendinitis is in the joint, where as the majority of you pain is in your calf muscle. A pulled muscle is generally not gradual. You have tightness and then you have to stop running. You could have a small tear. I would ice, rest and self massage and do very very light stretching over the next few days and see if it hurts to walk. If it keeps hurting, go and see someone about it.
  • timboom1
    timboom1 Posts: 762 Member
    As others said RICE and take a break until it is healed, no running, just walking. It is incredibly easy to re-injure and/or mess up your form to avoid pain and the injure something else. My guess is overuse without enough recovery is the culprit. Of course I am not a doctor, PT or in any way qualified to say what it is. I just know I had a similar situation. Gave it a week until it was tolerable, ran for a week, re- injured it and then missed two more weeks. It is great now, but trying to go back too soon cost me 2 weeks of training 4 weeks before my Feb. half marathon.