struggling with the last 10 pounds

hi all. is anyone out there struggling with the last ten pounds like me? i was not seriously overweight when i joined MFP i only need to lose 15 pounds as my jeans were too tight and the muffin top was a sight not to be seen in daylight!!, and so far i have lost 7 pounds. the last few pounds are going so slowly and i seem to be gaining and losing the same 2 pounds all the time lol! maybe i should just accept that my body wants to hang onto them and give up the fight ? i log my foods accurately and i dont cheat if i go over my tally i still log it ( thats not often i go over) . is this normal when there are so few pounds to lose?


  • rebeccawesterfield5
    rebeccawesterfield5 Posts: 132 Member
    I am in the same boat, would love some suggestions/advice/help too! Giving your thread a bump, hope you get some serious advice!
  • I am in the last stretch of my goal too. 44 down, 6 lbs to go!

    If you started off with looking to lose 1.5 to 2 lbs a week, it's time to change that to .5 to 1lb a week and lower your expectations for how quickly it will come off.

    Just stick to the plan, keep up with your exercise, and wait it out. It will come, slowly, but it will.

    Just have to believe...and're not going to hit your goal and its

    Your aiming for the weight you plan to maintain the rest of your life.

    You can't quit now, and you can't quit then either.
  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    Hello again! I've been bobbing around this weight for over a year. That said, I am happy with my size (smallish UK 12) and as I exercise a lot, I think much of my residual weight is muscle (smaller now than the last time I was at my actual target weight). I just keep logging, jiggle about with my exercise regime and change things around so that I stay interested and motivated. I think the last few pounds are pretty notorious and like to hang on in there, so that's what we need to do too. Stick with it hun x
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    when you say you log food accurately...does that mean you weigh it on a food scale? use the correct entries?

    I have 3lbs to go and I haven't found the last 10 hard at all.

    I weigh everything, measure liquids, log everything and I am steadily losing weight just like I have since I started.

    If you find you are down and up the same 2 pounds there is an error in your calculation somewhere...

    either on the intake or output or both.
  • sherreystl1
    sherreystl1 Posts: 12 Member
    I was in the same boat, but I had 15 to go. I bought a food scale a week ago and I have lost about 3 lbs! Keep it up. Also I would suggest to mix up your exercise regime because you body gets used to it.