"I didnt know I was Pregnant"



  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I know!! My pregnancy was completely unplanned and not thought of!! The only reason I even took a test is because my bf asked me to because we were leaving for Panama the next morning and he didnt want me partying or drinking at all if there was any chance I was pregnant. I was only like a week late and took the test and it was positive....needless to say that put a damper on Spring Break in Panama City!!! Our friends were going out partying every night and even sushi for dinner i couldnt eat it!! but I was having morning sickness by the end of the week! and that was only at like 5 weeks pregnant not to mention i was soooo tired!!! It was funny i was in one bathroom throwing up from a "virus" is what i told my friends and my best friend was in the other bathroom throwing up from too much RUM!! LOL now that is a spring break I will remember!!!
  • shastacrystal
    My co-worker's sister was a stripper (no joke) and she started having stomach pains. She went to the hospital and delivered a baby. She had no clue she was prego. The docs told her that she was carrying the baby behind her rib cage.

    I don't see how it is possible but it must be.

  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    omg that is crazy!!! and to be a stripper you have got to be in good shape!!! I wish I was so lucky to deliver a baby without getting the "Mummy Tummy" LOL
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I've noticed that most of the women on that show had been told that there was no way they were able to get pregnant, which explains a lot of it. I had a very uneventful pregnancy with my daughter, if we hadn't been trying for a year to get pregnant I don't think I would have known I was (besides not having my period, although my mom and friend had what they thought was their period for the first 3 months with their pregnancies). Also, being a larger person pregnant (I was 275 when I gave birth to my daughter) I didn't feel her move much, I remember seeing her moving around in sonograms and being shocked I couldn't feel it.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I always laugh when I watch the show. I always feel like you have to be 1) completely oblivious 2) in denial or 3) uneducated to not know that you're pregnant. I rarely believe anyone on the show can actually get to delivery and NOT know. Come on!:-P

  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I've heard two stories, but just vaguely. One person was really skinny and no one could tell. And the other one was really heavy. They both didn't know until it was time.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I don't see it nor agree....I know with both of mine I knew within a week or so of getting pregnant anxiously waiting so I can take an accurate test. And felt kicking and movement early on with both of them.
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    Yeah I saw one that I believed, but that was it. The girl was like, really early pregnancy and was robbed at gunpoint. She wasn't getting her period but when she told her doctor about the traumatic event to get some anxiety medication, he warned her she might feel nauseous, sleepy and may stop having her period due to post traumatic stress. She just didn't really gain weight and I guess that's how she made it through.

    Now another chick...she got pregnant and didn't know TWICE!!! That I really don't understand!
  • nmh1989
    If it wasn't for the big stomach and the positive pregnant test, I would not have known as the placenta was in the front. I hardly ever ha movement until about 33 or 34 weeks!
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    That is so fascinating that someone could be pregnant and not even get a belly....like i dont understand how you wouldnt see the baby popping out of your belly if it was flat....I know this is such a random topic but i was just interested in some personal experiences!! Thanks ladies!!

    My belly remained pretty much flat until about the end of the 7th month. Seriously, I had maternity clothes that I had to wear BACKWARDS, because the weight I gained was all in my butt.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Okay so this is crazy so i felt the need to share!!! I just heard from my mom tonight that my second cousin just delivered a baby on the 23rd and no one knew she was pregnant!!!---she apparently had a period the entire time she was pregnant and was extremely constipated and started having a lot of pain ( they thought she was empacted) so her parents (she is only 18) took her to the hospital and she had a baby!!!---She didnt even look pregnant and she was thin!!! What the hell!? i guess I am now a believer of the ladies on the show!!!
  • Kayla2284
    Kayla2284 Posts: 46 Member
    I am short and I was all belly so I was huge! Things hurt that do not normally hurt. Seems so weird to me. Maybe the people who dont 'know' they are pregnant are just in denial.
  • CarolHudson11
    Neither of my boys were planned, but I knew I was pregnant almost immediately with both of them. I only gained 14 lbs with the first one (he was 8 lbs. 2 oz.) and I gained 11 with the 2nd one (7 lbs. 6 oz.). For the first 6 months with Baby #1, my stomach was still flat. Of course, that did eventually change - a little later you could look at me from behind in my jeans and would have no idea that I was pregnant, but let me turn around - looked like I swallowed a basketball. Mine both kicked my ribs until I was sure they were bruised. And the HEARTBURN!!!! Ugh!!! LOL! I don't get it, but then again, who knows? Weirder things have happened I guess.
  • NZGeekGirl
    I haven't seen the show but as insane as it may seem to some of us I would believe a lot of those women are most likely genuine. If you have no reason to expect to be pregnant, if you still get your period, don't get a baby belly etc then why would you expect it to be pregnancy? Some women don't show, my SIL only "popped" after week 30, until then she was flat as. I was only 3 weeks ahead of her but I was showing with it being my second while in my first trimester. Different women different shapes.

    Also a lot of women aren't that clued up on their bodies, often they don't have reason to be with regards to pregnancy related stuff. Yes I've known I've been pregnant on or by my period due date but I'm very aware of body and what it's doing.