Eating disorder recovery, anyone?

Its a little hard to be so open about this, but i have been recovering from a long battle with E.D. for about a year now, and though i am at a now-healthy weight, im still finding it hard to maintain, as the weight all seems to be accumulatimg around my middle. Oh and the constant bloating after a normal meal is an absolute nightmare!! I even get it on an empty stomacg when im stressed out. Nothing worse than puffing up for no good reason. I know this is normal in the begining stages of recovery after being unhealthy for so long, and your "fat" begins to evenly distribute once your body and hormones catch up and stablize. Though my rational mind is aware of this temporary phase, my sick mind is screaming at me. Its very frustrating, and can be a huge set-back for those of us who are trying to get control of ourselves again rather than letting the eating disorder control us.
Is there anyone else out there going through this? And if so, what keeps you motivated to stay the course of healthy weight maintenance? And lastly; if youve BEEN through this, how long did it take you to stablize and evenly distribite again?
Thanks to anyone who has a say on the matter. Feedback is always appreciated. :)


  • V0lver
    V0lver Posts: 915 Member
    after being unhealthy for so long, and your "fat" begins to evenly distribute once your body and hormones catch up and stablize.

    This is not true. Some gain fat in the middle, others in the butt or boobs/moobs so its different for everyone. And it wont evenly distribute ever. Fat is fat. You can either gain it or lose.
  • Pectinbean
    Pectinbean Posts: 62 Member
    Hi there,

    I don't know much about eaing disorders, I'm afraid but I did see someone posting about it in the 'Goal: Gaining weight' section recently in case this helps.

    Good luck to you. X
  • ShannanDope
    @Volver Thank you for posting but that is not true in the case of eating disorder patients. Its called "redistribution" and its a process. Read up on it if you would like. :)
  • ShannanDope
    Thanks, pectinbean! Ill have a look at that. :)
  • V0lver
    V0lver Posts: 915 Member
    @Volver Thank you for posting but that is not true in the case of eating disorder patients. Its called "redistribution" and its a process. Read up on it if you would like. :)

    Ok i did and turns out you were right:huh: So weird!!
  • animalldy
    animalldy Posts: 140 Member
    Congrats on getting to a healthy weight! I know it takes a lot of work and acceptance, I've been there. I then gained a lot of weight and now I've lost it for good and I'm committed to maintenance! My unhealthy relationship with food and exercise started about 7 years ago now I feel mostly in control, but it will never leave me. Check out some of my old posts about my recovery if you want. I will add you as a friend :)
  • XxElla93xX
    XxElla93xX Posts: 13 Member
    Hi hun, I've struggled with ED since I was about 13/14 years old and it was horrendous. I only really accepted I had a problem about 2 years ago when I met my current boyfriend and I watched him break down over seeing me so ill and treating myself horribly. It's taken me about 2 years to stabilize and I've had some major ups and downs but I have now gained 2 stone. However now I want to lose some weight and I've really struggled to do it healthily but I need to as all I want is to be healthy.

    Gaining weight for me and having to stop myself from doing anything about it was terrible. I went through some really really hard times and all my weight went on my hips, thighs and bum so my chest stayed tiny and I feel so out of proportion.

    If you'd ever like to talk, just message me :)