Folks with 100lbs or more to lose



  • HopeNShelton
    HopeNShelton Posts: 59 Member
  • cute8
    cute8 Posts: 2
    I have plenty more weight to lose and right now I am in a major stall. Trying to keep focused to obtain my goal weight. It's very hard to exercise and not see the scales going down. Please feel free to add me I could use a little motivation as well.
  • HopeNShelton
    HopeNShelton Posts: 59 Member
    There is no magic bullet to weight loss. I can tell you that I had surgery and it was NOT my fault that my weight spiraled out of control. I had many health issues. I have lost 112lbs since November 2013. If I hadnt had the surgery my children aged 7 to 21 wouldve buried me by now. It takes a positive attitude and mind set to be successful no matter which way you choose to lose weight. If ANYONE would like to talk to someone who has had the surgery and can ease your mind, then add me. Remember there are risks to everything we do in life no matter what it may be.
  • breakingbad01
    breakingbad01 Posts: 8 Member
    Anyone can add me! I have well over 100 lbs to lose!
  • lawanarae
    lawanarae Posts: 9 Member
    Hello all I was considering weight loss surgery but I have decided to try it on my own. I started this time at 321 and I am down 22 so far. I probably have about 150 more to go I am not sure I have to see how I look I think an ideal weight for me would be between 160 and 160. The first twenty pounds came off pretty easily and it really helped that I was fasting for lent. The type of fast I do for church is no meat, dairy mostly fruits and veggies. I also count my calories 1200 a day and I have added water zumba and regular zumba. My fast will be over this Sunday and I will have to learn portion control as I add meat and dairy back to my calories. I am supposed to meet with the surgeon on 23 April so I will decide before then I think for now I am going to just move the date back. The posts are inspiring to me.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    I started my weight loss journey July 17th. I weighed 389lbs at the time. I was border line diabetic and on hypertension meds. Every time I went to the doctor I was getting my medicine increased. Being obese was killing me. We went on a family camping trip and when i saw how I looked in the photos I couldnt stand it anymore and had to make a change. I had two choices.. I could get bariatric surgery or I could do it the old fashioned way. I was very tempted by the surgery because our insurance would pay for it in full and I certainly qualified. But I wanted to really try to do it on my own first. I did research and found many folks that had done it without surgery. There are lots of awesome transformation videos on youtube. I wanted to find that kind of success! I currently do carb cycling, intermittent fasting, and strength training as my primary tools. I also do some cardio but mainly focus on the weights. Im down to 295 now and have 70 to go to reach my goal weight of 225. I would love to hear from more folks with similar situations. I also would love to hear from folks that have had the various surgeries done as well. My wife is getting the sleeve done this summer.


    I was 363 pounds and have now reached 197. Took over 10 months on one-meal-a-day. I, too, had bad hypertension and kept upping the meds, which barely worked before finally not working much at all. My knees hurt, ankles hurt, and I despised how I towered over everyone in the photos (being 6'4 made me quite intimidating) not to mention the snide comments I kept getting. And like you, I finally got sick to death of the whole mess and decided I had to make changes...

    You are doing great, my friend. You may find your goal weight changing in time, but every little step is a step forward. I've switched from 245, to 215, to 205, to now 190. But really, I'm happy here and don't care as I'm more in maintenance than anything else. Still, lifestyle changes change you forever. I'll never go back to the old sloth I was.

    If I can offer any advice or support, just add me.
  • MattyFTM
    MattyFTM Posts: 68 Member
    I'm 396lb and started losing weight a couple of months ago. I don't know exactly how heavy I was since my scales only went up to 400lb, but a few weeks ago I finally got under that point and it gave me a number. I'm currently focusing on limiting my calories, I'm still eating far too many unhealthy, high sodium foods, but I'm taking it one step at a time, not doing too much at once. I'm gradually introducing more healthy fruit and veg into my diet. Anyone is free to add me.
  • mom2my4boys
    mom2my4boys Posts: 148 Member
    I also considered weight loss surgery, but like someone else said, didn't feel i had tried the old fashioned way. My starting weight was 275lbs at 5'4. (125lbs from the top end of my healthy weight range) Since then, i've lost about 77lbs. I set myself a goal of 100lbs in one year. (July is the one year mark) I'm not sure i'll reach that goal at my current rate of 6lbs a month loss, but i'll sure be close! I'm looking to add friends, so feel free to send requests :)
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I have about 155 pounds to lose to be at the highest weight for "normal" BMI. I would be thrilled with losing 100 pounds.

    I know we each have our own number or "journey" but it kinda irritates me when someone on the forum posts about having to lose 30 pounds and they just don't know how they will do it, etc etc. I do bite my tongue, but I can only dream of having to 30 to drop. I know it takes awhile for them to drop 30 pounds compared to how long it should take me, but the triple digit numbers seem daunting.

    I mostly follow a low carb diet. I did it in the past losing 90 pounds and maintaining for the most part (even while eating carbs). I got pregnant with my son and gain most of the weight back. I have been struggling since his birth to find my groove and stick to it. I have found that simply sticking to moderation of foods I already eat does not work for me and I think about food too much. Not successful when I buy cookies or ice cream and eat what would fit my calories for the day. I hope to try reintroducing some fruits and something like sweet potatoes so I'm not in ketosis, but still eating lower carb.
  • frogprogrammer
    frogprogrammer Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all, I'm seeking friends to help with motivation.
    I had got myself down to 245 back when I was 20, which was really great for me considering it was 120 lbs lower than my highest weight, and I had the body of a weightlifter (which was what I was doing).
    Fast forward nearly 10 years with most of them behind a desk and computer, and I've put it all back on.

    So I'm trying to get back on track and lose all this weight! I want to be able to run around with my youngest when he's old enough to (3 months now) and to provide a good example for my older two (10 and 8).
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    I have 81 pounds to lose!!
  • KittiePerry
    KittiePerry Posts: 133 Member
    Hi, I'm Katherine and I have about 187 more pounds to lose before I hit my goal weight of 140 pounds, though I'd be happy being 180-200 right now which is still a hefty 127 pounds. I just hated not being able to run around and be as hyper as my mind is! I wanted to be able to walk a mile with my boyfriend without complaining. When I have kids one day I want to be able to keep up. I wanted to love my body when I saw a picture of myself and didn't have to take it at an angle before I was happy with it.

    I have had PCOS since I was around 11 years old and it has caused so many problems for me, I've been 200+ since about 5th grade and I've found the best way to combat my PCOS is with weight loss. Everyone kept telling me to try to get some kind of surgery done but I really wanted to do it myself. And with baby steps I'm losing weight already, even 1-3 pounds is something for me to cheer for now!

    I started at 340, am at 327 now and still losing WITHOUT exercise! I'm starting to walk 1/2 a mile about 4-5 times a day! :)
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    Please add me as a friend guys. I have just over 200 to lose. I really am struggling. I had lost 140 before at one point in my life but now back at my highest weight ever. I am trying to get going again and would love to friend all of yas. Thanks! btw Love funny people and music. Woohoo!
  • pamt1999
    pamt1999 Posts: 19
    My total goal is somewhere between 170 and 190 pounds to lose. I've lost 59 lbs so far but have added some muscle, too. I go to the gym 3 - 5 times per week and do cardio and strength training. I've been very frustrated over the last few months because my weight loss has slowed way down. But then I looked back where I came from . . .

    I'm 44 and have mild arthritis in my knees and plantar fasciitis in both feet (much worse in the left than in the right). A year ago, I could hardly walk because of the pain in my knees and feet. I would sit as much as possible because I didn't want to feel the pain of walking. I had to walk down the stairs backwards because it hurt too much to walk down facing forward.

    Today (almost a year later . . . April 21 will be a year), I generally do between 6500 and 10,000 steps a day. I can do 45 minutes on an elliptical (treadmill still hurts my feet too much). I can run up and down the stairs.

    Right now, I'm fighting the urges to go back to my old habits. But, every day, I get up and do it again. I'm eating much better but I don't even try to eat clean. I eat the foods that I like but in moderation. But, I do try to eat more protein, I have switched to a kefir smoothie and a hard boiled egg for breakfast (instead of a bagel with butter and peanut butter). I eat salads for lunch most days. And, I try to have fruit on hand.

    I have four kids at home - 15, 13, 10 and 4. I want to be around for them and I want to be a good example for them. The oldest and youngest are overweight. Now that spring has sprung, I'm trying to make sure I get outside with them at night and on the weekends. I want to encourage them but I need to be a good example first.
  • CassarahW
    CassarahW Posts: 93 Member
    Hey guys! I'm a single mom of 4 and I started my weight loss journey at 284 lbs and I'm down to 244 lbs in about a year. My goal is to be at 150 lbs (the high range for my height) I'm not the best at being consistent (especially during aunt flo's visits) but I keep going and working hard to live a good life for me and be a role model for my kiddos. You guys are all amazing! Great job with the weight that's already been lost, the fabulous sense of community on here, and your amazing spirits!
  • pamt1999
    pamt1999 Posts: 19
    Thank you for that. I deal almost daily with someone telling me I took the easy route. I just laugh and go on. I know how I feel and what circumstances I take. I have never been a huge eater and I have always enjoyed walking yet I put the weight on. I weighed 120 when I found out I was pregnant with my first child and with every pregnancy the weight blossomed on. I couldnt lose it. After my stroke it was crazy out of control. I workout 4/5x a week now and am currently down 111lbs since November. I feel great for the first time in over 20 yrs.

    My biggest concern with surgery for me was that if I couldn't learn to control my eating before, what would keep the weight from coming back on after the surgery. It wasn't offered to me and I didn't ask. I'm glad that it is working for you and do not judge you at all. Those are some scary health concerns that you had . . . I have been fortunate in that my health was fairly good (my joints weren't . . . but cholesterol was ok, no diabetes, no heart problems and no blood pressure issues).
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I need to lose 100 lbs. I have bounced back and forth the past several years between 200- to now my highest 244. (ugh). For the first time ever, I am feeling the physical effects of carrying around too much weight. In the evenings, I can hardly walk because my feet hurt so bad, my feet swell up like balloons (and I"m even on blood pressure meds WITH a diuretic), and just recently I've become very short of breath. I have horrible acid reflux - which actually chokes me in the night when I'm sleeping. Very scary and very horrible!!! All because of my weight! I have got to get my weight under control! I've gained over 20 lbs in the past 6 months alone!

    So today I have logged back in, reset my goals and starting completely over. I have such a hard time startting out. It's like "today I'm going to get back on track" and then a few hours later I'm eating whatever I can find. So my goal for the next few days is to come here, log in, and be honest about what I've eaten -- start taking baby steps and work my way to tightening things up and getting back on track!

    Would also love to have weight loss friends who have or are struggling through, like me.

  • SarahAnna87
    SarahAnna87 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Everyone: I have a just under 100 lbs I would like to lose. This is going to feel like a plug, but it isn't. I went to a talk to other night by Dr. Arya Sharma who is an obesity expert in Canada (if you have chance to see him go, it was fantastic) and part of what he talked about wasn't weight loss itself but why we gain weight, why salt affects blood pressure, etc. The biggest thing I got from his talk wasn't about losing weight but about stopping the gain. So anyone who is not seeing the scale move downwards, you are still successful. Think about if you had not been doing anything at all. Chances are you would have continued to gain. But you haven't. You are successful by just trying. This isn't a lifestyle, it is your life. Style is something you wear. Good luck everyone.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Awesome job everyone! And thanks for posting too!! Keep pushing and success is never giving up! :flowerforyou:
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    My initial goal is to lose 100, then probably another 30 or so beyond that. I've never been a healthy weight since about third grade, so I have no idea what it will look or feel like. Closest was around my wedding, I was still considerably overweight (I'm only barely 5'2" on a good day) but it was my lowest adult weight since I graduated high school and I felt great. It was about 30 pounds away from my ultimate goal, but I then stopped trying for a variety of reasons and gained it all back plus interest. :sad:

    Last summer I hit within three pounds of the weight I was when I gave birth. And that was scary enough when I was pregnant. I whittled a few pounds off, but the real wake-up call happened around Christmas. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and decided to go in for a physical and get all the bad news (better to track progress and success, right?), and surprise, surprise- Diabetes. I had been flirting with that line for years (and over it when pregnant) so it was only a matter of time. But talk about a wakeup call. That is when I got more serious and started using MFP (again).

    So this initial goal of 100 will get me a bit below the wedding weight, since it's my best point of reference at the moment. I might need as much as 30-40 pounds beyond that, depending on how things are, but as you guys know, 100 lbs. gone would be an amazing thing in and of itself no matter how far beyond that you still need to go. If you are in it for the long (long, looong) haul like me, feel free to add.

    One more thing... we get enough judgment from people out there in real life. I'm on here to get and (hopefully) give support. If someone asks my opinion or help I try to be as straight and honest as possible but in the end you are you and I am me and we are all taking our own routes down the same journey, My point is... I don't care if you have had surgery or not, or if you are eating paleo, low carb, South Beach, WW, Atkins, Cabbage Soup Diet, Grapefruit Diet, Donut Diet, Avocado-and-Banana Diet, whatever. I don't care if you run marathons or can't get to the corner of your block without a rest. If you are eating 2,000, 1500, 1200 cals a day, it's all good. Even if you are trying to do it on 500 (good luck with that one, I've been there and it wasn't fun nor the smartest move I've ever made), I WILL NOT JUDGE YOU. (I WILL ride your *kitten* about it, but I won't judge you. Just saying.)

    DucklingtoSwan (Margaret)