Hi All

I'm new to this but I'm combining using Diet Chef (which is horrible food by the way) and logging on here to try and sort out my weight problem. I have two questions and wondered if anyone can help?

In terms of Sodium is 2,300 really high? I'm logging my food as well as I can and don't add salt to my food but I've never once reached this.

Secondly, I have an addiction to Cola and wondered if anyone has any tips on giving up? (Yes, I know it's bad and I could get loads of horrible things but it's not that easy to give up)

Any help is much appreciated.


  • Ashleygrand86
    Ashleygrand86 Posts: 35 Member
    Oh dear, isn't diet chef really expensive too?

    gradually wean yourself off it, and replace with water. So if you were having 8 glasses a day, try maybe having 6 and 2 glasses of water, then 5, then 4, etc etc until you no longer want it. It'll probably be the caffeine you are addicted to but after a while you don't miss it at all... Infact, when you go out and you do have one, you'll realise how bloated and gassy it makes you, and wonder why you put up with that for years! x
  • FlatTummyTrish
    FlatTummyTrish Posts: 88 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP there is a lot of support you can get I recommend joining groups and checking out other threads. Not sure about the first question but I used to have the same Cola problem, I simply cut it out completely for 3 weeks and it definitely helped me it was hard but worth it. Water is not the same so I drink Tonic, smoothies and lots of tea.
  • I tried cutting it out completely and got really ill. I'm down to a can a day and hopefully will be able to get past that soon. Just wondered if anyone had an miracle cures as I seem to be cutting everything fun out of my life.

    Diet chef is expensive but I had a voucher for 3 months, it was the same price as I was spending on food each month. I also did it because I have issues with portion size and actually eating enough food (I know that sounds ridiculous for someone who is overweight). I wouldn't eat enough of the right stuff either.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    I'm new to this but I'm combining using Diet Chef (which is horrible food by the way) and logging on here to try and sort out my weight problem. I have two questions and wondered if anyone can help?

    In terms of Sodium is 2,300 really high? I'm logging my food as well as I can and don't add salt to my food but I've never once reached this.

    Secondly, I have an addiction to Cola and wondered if anyone has any tips on giving up? (Yes, I know it's bad and I could get loads of horrible things but it's not that easy to give up)

    Any help is much appreciated.

    Just switch to diet soda. It isn't "good" for you, but it doesn't hurt you. One step at a time. As for sodium, I don't worry about it on one-meal-a-day, but just don't go crazy with TV dinners and eating out and you should be fine. Drinking water offsets the effect of sodium in your system.
  • Thanks but, I can't stand diet soda. It's also highly addictive which would be like traveling down the same road just in a different lane.

    In terms of sodium, I don't think I wrote that properly. MFP says I should go for 2,300 a day. What I meant was I never get anywhere close to 2,300, I'm usually between 300-600. Do we need it?
  • What is it you like most about the soda? If it's the carbonation then maybe try one of those soda stream machines and carbonate your water. You could add some fruit juice to it.
  • jaxranger
    jaxranger Posts: 12 Member
    There is a lot of misinformation out there and I always try to get to the science and not the conjecture. Below are two links, one from the American Heart Association and one from the New England Journal of Medicine. I work closely with several senior level MD's and PhD's and they have offered some great dietary information over the past few years. In fact I was shocked at what I thought I knew and what is reality.

    There is real science that says both sodium and sugar are two of the greatest contributors to poor health. You can find similar info on sugar, in particular the effects of both diet and regular soft drinks.

    My suggestions are not to listen to people who give you unfounded advice and to make sure when you are getting your info from the internet that the people who are offering it are credible.

    American Heart Association recommends eating no more than 1500 mg of sodium per day for anyone with a history of heart disease in their family. 2300 for everyone else... but, the human body only can process between 300-500 mg per day. So, infer from that what you will.


    According to the New England Journal of Medicine, reducing sodium to 1200 mg per day would greatly reduce the incidences of heart disease in the US.

    "Reducing dietary salt by 3 g per day is projected to reduce the annual number of new cases of CHD by 60,000 to 120,000, stroke by 32,000 to 66,000, and myocardial infarction by 54,000 to 99,000 and to reduce the annual number of deaths from any cause by 44,000 to 92,000."


    So if 1200 mg will reduce heart disease in the US alone by such great numbers, why is anyone recommending more? Best of luck on your journey!!
